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Opioids Kratom Mega Thread V.4

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I've been taking kratom pretty much on the daily for almost three months now. My tolerance has gone up from about 9ish grams a day to usually 11ish grams and 2.5g doses instead if 2 gram doses. I can definitely tell I'm getting marginally less euphoria/stimulation from it, but it still works pretty awesome for me as a pain reliever.... It just seems like I should have built up way more tolerance by this point since I dose pretty much all day every day

So, does anyone think that small doses might just not be that addictive? Other opioids seem to skyrocket my tolerance in days... But this stuff just seems to maintain at a very level experience. Do I just have very lucky body chemistry?

I read somewhere that low doses primarily target delta receptors that are more analgesic, less euphoric, and less prone to tolerance buildup from excitotoxicity ( will look for source).

Any thoughts?
^^^8 months ago i started kratom, 5 grams and it did me well..i still only take 5 grams and it stil does me fine..i dont understand how some people keep chasing the high as when ive tried it, i just get nauseaous..the pain relieving effects are still very strong for me..
I used kratom daily for a while and could never use more than 6 grams or I'd get extremely nauseous and dizzy. Must be the stimulant alkaloids as I can definitely handle stronger opiates. My guess is that the stimulant alkaloids create a ceiling which can be very low for some people, thus limiting opiate alkaloid consumption and preventing tolerance from growing. I used strong tinctures/extracts as well, which felt much more opiate like/less stimulant like, and massively raised my tolerance to kratom. I used dried leaf powder daily for 2 months with no physical dependence, but within a few days of using extracts, I experienced moderate wd. I also think that in lower doses, the stimulant alkaloids possibly produce more euphoria than the opiate alkaloids, as I can still experience a good bit of euphoria with kratom despite having an opiate tolerance from stronger opiates and it definitely produces a different type of high for me. Individual sensitivity to opiates and stimulants is surely a factor too.
Hey everyone....I've been taking kratom for a few months now and am on a low dose....it has been effecting my appetite is that a part of usuage....also has anyone experience black out's with it....thanks
Yeah, lack of appetite is a pretty common side effect. If by black outs you mean memory loss, I can personally attest to having somewhat fuzzy memories of being on it, but I can still remember them pretty well. Haven't experienced any full memory loss from it. Maybe someone else will have more experience with it.
What kind of experiences have kratom users had with telling their doctor about kratom use? My current doctor isn't aware, but I'm going to have to find a new one soon. I'm debating whether I should disclose my kratom use to my next doc.
What kind of experiences have kratom users had with telling their doctor about kratom use? My current doctor isn't aware, but I'm going to have to find a new one soon. I'm debating whether I should disclose my kratom use to my next doc.

I wouldn't. As soon as your doctor finds out that it has opioid effects you'll most likely be treated as a junkie.
I wouldn't. As soon as your doctor finds out that it has opioid effects you'll most likely be treated as a junkie.

I've been using it instead of tramadol which is also an opioid that was worse for pain relief and way more addictive IMO. Not sure if that makes any difference.

I have well documented chronic pain issues, so I don't think he would think I'm a junkie for substituting one opioid for another... unless there's that serious of a stigma.
I've been using it instead of tramadol which is also an opioid that was worse for pain relief and way more addictive IMO. Not sure if that makes any difference.

I have well documented chronic pain issues, so I don't think he would think I'm a junkie for substituting one opioid for another... unless there's that serious of a stigma.

It's up to you but one problem I can possibly see with this is your doctor see's that you're self-medicating leading him to think that you are abusing your meds and running out early.
Thanks. I guess it's just about moderation... Like anything else lol

Don't know what this was in reference to exactly, but it fits into the context of what I wanted to write about in this thread.

So I've been using Kratom to kick suboxone, well, that's sort of a lie, I've been replacing subs with kratom. The first week, it was fucking awesome. I mean, kratom is an awesome leaf, a fucking opiate and a stimulant depending on how much or little you take? Very cool. However, like always I tended to go overboard, and in the last few days, I saw kratom's ugly side. This I now realize, is something I am completely responsible for, but would like to share my experience for other's sake.

