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Kid dies of MDMA overdose at 1g?


Feb 27, 2014

It's the daily fail so, it's all probably riddled with mistakes....
The file picture doesn't look like any MDMA I've ever seen before....

But autopsy and corona would seem certain in cause of death as OD.

Thought you would have to ingest a lot more than 1g to OD (plus paper makes it sound like they all chipped in to buy the gram, so would share it?!)
I've read in the local news that a couple of teens died at Hard @ the Pomona Fairplex. I live really close by there and I've been to Hard before, but not at this venue. It really sucks to hear about.

But I don't like how they initially blamed the deaths on mdma when there isn't any proof yet. I'm betting that it wasn't, and once again it was something being passed off as mdma. Autopsy reports are pending, but I wonder if they'll release the data to the public (esp if it turns out that it wasn't mdma). Now city officials are looking to ban all festivals in LA county.

From my own perspective, it doesn't make much of a difference since my friends and I don't go anymore, but the whole principal of shutting it down kind of sucks. The fault lies in the stupid dealers (presumably) still not testing their shit, and the kids not sourcing correctly. Like it was said in several articles, this can happen anywhere, not just raves/concerts. Banning won't change anything, but education on substance use will. It's also the RAVE act's fault too.

Anyway, I'm very curious to know what the actual cause of death was, and I hope no more deaths occur from any substance at all.

Edit: Oh, and I forgot about combinations too. They can certainly cause death if they aren't safe combos. Sigh...gotta know what you're doing with these substances! Sucks...
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I've read in the local news that a couple of teens died at Hard @ the Pomona Fairplex. I live really close by there and I've been to Hard before, but not at this venue. It really sucks to hear about.

But I don't like how they initially blamed the deaths on mdma when there isn't any proof yet. I'm betting that it wasn't, and once again it was something being passed off as mdma. Autopsy reports are pending, but I wonder if they'll release the data to the public (esp if it turns out that it wasn't mdma). Now city officials are looking to ban all festivals in LA county.

From my own perspective, it doesn't make much of a difference since my friends and I don't go anymore, but the whole principal of shutting it down kind of sucks. The fault lies in the stupid dealers (presumably) still not testing their shit, and the kids not sourcing correctly. Like it was said in several articles, this can happen anywhere, not just raves/concerts. Banning won't change anything, but education on substance use will. It's also the RAVE act's fault too.

Anyway, I'm very curious to know what the actual cause of death was, and I hope no more deaths occur from any substance at all.
I'm willing to bet it was PMA, which is absoloutley lethal and most deaths i the UK because of 'ecstacy' or 'MDMA' is because of this substance
Well, while 1g might not outright kill you, it could very well cause a heart-attack, ruptured blood vessel in the heart or brain, fatal overheating, embolism,... you're much more likely to survive, yes, but it's certainly possible to die when you ingest a full gram of pure MDMA at once. He was only 17 and though the picture doesn't show much, he doesn't appear to be particularly big. If it was PMA, the coroner is lying, because the autopsy showed high levels of MDMA, or so they told the media. PMA would have shown up as PMA I think, since they do blood, urine and tissue samples to get those levels. I once saw what 800mg at once (mistakenly taken) did to a mate of mine who is very small. We called an ambulance. He didn't die, didn't even really come close to dying, but he was periodically convulsing for 2-3 seconds, pale as a ghost, he stopped sweating at one moment (which really worried me) and was talking absolute nonsense, like alien language stuff. I called an ambulance when he started slipping in and out of consciousness for a few minutes (nodding)

In any case this is very very sad :( only 17 and just looking for a good time. RIP and I hope the family gets through this in one piece. If there had been a leaflet at the rave that said "a normal dose is 150mg" he might still be alive, a simple stupid piece of paper.
1g would be low for an mdma overdose. people have survived larger amounts and the ld50 should be somewhere around 3g. while, like bluebull said, complications are surely possible at this dose but also in much lower doses if you don't follow the guidelines (concerning cooling down and water) or have an underlying health issue (aneurysm, herg-channel mutation, ...), i suspect that it's overheating like most mdma deaths. the media always say it's an mdma overdose when people die of overheating because they don't know basic harm reduction information...

