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Dissociatives [Ketamine Subthread] Isomers: R and S Ketamine

Ha, my confusion about ketamine isomers continues.
In any case, the type I have most experience with - usually advertised as S - is very sedating, makes thoughts move slow, hard both to move physically and to communicate in any meaningful way. Gives deep holes. This has been needlelike crystals. However, the subjective effects are not far off from the racemic K I've been given IV at a clinic, and I'd sort of come to the conclusion that the difference between S and racemic wasn't as big as online discussions had led me to believe. What I had this last time though was quite different, with very little sedation and almost more of a stimulating edge, and could indeed have been something different altogether.
I have also tried what's been sold to me as R-ketamine, which generally gives much more physical impairment and weird gravitational sensations, and less of a mental trip. This has also been in the form of needlelike crystals.
When what I've gotten has been advertised as racemic the crystal grains have had that more square/rounded shape.
To confuse things further I've also had something where isomer was not specified, that came as white chunky powder, gave a much less pleasant high that seemed to last quite short and which I decided was probably not ketamine at all.

Ah I think I see the discrepancy, IV ketamine is MUCH more potent than intranasal. Racemic ketamine IV would be hard to compare to S-K snorted or even IM.

I too have noticed racemic has more square crystal grains like you describe. Never had a chance to try R-K knowingly.
