Site Feedback Lack of dedicated focus forum for stimulants and opiates?

theyre all valid points, quare. and youll find that type of encouragement/posts within many of the threads posted in OD. particularly things like the allergy testing, etc, in some main rc mega threads.

a harm reduction post framed around these points would be a great project in my eyes. it could be turned into a megathread of types.

im sure the mods wont objectify and would back such a project - as scag seems to.

id like to propose it be made a temporary, or at least highlighted, within OD for the whole community to throw in ideas that may otherwise get overlooked by just a single person draft? like has been done successfully with other similar type threads.

what say you, OD mods?
Definitely, thread like that cant be made 100% by me and everybody will be welcome to throw ideas, and I will edit the post.
good call, man :) great initiative as well to only further progress OD with another great HR thread!

im up for helping out wherever possible as OD was my little baby to run for a few years. im always glad when i see other member showing love for the forum expanding its horizons which is why im all too willing to throw in help.
Nice to hear that. Im not born english speaking so my text might contain some error so I hope someone with take care of this dull job of correcting my mistakes. I try my best though. They might aswell give me ideas of what to add to the thread.

I already made some paragraphs which contain this

- What are RCs
- History
- Risk involved
- Reducing the risk
- Dealing with bad reaction
- Brand chemicals warning

just an fyi that we don't allow mention of specific brands on BL.
theyre all valid points, quare. and youll find that type of encouragement/posts within many of the threads posted in OD. particularly things like the allergy testing, etc, in some main rc mega threads.

a harm reduction post framed around these points would be a great project in my eyes. it could be turned into a megathread of types.

im sure the mods wont objectify and would back such a project - as scag seems to.

id like to propose it be made a temporary, or at least highlighted, within OD for the whole community to throw in ideas that may otherwise get overlooked by just a single person draft? like has been done successfully with other similar type threads.

what say you, OD mods?

Yeah opening it up to the community is definitely something we can do. There are a lot of really knowledgeable people on BL when it comes to RC's and it'd be foolish not to get their input. We'll keep it UA'ed for a little bit as we gather information from other members and develop the thread. Then once we all agree it's ready to go, we'll throw it out there live and see what happens.
just an fyi that we don't allow mention of specific brands on BL.

No worry, Im not talking about any specific brand, like everything in my text its going to be general. Im talking about bath salt, incense and plant food. No names are mentions.

1 more thing, should I keep the History section ? Its intresting to know but there is no HR value and im not even sure that my sources are good.
Its always been in the back of my mind to ask why in the focus forums we have only MDxx, Cannabis, Steroids and Psycedelics to have their own focus forums and any other drug that does fit in that class goes in the other drugs forum...

The reason is largely historical. At first, there was just a forum for discussing MDMA. Later, OD was added to be a forum to discuss every drug that's not MDMA. If I recall correctly, PD then split off from OD (if I may speculate a bit, it probably had to do with PhreeX having little patience for anything psychedelic-related, as he basically started OD as a way to get opiate connections, lol). At first, cannabis was discussed in PD, then it split off into its own forum when PD started getting crowded with weed threads. SD was added way after the fact, not until like 2004 or something like that, and a bit randomly at that, I remember there was a lot of discussion at the time as to whether there was even enough demand to warrant the addition of a steroid discussion forum.

At least I'm pretty sure thats how it progressed, i'm mining the murky pits of the ol' memory there.
Yeah opening it up to the community is definitely something we can do. There are a lot of really knowledgeable people on BL when it comes to RC's and it'd be foolish not to get their input. We'll keep it UA'ed for a little bit as we gather information from other members and develop the thread. Then once we all agree it's ready to go, we'll throw it out there live and see what happens.

i think you misunderstood what i meant.

have a thread open to the public, which can be peer reviewed and cross referenced, then refined into a final copy megathread. use the initial thread as a scrapbook of kinds,
im not seeing much of a good reason why there shouldnt be seperate forums for each of the following: meth/amphetamine/stimulants/cocaine, opiates/opioids
benzos, and research chems

it would also make it easier for people's specific Q's to be answered... and it would be easier to manually sift thru threads looking for something. you wouldnt have to read thru everything else u arent looking for... that make any sense??
The OD mods never anwsered my PM for the thread I made so I put it into my blog.
The OD mods never anwsered my PM for the thread I made so I put it into my blog.
two of the od forum staff say they responded to your pm. you can pick it up with them again if you like.

Well I dont know if theres something wrong with my inbox but I never received any pm from any OD mods after I sent my first draft.

I definitely responded to you. I remember looking at your draft and it looked good to me. Have you updated it at all? Send it to me again if you did.
I did not update it, its in my blog.

Anyway, whats wrong with my inbox ?
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This has been discussed time and time again. The current prefix system was the compromise we decided on the last time this was considered by senior staff. The forum works well as it is, and you fragment the knowledge of our user base if you split the forum. Good injection technique is the same for methamphetamine or for heroin. Many users of these substances are polydrug users. OD has a relatively high level of discussion compared to some of the other focus forums, it would be a shame to disrupt that unnecessarily. The forum staff were strongly opposed to a split when I was on senior staff, I think that is probably still the case. With regards to the putative RC thread, we already have something in the PD Beginners' FAQ that covers the concept of a research chemical, plus info about scales and liquid measurement.
Damn its a pretty good thread there, I never seen it before even by searching with the search engine, anyway it doesnt suprise me because the search engine is pretty bad to find what you want. Anyway this stuff should be sticky in OD, no ?
See, it doesn't come up in OD because it's a PD thread. This is what I mean when I talk about the fragmentation of knowledge being counterproductive to our aims. The issues with the fucking search engine are well known; incremental improvements have been made, but it is still often better to use a google search with the prefix That thread really is tailored to psychedelics, a similar thread might be appropriate for OD. Forum staff should probably keep abreast of developments and ideas in other forums and develop a sitewide consensus on best practice, but hey, that's down to teh moderator kittiez. The Wiki project was intended to form a central repository of all the good knowledge, but when I left the project it was pretty much dead in the water and I imagine it still is.
two of the od forum staff say they responded to your pm. you can pick it up with them again if you like.


I sent an issue request in support forum, my inbox seems to work. Could those two PM be resend so I can see if there are further issues ?
^ we don't have access to your private messages. you'll have copies in your 'sent' messages so you can take care of resending them yourself...
