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Kratom Kratom and Augmentin

Dec 17, 2022
Has anyone here ever had success with taking kratom with an antibiotic. Did it still let the antibiotic work? I asked here like a year ago & some people had different perspectives. I’m currently on Augmentin & I’m also withdrawing from tramadol & hydromorphone … I read an article a while ago that said that kratom can lower the effectiveness of some antibiotics but also read an article saying the opposite. I was going to try to just go without kratom to be safe but after three days of no tramadol, hydromorphone or kratom I kinda couldn’t take the withdrawals anymore so I took some kratom. I don’t know I just figured I’d ask to see if you guys have any experiences with this or any knowledge on the matter
The last time I took antibiotics for a tooth infection (I'm 75% sure it was cephalexin), I also took kratom daily and never noticed a change in efficacy for better or worse. Dunno if it's different with other antibiotics.
Hello my friend, I am hoping someone in here can help me. Basically, I live in England, and I need Kratom. Can anyone please help me get some. Or some tramadols.
Has anyone here ever had success with taking kratom with an antibiotic. Did it still let the antibiotic work? I asked here like a year ago & some people had different perspectives. I’m currently on Augmentin & I’m also withdrawing from tramadol & hydromorphone … I read an article a while ago that said that kratom can lower the effectiveness of some antibiotics but also read an article saying the opposite. I was going to try to just go without kratom to be safe but after three days of no tramadol, hydromorphone or kratom I kinda couldn’t take the withdrawals anymore so I took some kratom. I don’t know I just figured I’d ask to see if you guys have any experiences with this or any knowledge on the matter
Hi can you help me please.