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Kundalini Awakening


Mar 18, 2010
Any tips on this here?

Since I've been going through this for about a month now. At first I didn't realise what it was. But last night I could feel this fire blaze up in my solar plexus and at first thought my adrenals had exploded. I was mad with stress and ego-feelings and thought "this is unbearable" and wondered if I was going to die.

Then I started instinctively doing stretches and contractions of the area, and it calmed down and started moving up, as I stretched out for a long time. Doing spontaneous yoga exercises is one sign of kundalini awakening and I also did a one and a half hour session of hatha yoga the day before which seemed to liberate some energies.

Now I have a lot of the symptoms, like hairs standing up on my body, being able to hold my breath for a very long time, and feeling waves of energy moving in and around me. It just caught me off guard as it's not something I've been aiming for.

But lately I've been taking a carpet bombing approach with prayer, meditation, yoga, detox, nutrition, study, contemplation (not to mention celibacy) so I guess it's bound to pay off.
I don't have personal experience with this Ninae, but I spoke to someone who has been through it recently and sounds like you're in for quite a ride. Her experience lasted about a year. Practices, practices practices! That's how she got through it and you seem to know this as well. To the outside world you're gonna look a bit hypomanic so be aware of that. You'll open yourself up to many kinds of energies so show a lot of discrimination and purify the guidance you ask for. Archangles feed the hierarchical mind and may be poor guides. Now that the energies are really flowing though it'd be wreckless to just open up the valve and see what happens. It can do damage to your body. The plumbing has to be able to handle it so I'd focus on that. One comment that really struck be is that if the energies get unbearable and you start to feel like you are losing your mind and your energies are all over the place, drive yourself to a McDonalds and pig out on fast food or something like that. I ain't joking, I've heard it said more than once — high fat, high sugar and low integrity diet will bring your energies down to tolerable levels if needed. I gladly differ any advice to someone who has actually been through it, but that's what I've gathered from talking and reading about it.

I'll keep it in mind if your energies on the forum get a little on the intense side. Best wishes
Yes, it has moved up from the ego or solar plexus and settled in the heart so I now feel peaceful. It's like I can draw energy up from the root center to the heart, then it flows down my arms, although I want to raise it to the crown so I can become more enlightened.

A few months ago I began doing kryas, or spontaneous movements, like yoga postures or stretching or contracting the inner muscles. Apparantly this is something that occurs automatically with all kundalini awakening. It's a way of releasing negative, personality-based energy from the bones and muscles to let in more light from the soul or higher self surrounding your human form.