For the first five days I had just purchased some head shop 'Maeng Da' and 'superior Malaysian' blends, the brand was 'Kratom Therapy', which actually wasn't bad. But anyway, I had one 50 count bottle of each (so 100 capsules). Because of this, I could only take so much because I didn't want to run out too early, so the max dose I would take was 7.5 grams for an opioid effect, and 3.5g for a more stimulant mood lift effect. However, last friday, I went all out and bought a kilogram of 'Red Bali/Indo', and this was the beginning of my four day 'kratom' binge. I found, as many do that Bali has more pain-killing effects, like a typical opiate, so don't you know, I began dosing 14-21g's 3x a day (as I HAD a whole Kilo). This worked good and well for about two days, and I was literally passing out at my laptop, in between blue light posts, and writing ridiculous offensive stories to share with the web. However, on the third day, I woke up, took approximately 21 grams with my morning coffee, and within half an hour, I felt the opposite of sedated, but was rather tweaking out, and experiencing weird visual effects that reminded me a bit of MDMA mixed with THC. Needless to say, I felt rather miserable as I was twitching uncontrollably to the point I couldn't hold a pencil, which is rather debilitating for me.

I had been under the impression, that lower dosages of kratom created a stimulant effect, and that in higher dosages it works like an opioid, which is true. I thought that what had happened was that I had simply raised my tolerance, so that 15g's created a speedy/twitch effect and that, logically, it would now just take larger dosages to get a nod on. I was wrong though. Yesterday, I consumed possibly 60g of kratom throughout the day, and felt fucking GOD AWFUL, similar to the sensation of doing a fat shot of crystal while simultaneously withdrawing acutely from a large benzodiazepine habit. Warped visual's, paranoia, aggression, feelings of electricity running down my spine, shaking to the point where I was spilling my coffee and dropping my cigarettes (and thought I'd mention, caffeine and tobacco made these symptoms MUCH worse). By night time, the more extreme effects had faded, but I still felt super uncomfortable, like I was stuck in an episode of the twilight zone. It was like what I imagine a 'tramadol high' to feel like, mu agonism with nasty sertonergic effects. I should also state that my face had gone from its usual pale white pallor to being flushed red, though I imagine this is due to my hep C compromised liver.

So all today I felt fucking god awful, and was so afraid to take more kratom, that I let myself go into withdrawal for a good eight hours, before, reluctantly taking 5 or 6 grams. Well to my surprise, I am now feeling pretty fucking good, the kratom's 'working again'. I guess that since I'd been using it for such a short period of time, waiting approximately 24 hours was enough to reduce my tolerance quite drastically. But the lesson I learned is that basically, somewhat like buprenorphine, less can be more with kratom, at a certain point. I don't know if that goes with all strains, but definitely with this Bali/Indo stuff I got, I'll be sticking to a dose between 3-9 grams, and only dose when I start to feel withdrawal symptoms coming on. I'm glad I didn't permanently fuck kratom up for myself, yet, because I think it's a really cool drug, when used correctly.
Don't know what this was in reference to exactly, but it fits into the context of what I wanted to write about in this thread.

So I've been using Kratom to kick suboxone, well, that's sort of a lie, I've been replacing subs with kratom. The first week, it was fucking awesome. I mean, kratom is an awesome leaf, a fucking opiate and a stimulant depending on how much or little you take? Very cool. However, like always I tended to go overboard, and in the last few days, I saw kratom's ugly side. This I now realize, is something I am completely responsible for, but would like to share my experience for other's sake.

For the first five days I had just purchased some head shop 'Maeng Da' and 'superior Malaysian' blends, the brand was 'Kratom Therapy', which actually wasn't bad. But anyway, I had one 50 count bottle of each (so 100 capsules). Because of this, I could only take so much because I didn't want to run out too early, so the max dose I would take was 7.5 grams for an opioid effect, and 3.5g for a more stimulant mood lift effect. However, last friday, I went all out and bought a kilogram of 'Red Bali/Indo', and this was the beginning of my four day 'kratom' binge. I found, as many do that Bali has more pain-killing effects, like a typical opiate, so don't you know, I began dosing 14-21g's 3x a day (as I HAD a whole Kilo). This worked good and well for about two days, and I was literally passing out at my laptop, in between blue light posts, and writing ridiculous offensive stories to share with the web. However, on the third day, I woke up, took approximately 21 grams with my morning coffee, and within half an hour, I felt the opposite of sedated, but was rather tweaking out, and experiencing weird visual effects that reminded me a bit of MDMA mixed with THC. Needless to say, I felt rather miserable as I was twitching uncontrollably to the point I couldn't hold a pencil, which is rather debilitating for me.

