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Need Help Klonopin detox/taper advice


Apr 29, 2023
Hey guys first time post here, been using clonazepam 5 days a week roughly 0.5-1mg a day for 6 months after an extremely stressful period of my life, psychotic mental breakdown, suicide attempt, split with my partner of 10 years etc. I keep tabs of my use of everything in a journal out of OCD I guess after I c/t'd a year long 12-24mg a day xanax habit which was a living nightmare and ended up scarred for life from it and promised myself never to go through such a thing again.
Well here we are and i have not sure how I let this go on for so long even with my constant eye on it but what's done is done and I'm trying to get off of it now.
I use it on the weekdays then 2-3 days in between I'll use 30-80mg/day oxy and promethazine, which I am now on day 7 of cold Turkey.
I gauged I've lately used on average 0.5mg a night so the past 6 days I have dropped down to 0.25 using a pill cutter and so far has gone pretty smooth, went to doctor and because I wasn't prescribed these his answer was well we can't really do anything for you until you have a seizure (typical GP) he did prescribe me 5 2mg valiums which I plan to use at the end of my taper.
I'm hoping to drop down to 0.125 next week then switch over to valium short term.
Am I tapering too quick or should this be fine?
Have attached stat's of usage in past year (bear in mind december and January I was also using xanax and temazepam)
Stats- https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/aujrsXiMi3jR
Seems to be an outbreak of this on BL lately.
Let me compile some other threads on this and link ya to the official tapering thread.
Welcome to bluelight

Tapering support thread
The past 6 days I have dropped down to 0.25
See what happens and if stable do the 125mg for a while and assesses as you go.
Am I tapering too quick or should this be fine?
Only you will know this in the end. We will have different experiences of course but if you can stand the .25 why not cut that in half and see what happens. Ya got backup all ya need is a kick inda ass to get ya started. 😂
As all cases are different it would seem just don't freak out (as I will) when it is actually time to quit a substance... just makes it worse, IME.
Have you skipped any doses yet? Like wait til noon before dosing?
Cheers man, yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking guage my brains reaction to each drop in dosage and go from there.

I very rarely dosed during the day anyway and skipped 2-3 days a week so I'm only dosing once a couple hours before bed and taking a couple days off at the end of the week I think my dosing habits this past 6 months is pretty much going to be a big factor in how smooth this will go as I was never constantly on it even though I was never truly at 0 due to the long halflife. Hopefully it was enough to stave off dependence a little bit. Took what I eyeballed to be a little under 0.250 last night and knocked me on my ass like it was a full mg slept for 10 hours so tolerance has dropped for sure which is a good sign.

Yeah im doing my best not to overthink it and dwell on it too much as I know that will just spiral into panic and make it worse in the long run, I keep myself busy working and studying 6 days a week and meditate 20 minutes a day, eat healthy and exercise a lot and have a pretty good support network so most of the withdrawal symptoms don't really phase me too much they just seem to be what I would be dealing with without benzos, the main thing that worries me are the serious physical symptoms like seizures and that. If a doc was magically able to guarantee that I definitely wouldn't get them I'd just jump off right here and now but don't want to take the risk like I did last time with xanax looking back on it I'm lucky as hell I came out of that one with no serious consequences, although I wasn't sober from alcohol back then like I am now. The drinking mightve played a part in balancing out my gaba a little, but i refuse to touch another drop of alcohol
I very rarely dosed during the day anyway and skipped 2-3 days a week so I'm only dosing once a couple hours before bed and taking a couple days off at the end of the week
This is promising, in my opinion. If you can control dosing in this manner then personally I feel you have already beat the beast.
took what I eyeballed to be a little under 0.250 last night and knocked me on my ass
Are we dosing powder or breaking pills?
If the former; eyeballing can lead to some serious cognitive issues (from my own experiences lol but not funny :) ).
If the latter then the effects are proof positive that tolerance has dropped significantly and maybe there isnt as much "build up" of benzo in your system than one may think.
Sorry I hadnt replied to this before now there has been a couple crisis going on and I get distracted so easily sometimes.
I am with ya on that alcohol thing: Been bit soooo many times by it that I will go so far out of my way to steer clear of it as I must. That dog has a vicious and lasting bite.
Hope this finds you well an confident to accomplish your goal(s).
Hey guys first time post here, been using clonazepam 5 days a week roughly 0.5-1mg a day for 6 months after an extremely stressful period of my life, psychotic mental breakdown, suicide attempt, split with my partner of 10 years etc. I keep tabs of my use of everything in a journal out of OCD I guess after I c/t'd a year long 12-24mg a day xanax habit which was a living nightmare and ended up scarred for life from it and promised myself never to go through such a thing again.
Well here we are and i have not sure how I let this go on for so long even with my constant eye on it but what's done is done and I'm trying to get off of it now.
I use it on the weekdays then 2-3 days in between I'll use 30-80mg/day oxy and promethazine, which I am now on day 7 of cold Turkey.
I gauged I've lately used on average 0.5mg a night so the past 6 days I have dropped down to 0.25 using a pill cutter and so far has gone pretty smooth, went to doctor and because I wasn't prescribed these his answer was well we can't really do anything for you until you have a seizure (typical GP) he did prescribe me 5 2mg valiums which I plan to use at the end of my taper.
I'm hoping to drop down to 0.125 next week then switch over to valium short term.
Am I tapering too quick or should this be fine?
Have attached stat's of usage in past year (bear in mind december and January I was also using xanax and temazepam)
Stats- https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/aujrsXiMi3jR
Please check out the Ashton Manual created by Dr. Ashton decades ago and still stands true to be the most informed, effective way to SLOWLY reduce your dose, and I mean slowly, because if you don’t you will end up permanently fucking your brain up and will feel terrible for weeks, months, even years. Most drs don’t know what they are doing. I’ve been on them for a decade and need to get off but it is SO hard. Please definitely check it out, any psychiatrist or psych APRN should know all about this but most really don’t have real experience with benzos in so far as the extremely slow taper that is needed. I’m going through it now, you’re not alone!

