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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Kratom - 10g - 1st Time


Jul 20, 2015
I decided to buy some kratom before the possible ban. I never used it before; I recently came off a year-long subutex taper, which I was using to help me get off of heroin, which I was smoking for two years on an every day basis causing my opioid tolerance to likely still be high now. With that in mind, I started off with 6 grams of Red Vein Borneo powdered leaf, and added another 4 grams about an hour later. The following write up has been written after the fact:

+0: I weigh out 6g's of kratom powder. Wow, a level teaspoon really is 3g, whodathunkit. I tried to go for the toss and wash method but missed the back of my tongue and coated my entire mouth and teeth. This powder has a terrible hydrophobic chalky consistency. Ugh. This better be worth it.

+20: I detect the come-up. Very subtle, barely noticeable. Probably as noticeable as the come-up of slamming a caffeinated drink really quick.

+40: Phil, meet kratom. Kratom, meet Phil. So, at first I thought it wasn't working, until I began to focus on everything. It's super subtle and almost non-existent, to the point that if I start doing something, I'll miss the fact that I'm high. The effect seems like it promotes background anxiolysis and mood lift without marked intoxication.

+60: Now knowing the nature of the substance, I deemed it safe to redose another 4g. I feel content, warm and a little fuzzy. There is a tiny amount of histamine release, and although its 72 in my room and I'm just in shorts and a cutoff, I feel fine (it's very cold for where I am located). For the last three months, I've been tortured by shivers and goosebumps hitting me the second the temperature drops below 76. This is a nice break.

I'm still high at the time of typing this report and it has been about 3 hours. Good legs on this stuff. Also of note is the fact that I haven't felt cold as mentioned - or had a sneezing fit - for the last few hours. In the last few months since I quit subutex, the only lingering symptoms are goosebumps and sneeze attacks. Those are gone, along with my desire to play the double kick petals with my feet every second. At first I was skeptical that the alkaloids in M. speciosa had any activity at the opioid receptors but I'm sold on it now that it's relieving my lingering subutex withdrawal symptoms. I would say though that most reports on the web are exaggerated. I've seen people write that what they feel is equivalent to up to several hydrocodones. At best, I'd say this feels like 5mg of hydrocodone.

Prospective first timers ought to note that their expectations should be carefully managed going into their first experience so they do not come out disappointed. This is not a fuck-you-up party drug. It is very light. If you have used enough opioids lately, you may not even feel it. But I can tell it will help with withdrawals, especially at the later stage when the crazy symptoms have calmed a bit.

I was antsy about getting high - cannabis barely gets me high anymore unless I eat a 250mg+ edible, and I don't really like getting drunk. In a less ideal world, that would have caused an eventual relapse on tar. For some people (or myself if the fates deem it so), that could mean injury, jail or death. Kratom can prevent that and change someone's fate entirely.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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I had used kratom as a maintance and it worked well at first. Sadly i started experiencing tolerance and withdrawals. Try not to take it daily and switch your strains up every now and again. Glad you had a good experience. :)
Thx for the info, wOw. Any suggestions on a sufficiently different strain for rotation (I have red leaf Borneo atm)? Also, can you characterize what your kratom withdrawals were like? From the lack of intensity of the high I'm predicting it wouldn't be very painful or long winded, and that a gradual taper will prevent it.
Its similar to tramadol withdrawal. Its not an intense opiate withdrawal but there seems to have ssri properties so you get some nasty paws like anxiety depression insomnia and brain zaps. If you taper you should be okay. I suggest trying Bali, red or green and Horne is good too.
Kratom is a lifesaver if you have a small habit. Right now I'm at 1.3mg/day buprenorphine and I have a half key of Bali leaf powdered kratom. Tip - cap it - ik it's a pain in the ass and you can only fit around.5g in a 000 cap (biggest gel cap). But - have you considered parachuting? cos ik if you have powder you can EASY fit 2-3gs per single ply of toilet paper - no disgusting taste sticking in your mouth either. All you need to do is peel a piece of toilet paper in half so it's a single ply in case you didn't know, and then throw up as much as you can basically swallow in a bundle that you wrap the tp in. So much less hassle than toss and wash - same effect. But I bought 500 g's in anticipation of the ban and to help with the jump off for a week or so as it is much weaker than bupe. Plus when I'm 100% opiate naive again I'm gonna have like a year of responsible fun - Cos as Phil amd WoWOmg said it is physically addictive - probably as much as around 25mg oxy a day at 8 g's . Remember - bupe is strong shit to the naive. I was clean off opes for 2 years and banged 3mg of Suboxone and was higher than heroin ever got me, with legs like a mamacita Latina- 36hr high. But I'd parachute my friend works wonders for anything oral only not already encapsulated. Sounds like we're in a similar boat ur just a few nautical miles ahead - I'm "uncuffing'' myself from this horrible drug by the tenth of December- all planned out to the t. I wish you luck.
Another opioid wd killer you could alternate cos they have entirely different mechanisms of action/ pharmacology is phenibut. My one friend quit heroin at a 100$/day habit just with it - but it is also addictive but much more mildly so like kratom than heroin or even bupe. You could cycle kratom one day and then none of you the next day, because they say the most you should take of each phenibut and Kratom is 3 times a week. That means you really only be cheating one day a week, would make your withdrawals even more minute I'd venture. And this was Chicago's finest Asian dope cos it cooked up 100% clear, no plant tannins like South American or Golden Crescent in Afghani dope or God forbid thay black tar poison which all cook tan to ice tea to midnight blackness in color and is therefore less pure even if you copped it from the source. This d my friend kicked with phenibut killed a veteran dope head acquaintance of mine with one 10 bag and phenibut got my buddy off that- all he had to do was go thru phenibut withdrawal and 6 days of continuous use of phenibut wd is nothing compared to bupe. Just two cents buddy. But if kratom alone works - go for it they also have up to 15x extracts of kratom so you could take
0.5g's to equal 7.5gs of leaf/powder - and that can EASILY be gel capped in two 000 caps at the most or parachuted like I said. I've been tapering off sub for less than you- 3 months but still - when the day comes I've got my metaphorical slug proof ready to wear and my AK ready to shoot the temptation. Idk if u believe in any form of an omniscient omnipotent being but if you do I'd find a copy of a bible and read 1 Corinthians 10;13 - I'm not preaching and am no Christian- but ik there's been something looking out for me cos I've been thru hell and back a thousand times. And not the biblical hell - heroin hell which is 1000x worse as you know. Good trip report tho - written well and informative and will hopefully help some folks out- nows the time to treat your body mind and soul right with nutrition exercise and positive affirmations as well as gratitude you've made it this far. Sorry if I come off preachy but I tell everyone going thru this kinda struggle to count their blessings - it really does give you a different perspective on things and help prevent relapse. Best of luck brother/sister :)
And also forgot to mention that Bali leaf is the most similar to opioid- but WoWOmg makes a good fucking point in switching up strains - might do that in addition to phenibut.
Glad it went well for you Phil!