I had been under the impression, that lower dosages of kratom created a stimulant effect, and that in higher dosages it works like an opioid, which is true. I thought that what had happened was that I had simply raised my tolerance, so that 15g's created a speedy/twitch effect and that, logically, it would now just take larger dosages to get a nod on. I was wrong though. Yesterday, I consumed possibly 60g of kratom throughout the day, and felt fucking GOD AWFUL, similar to the sensation of doing a fat shot of crystal while simultaneously withdrawing acutely from a large benzodiazepine habit. Warped visual's, paranoia, aggression, feelings of electricity running down my spine, shaking to the point where I was spilling my coffee and dropping my cigarettes (and thought I'd mention, caffeine and tobacco made these symptoms MUCH worse). By night time, the more extreme effects had faded, but I still felt super uncomfortable, like I was stuck in an episode of the twilight zone. It was like what I imagine a 'tramadol high' to feel like, mu agonism with nasty sertonergic effects. I should also state that my face had gone from its usual pale white pallor to being flushed red, though I imagine this is due to my hep C compromised liver.

So all today I felt fucking god awful, and was so afraid to take more kratom, that I let myself go into withdrawal for a good eight hours, before, reluctantly taking 5 or 6 grams. Well to my surprise, I am now feeling pretty fucking good, the kratom's 'working again'. I guess that since I'd been using it for such a short period of time, waiting approximately 24 hours was enough to reduce my tolerance quite drastically. But the lesson I learned is that basically, somewhat like buprenorphine, less can be more with kratom, at a certain point. I don't know if that goes with all strains, but definitely with this Bali/Indo stuff I got, I'll be sticking to a dose between 3-9 grams, and only dose when I start to feel withdrawal symptoms coming on. I'm glad I didn't permanently fuck kratom up for myself, yet, because I think it's a really cool drug, when used correctly.

IME taking even just a day break does wonders for combatting tolerance, granted I've only been using for a few months at low doses (2-4g). I love the plant.

In many of the kratom forums, you'll hear people say that you need to find your sweet spot. This advice couldn't be more spot on.
yes I love it too, like right now I feel like I'm on crystal but without the paranoia and edginess, and the fear of insomnia. Kratom is the shit, now that I am aware of it's boundaries, I will try to respect them, as it's too fucking cool to ruin it, I can maintain, feel good, without constantly dreaming of shooting dope. Over time, if I were to taper my dose down, do you think I'd be able to achieve the more sedative effects at those dosages? I would like to make this kilogram last as long as possible, but I sometimes want to get a 'pseudo nod' on as well. Every speed and heroin user should know about kratom.
yes I love it too, like right now I feel like I'm on crystal but without the paranoia and edginess, and the fear of insomnia. Kratom is the shit, now that I am aware of it's boundaries, I will try to respect them, as it's too fucking cool to ruin it, I can maintain, feel good, without constantly dreaming of shooting dope. Over time, if I were to taper my dose down, do you think I'd be able to achieve the more sedative effects at those dosages? I would like to make this kilogram last as long as possible, but I sometimes want to get a 'pseudo nod' on as well. Every speed and heroin user should know about kratom.

My tolerance is going to be different from yours since I didn't switch from a different dependence. I've never taken opiates more than occadionally, but a few grams of green bali from a good source definitely feels very comparable to hydro. That said, 2 gs from a good source can easily be like 5 or more from a bad one.

I should probably warn you that I've seen reports of people who became almost completely tolerant after repeatedly binging high doses and/or using tinctures. Although most of us who keep it moderate have been able to maintain the uplifting effects without significant tolerance issues.

I always set a usage cap for myself on the day, so if i keep it low during the day, I can splurge a little that night. Idk how bad or immediate your wds are, but I try to hold off on dosing as late as possible, or I just take a small amount of white vein for a morning boost
I find that I need to dose at least 3x a day, now that I'm several days off of suboxone (was using approximately 2mg SL when I made the switch), today I took one table spoon at 7:00 a.m, a table spoon at 1:30, and 1 1/2 tablespoons at 6:00pm, the kratom I have is marked as Bali/Indo, and is a green color. These dosages are definitely reduced compared to what I was taking, and I feel a much smoother effect now, however it seems that 90% of the time, I get mostly stimulant effects. I noticed this started happening when I had discontinued the subs and replaced them with kratom for two days, and I wonder if it's because I'm in a real deficit in terms of unoccupied mu receptors? Or is this still the result of raising my Kratom tolerance too much? Either way, I'm going to try and aim for 1/2 table spoon dosages tomorrow, with 1 tablespoon in the evening. I'm trying to dose as infrequently as possible, but since I'm using it for withdrawals, I can only wait so long until I start to become very uncomfortable.