If it was PMA, the coroner is lying, because the autopsy showed high levels of MDMA, or so they told the media
is the daily mail is like the tabloids we have over here, then it might be not only possible but very likely that the coroner said something completely different than what the papers then proceed to write.
someone could overdose on a gram of mdma easily. Some people could survive; however anyone genetics are different. One person might be handle a certain number while another cannot. Always start low and be educated
is the daily mail is like the tabloids we have over here, then it might be not only possible but very likely that the coroner said something completely different than what the papers then proceed to write.
Ah, I actually just assumed it was a newspaper website, though sometimes even that doesn't mean all that much, didn't realize it was a tabloid. Perhaps best not to take it at face value then indeed. Another prime example of being grossly uninformed: covering someone OD'ing on 'MDMA' (deadly, dangerous or not, 1g is an overdose, so is 200mg for some. An overdose doesn't need to cause harm or death to be an overdose) with blankets to keep him warm, fuck me :\
Haha, we all know the media these days; sensationalism at its finest when it comes to substances. Actually everything if I'm not mistaken, lol.
Yes the daily mail is a newspaper that has more in common with a tabloid. It's not written very well and often sensationalised for effect.

I agree with the complications brought on from a large dose of MDMA sounds more likely, however, you would assume that would be stated as the cause of death - not OD?!

Plus who "chips in" to buy a gram and then consumes it in one go?! You would share. if you'd never done it before and asked your mates how much to take, I highly doubt they would all be taking a gram as the norm - wtf does that?!?!

Anyways whenever I read something like this it worries me, because I don't feel like I'm being told the truth. And although I've have taken MDMA in the past for a couple of years, it makes me worry that this kinda shit could happen to me next time I ingest it!

It's only been recently that the papers over here have started saying pma/pmma instead of the generic "ecstasy", but harm reduction and correct information still has a long way to go.
I think the authorities are scared accurate information (ie it was pma not MDMA that killed someone) will strengthen people's believes that MDMA is safe.
Funny thing is, if correct harm reduction is given, then it can be. No drug is ever 100% safe, but neither should it be Russian roulette!
Mdma overdose leading to death is definitely possible under certain conditions. That's a crap load of it too, and though we can't rule out possible adulterants and what not, it still doesn't mean mdma is harmless. Some people are more susceptible than others.

Really though, unfortunately this happens pretty often. I'd even go so far as to say there's always a high chance at least one person ends up dying at every huge festival. It's actually messed up to say, but I saw comments from people that would say something like "14,000 people went? So 1 out of 14,000, I like my chances."

Anyway, I've read so many articles where the writer seems grossly misinformed about the subject. So I take it with a grain of salt when the info is scarce. I won't take the authors word for it, but I'll take a quote from a coroner.

If people took the necessary steps to ensure safety, then it wouldn't be happening so often. But some kids don't follow any safety rules and the government doesn't condone harm reduction either. (Shows how much they care about saving lives, imo).

Another huge thing I have to point out is that a LOT of people die from alcohol and tobacco every year. So why isn't that sensationalized the way illicit substances are? It's actually kind of ridiculous.
MDMA can and has killed people. According to news papers in my country it doesn't even have to be all THAT much. Supposedly 16 year old kids taking their first pill have died from a single 200-250mg "super" pill (white dominos when they first were about). I think in these cases it's not the MDMA that's directly to blame, but lack of practicing HR techniques. Things like drinking too much (water/alcohol), dehydration, not taking breaks to catch your breath and dancing too much and combinations with other drugs/contaminants are what contribute to these deaths. Then again it's the UK press, they don't publish articles every week about how many kids drank themselves to death over the weekend as that's a legal and hence -safe- substance ;).
Yeah, there are a lot of those >200mg pills out nowadays. They seem to have came out of nowhere, at least from my perspective. Even though I'm impressed with it, it's still a bit much for people that are new to it.

The east of the Atlantic does it hard too (mdma). A lot of the presses originate from there, and have been for a long time.

The thing that sucks is the culture when it comes to safety. BL is almost like an anomaly, at least from my own observations. Most partygoers don't exhibit safety measures and behavior towards it, and that's something that needs to change.
Tens of thousands of people die from Alcohol annually and Cigarettes kill more people than all other drugs combined, in fact more people die from 2nd-hand tobacco smoke than from all hard drugs combined, but it doesn't make news headlines.
A lot of it has to do with purity. There is no way I would willingly ingest 1,000mg of pure MDMA.HCl at one time.
for someone without a tolerance 1g is a overdose for sure...you could do 1g in a day with a tolerance but no way all at once