This is the pdf version since it’s easiest to read
Thankyou man I really appreciate it, I actually studied the Ashton manual pretty hard ironically right after my cold Turkey off xanax.

Quick update I am now 29 days benzos free!!
The taper lasted around 5 weeks cutting around 50 percent each week and taking 2 day breaks per week before going onto the new reduction. Switched over to valium in the last 3 weeks and added 7.5mg mirtazapine each night in the last 2 while changing my benzo dose from a night time dose to a daytime dose.

I never planned to taper so quickly but it happened pretty much organically which is the best way it could've happened. I was down to 1.25mg valium and doing my 2 day break before my next dose reduction and decided to binge on some oxy after the second day (note i always refused to take benzos with oxy regardless of my high tolerance to both) well I had realised after my binge that I hadn't touched a benzo for 5 days and was like fuck it I'm already going to be in or close to acute withdrawals so may aswell make the jump. There was no build up no anxiety knowing I was gonna make the jump or anything as I hadn't planned to, it just happened and I think that helped tremendously.
Paired with the mirtazapine to help me sleep at night, perk up my appetite and stabilise my mood I felt kinda rough for like a week but honestly wasn't anywhere near as bad as what I was feeling during my taper. It wasn't a walk in the park by any means but God damn did I get of easy compared to how that could've went.

One of the main reasons for posting an update is during both times of quitting i spent alot of time on here reading all the horror stories and everything and all that did was make me feel so so much worse. Well here's a success story for people to read, it can and does happen, given the right tools, information and support people should feel empowered to undertake this challenging experience as the benefits of quitting far outweigh the negatives when approached correctly. If anyone is reading this and is going through a tough time trying to get off feel free to message me to vent or for advice, other than my own personal gain I would like something good to come of this and would be more than happy to help people on their own journeys. It's rough. It sucks but it's not impossible and it is so God damn worth it.

Ending note, fuck benzos
Thankyou man I really appreciate it, I actually studied the Ashton manual pretty hard ironically right after my cold Turkey off xanax.

Quick update I am now 29 days benzos free!!
The taper lasted around 5 weeks cutting around 50 percent each week and taking 2 day breaks per week before going onto the new reduction. Switched over to valium in the last 3 weeks and added 7.5mg mirtazapine each night in the last 2 while changing my benzo dose from a night time dose to a daytime dose.

I never planned to taper so quickly but it happened pretty much organically which is the best way it could've happened. I was down to 1.25mg valium and doing my 2 day break before my next dose reduction and decided to binge on some oxy after the second day (note i always refused to take benzos with oxy regardless of my high tolerance to both) well I had realised after my binge that I hadn't touched a benzo for 5 days and was like fuck it I'm already going to be in or close to acute withdrawals so may aswell make the jump. There was no build up no anxiety knowing I was gonna make the jump or anything as I hadn't planned to, it just happened and I think that helped tremendously.
Paired with the mirtazapine to help me sleep at night, perk up my appetite and stabilise my mood I felt kinda rough for like a week but honestly wasn't anywhere near as bad as what I was feeling during my taper. It wasn't a walk in the park by any means but God damn did I get of easy compared to how that could've went.

One of the main reasons for posting an update is during both times of quitting i spent alot of time on here reading all the horror stories and everything and all that did was make me feel so so much worse. Well here's a success story for people to read, it can and does happen, given the right tools, information and support people should feel empowered to undertake this challenging experience as the benefits of quitting far outweigh the negatives when approached correctly. If anyone is reading this and is going through a tough time trying to get off feel free to message me to vent or for advice, other than my own personal gain I would like something good to come of this and would be more than happy to help people on their own journeys. It's rough. It sucks but it's not impossible and it is so God damn worth it.

Ending note, fuck benzos
What an encouraging post. Thank you for that. Hope and accomplishment is not lost and/or unattainable after all.