I've also read that Bali and other more 'sedating strains' tend to become more speedy at higher dosages, whereas more stimulating strands such as Maeng Da are more sedating at higher dosages. Either way I've only been taking the kratom for about a week, so if I continue to lower my dosage I doubt that I will ruin it for myself, I hope at least?
I've always had more sedating effects at higher dosages regardless of strain. And honestly, geographical source doesn't make much difference unless your paying well to get your shit from a well regarded, transparent vendor..... Most places will seriously just throw a mark on it that will upsell (at least this is what I've learned from researching the leaf).

And ya, I would think the change in effects are related to building some tolerance when you were taking heavy doses. The effects definitely seem to change with tolerance increases. That part blows.

Idk how easy it'll be to taper with the kratom, but for me, its like 1000x less addictive than tramadol.
I used kratom to get off subs recently. Did that for a month then got off the kratom, was sick bad for 3-4 days but a walk in the park compared to painkillers.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing now ^ I'm on day 5 I think without the subs, the kratom is working efficiently for me. I've lowered my dosages down, and this is what my regiment looks like:
  • 7:00 am: 2 tspns
  • 12-12:30pm: 2 tspns
  • 5:00 pm: 1 tbspn
  • 8:00 pm: 1 tspn

It's still more than I'd like to be taking, and today I slightly deviated and took more, but it seems like if I keep my dosages lighter during the day, and then take a tablespoon at night, I get some nice effects. I'm going to try for lower dosages throughout the day. The morning is hard because by that time I'm withdrawing fairly hard, so my natural instinct is to take a big dosage. I think I'm going to get a scale though, I'd like to know more accurately how much I take, cause this whole teaspoon/tablespoon thing is kind of weird. The source I got the kratom from said 1tbspn is around 7g though.

I've definitely learned my lesson though from dosing too much, those twitches are horrible, as is the anxiety, but otherwise, the effects of kratom are similar to buprenorphine or oxycodone (to a lesser degree). It's strange how sometimes a dose will actually get you pretty fucking buzzed feeling and then other times not do much other than get you well (though hey, that's a blessing that it can even do that). I'm hoping over time I'll be able to dose less frequently.

For those of you kratom novices, do you think it's better to do several smaller dosages throughout the day, or to do two larger ones? Another question; I've heard that while kratom definitely causes withdrawal symptoms like any other opiate, many people say that they are a breeze compared to most other narcotics, and that a lot of it is psychological. I've even heard some people say that quitting kratom is more along the lines of cutting out caffeine than kicking dope. Thoughts?
I am a former NJ ECP daily user who IVed regularly. An ibogaine trip 1.5 years ago to mexico introduced me to my current partner whom I live with now i. A cozy place in Redwood Mountains northern california. I stayed away from dope and oxy but i still use kratom daily for all the reasons i used dope. To wakeup in the morning, for energy, for focus, for pains, for social anxiety, for relaxation, for nodding, and believe it or not, for sex ( that never worked with doap!)

Znegative, i press my own capsules and i take 25 00 capsules every dosing just about. My sched looks like this

6:00am Dose 25 capsules (7 grams?) then eat then hit of California weed
12:00pm Dose 25 capsules then eat then hit of shatter

On weekends I sometimes take a third dose around 6pm.

If i want to nod or come close to nodding i will skip a day substituting with heavy gabapentin.
Gabapentin and weed combine with kratom very well and enables me to stretch out my kratom.

If i have had a good month i will celebrate with a darknet opiod, usually a pharmaceutical, or some tianeptine.
If you had read the post carefully you wouldve noticed i said that i pressed my own kratom. No shit capsules suck. Nice job registering an account on bluelight JUST to spam your bullshit kratom. Ive used the same vendor for over 7 years buddy, hes got the good shit, and your prices are shit too.

Its against bluelight rules for you to display how to source qny drug including legal ones like kratom. Can we get a moderator in here to smack this little bitch Stryker1975 around ?
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