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Opioids Kratom plus Tramadol


May 31, 2021
Would adding Tramadol to a typical 7 gram kratom supplement enhance the experience? Diminish it? How about reversing it and taking Tramadol 200/day for one week, is there any point to adding kratom, or is it just a waste?
I asked this question in the Tramadol thread but surprisingly no one answered.

Has anybody with a light to moderate tolerance found that taking these two together has an effect of potentiating or negating each other? Seems like they might be compatible given their oddball personalities as quasi-opioids
Taking tramadol and kratom in tandem has lead to the worst headache of my entire life. That's about all I have to say about that
Whats the sense? 200 mg of tramadol is enough for me. Plus I have the enzymes to convert them into odsmt. Now kratom would be a good aid to get off of tramadol. I used kratom to come off of trams and it worked fine for me. Do as you will but its one or the other for me. Be well my friend!