Mental Health Klonopin detox, pain, no solution


Aug 11, 2017
Today is my sons 10th Birthday, one year anniversary of my best friend (daughters God Mothers overdose) and both are in heaven. I am about to be homeless (housing crisis here- 90 day no causes are non stop in this city- about 30 days left with no solution). I went through a violent, traumatic situation not long ago. My career in theater, counseling and now my ever going to finish my doctorate in neuroscience won't EVER happen. The long winded part...
My physician in Portland Oregon was looking to validate her zealous request to get my off my prescribed klonopin for nuerological condition.
My physician prior to her I made a formal complaint to medical board. In a year I met him once, he works at a clinic that deals almost exclusively with addicts (I'm in long term recovery). I transferred to him when the physician I loved had dear friend get hired on care team (conflict of interest as she would have to be my Dr when mine was out and review my file etc)
I filed with medical board as he landed me in an ambulance 3 times in that year for errors with my medication. The day I met him was day before I met my new Dr. (3 month wait for the 'new one')
I was on a pain contract at the old one. 6 mg per day of klonopin (that clinic doesn't prescribe controlled- I have special case)
When I met him I'd been out of my clonazapam for couple days but I couldn't stand him and knew I was meeting 'new Dr) next day. December 2016.
She wrote my script, offered pain meds (didn't take) and I stupidly didn't notify my former office. They check drug monitoring system and I violated that for not telling them I left clinic. He eventually caught onto my complaints with administration, med board and calls my Dr.
My addiction WAS NOT hidden from here. Ever, I've been clean gears. When she brought up call I told scenario unaware that they went to med school together, worked together and are in one anothers FB photos.
I have NEVER been on contract with her. She kept writing in my visit summary 'violated pain contract' I fought until I was transferred to a PSYCHIATRIC nurse practitioner to deal with my medication.
He put me on contract and was going to fill medications after UA came back. First I find out that he claimed 'failure to leave a UA' 5 days after I handed it to the lab in front of 4 staff I know by name. Fought this. Finally I had chance to retake a UA (Tuesday). To get a TAPER.
The lab (no joke) used a standard dipstick for benzos. So no taper as "I'm not taking"
I worked in the field I know that klonopin would not be picked up. I know this is long but I am scared.
My pain condition 60 percent of us commit suicide. Klonopin was how I had a tiny bit of quality of life (with 12 other medications and multiple brain surgeries)
Clean over seven years and now have 3 'broken pain contracts' I was on 6 mg about 5 years and by time of this cold turkey detox I was taking 4 for a week (excess from years of high dose)
I am a Mother and my health is making me have Dad take her. I planned trip to Disneyland end of the month (with parents). Also have highly progressive MS so only way I could do it. My plane tickets insured as I was prepared for financial/physical hits for me. Not this but clearly can't go.
I won't win this fight with a new Dr. She also reflagged me, put my substance abuse disorder on office visit month ago and other Dr. flagged me.
Thing is I stayed clean by telling my Doctors. Always.
I went 11 years undiagnosed and finally had perfected how to parent- I cut out everyone, had her 70 percent of time at the most. I recovered from brain surgery WITHOUT opiates. I had to lower pain a bit and not lose myself to parent.
I have no idea why I'm clean. I have no idea why I'm alive. It's 48 hours without klonopin and I'm in really extreme pain. I'm flagged everywhere (I put Substance abuse disorder on MY RECORD 7 years ago- helped me stay clean- reflagged I'm screwed)
I moved 2 minutes away from a hospital 2 years ago. Nature of my illnesses and medical screw ups the ER doctors know me.
I am on GABA (max dose) already and deathly allergic to most antiseizures. I am a seizure risk.
I am not going to survive this. If I get through the detox I have to live with pain this extreme again. I was still hitting level 10 pain on it couple days a week- huge improvement from prior.
My pain will increase, drastically, when rain returns. I know that this isn't concise.
I'm going to have a grand mal (I hope honestly) or will relapse. Things have changed drastically from when I got clean and klonopin isn't readily accessible on interwebs.
I have no clue what I would relapse on (I talk to no one) so see no reason no not go get vodka at least.
*maxed my 90 day cap on inpatient mental health via Medicare. Used a lovely place which has a pain program for addicts 8 times while clean.
*I can't physically tolerate a traditional psychiatric hospital.
#sorry so long. I am a mess. I always, always see a solution. This time- I don't have any. Not long term with a hint my quality of life won't be constant torture.
Hello and I deeply apologize for your situation. You sound like a survivor, and you should be proud for how hard you have fought all your conditions in this life. I wish I knew a solution or had a way to help you with what you need, unfortunately I can only offer words of encouragement. I know just words aren't worth very much, I just hope that a solution will come to you or you can find a doctor that will help you with what you really need to find pain relief. If I may ask what are your options right now? Is there anyway to be open with a doctor to try to cut through some of your flags? Are they permanently on your record? Can you rely on your family for support through this difficult time? Sorry for all the questions I am just trying to think of things. So I wish you the best and hope that some positive energy comes your way and things will get better, hang in there!
Thank you. It takes years for Drs. to trust a patient. I fought for that and now that I lost it I will likely never be restarted. Too dangerous.
Honestly my health has sucked so much everyone's drained.
Thank you for your reply.
I know it's against the rules to source, so I'll just say that benzos or its analogs aren't as hard as you think to find online (I don't know any sources and never will, it's something I've never done). Whether or not it's worth the trouble for you is another thing.

I know you're well-versed with the healthcare system, but is there a possibility that you can visit another clinic for your condition? From my understanding, it is your discretion to reveal your past medical history to a new physician.

I've got nothing else to say but I wish you luck. Life threw you in a meat grinder. Sending you good vibes, I know how awful it is to run out of what you need. I'm sure your family will do their best to take care of you. Also that guy's an asshole!
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Thank you so much.
It got much worse but thank you for letting me know strangers care.