I'd give it a try with another strain or type of Kratom before you decide on the intensity. Alkaloid amounts can vary wildly between not only strains, but origin as well. For example, Maeng Da kratom reportedly contains higher amounts of mitragynine, while other types have a more balanced ratio of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine (the more powerful opioid agonist). So while most kratom vendors will describe Maeng Da as "the most potent kratom," it might not actually have the alkaloid content you're looking for.

To keep your tolerance down, you should cycle between red, white, and green, and keep 2-3 days between use if possible. There are definitely people who use it every day, but you will certainly develop a tolerance that way.

In terms of the best experience, I really like to mix a green vein with whatever other type I'm using. White + green in the morning if I need to be productive at work or be creative during meetings. Red + green at night for just chilling out. Cannabis mixes really well; it enhances the physical body euphoria, but the mental stimulation still comes through (if it was white vein). Also, it's a great way to come down from a psych if (like me) you're not down with the idea of benzos.
And Bali leaf resembles opioids the most by the way but wowOMG makes a damn good point about switching of strains. I think I'm going to do the same in addition to using phenibut. Do some research on phenibut, I guarantee you that it will help you and it's extremely cheap. And very easy to find on the net as I know sourcing is probably is not allowed.
Oh, a couple more things:

I usually mix the powder with a small amount of water and then chug it all at once. It is a pretty gross taste, but you get used to it after a few times, and the water prevents that powder from clumping up in your teeth (shudders). Encapsulating it yourself should work too, just try to drink some water with it to help the powder dissolve in your stomach.

Eros mentioned the kratom extracts - I haven't tried them yet myself but they seem really interesting, and a lot more reliable in terms of content than normal kratom. They refine the alkaloids to > 90% purity and then mix it back in with a small amount of kratom. You end up getting around 150-250 mg/g of alkaloid content, compared to like 10-20 mg/g in the normal powder. Seems a lot better if it means I don't have to drink as much of that nasty powder.
Wow, thanks for the weatlh of information everyone! And Eros, congrats on the subutex taper! Let me know if you need help as I'm just a few feet further ahead on the same road.

Question about parachuting - so you put the ingredient in a square of single-ply tp, but are you supposed to ingest the tp too? Sorry if it's a stupid question!
I've definitely been eyeing out phenibut too. I'll continue my research to see if it's worthwhile - thus far it seems to be on par with kratom in a way - very mild effect, barely noticeable, but helpful with my situation. Would you say that sounds about right?

Edit: Wave, is your SN a reference to that line from Fear and Loathing?
You could increase your dose a little bit there is a ceiling effect. I use to take f-phenibut and it would make the effects of kratom more profound.