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Kratom + MDMA??


Aug 23, 2015
I'm planning on going to a festival and taking a few grams of some maeng da kratom, then dropping M later that night probably like 3-5 hours later. Is this combo harmful at all? Any safety precautions?
I'm planning on going to a festival and taking a few grams of some maeng da kratom, then dropping M later that night probably like 3-5 hours later. Is this combo harmful at all? Any safety precautions?

Pretty sure you should be fine ive mixed em 2 times recently and there were no noticeable interactions.. you should probably re think ur timing tho. My friends and i use it on the comedown and it works wonders. wait till after the roll to take it and enjoy and wonderful no hangover day.
I'd steer clear and save the kratom for the comedown. I've taken kratom on mdma comedowns many times and been ok. I've researched this topic and come to the conclusion its bad based on two things.

1) reports of people on this board saying the combination was bad and cause a bad feeling

2) the pharmacology of kratom doesn't suggest it is wise to combine with mdma

I have also experienced a very bad over stimulated felling by combining kratom with amphetamine, which isn't too different from Mdma methylene dioxymethAMPHETAMINE
I use kratom daily and have rolled with it in my system plenty of times, it's smooth sailing. As mentioned above, though, you're better off leaving it for the comedown, as you probably won't notice the kratom at all while rolling.