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Kava Kava

Banga: Alcohol + Kava is not a good idea. If you drink Waka grade Kava and mix it with alcohol you are bound to throw up... Those people that say it has little effect musn't have tried good quality kava. It certainly does have a noticeable effect when you do it properly....
For all the people complaining about the taste i can't stand to choke it down the normal tea but with lots (and lots) of cadbury hot chocolate powder and milk aswell as hot water i reckon it tastes really good better than hot chocolate on its own. That said i find the effects of kava kava unimpressive and haven't touched the kava kava i've got lying around for a year.

I do not enjoy the taste, it tastes just like concrete powder. Literally. I doubt anyone here has tasted concrete powder I did not taste it by choice but it was a concreting job gone wrong!

However I have felt Numb Legs and lost feeling to my feet. (just kava) and it also trebles the effects of alcohol. So don't drink copius amounts of Kava and Alcohol at the same time, otherwise you will get Very FUKT up!

if I have a 1kg bag of Kava powder, what are the chances I will get pulled up flying from Brisbane to Sydney?

I know it's legal, but would I still get pulled aside for it?
You cant smoke it :)

I used to drink it a lot, it makes you body stoned and you cant move. Its legal here and can be purchased at most milkbars
Just giving this one a little bump for anyone contemplating Kava Kava.

On Friday night, mixed up some Kava using a method I based on the consensus of info I had read from various sources. Drank the mixture on a reasonably empty stomach.

Basically, it did fuck all except numb my mouth and make my legs tingly from the knee down. That lasted for about 45 minutes, except for feeling rather tired, it was business as usual from that point on.

Didn't really have any of the eclectic dreams I read so much about, howver I did sleep heavily and for a long time the next day. In addition the next day I did notice some extreme irratability at simple things that I would normally just shrug off.

In summary, I wish I had two pairs of arms so I could give Kava Kava 4 thumbs down! :p
Man, I can't believe so many people are ragging on Kava. I don't actually mind it, its not a great drug to combine with other things, especially alcohol, as others have said. I've found on the occasions I've drunk it, sure it doesn't have a pleasant taste (mostly I stirred the powdered material into chocolate milk) but if you drink it fast it's not too bad, and there's certainly a lot more to the effects than just feeling sick and/or getting numb lips. I find it's pretty similar body-feeling to being well stoned, but without so much mental effect apart from extreme relaxation and a feeling of lucidity.

BZP TFMPP : You can actually smoke Kava, but it requires doing an alkaloid extraction using something like acetone, its on erowid.

Don't ever smoke it without doing the extraction. ;)

-plaz out-
^ I just didn't get it. Was expecting the body stoned feeling as that was what I was reading a lot about from the reports, but just didn't happen. I did get a strong feeling of relaxation, but no more than say just laying around on the couch watching TV. My main problem was the work to benefit ratio, the preperation was quite messy and tedious.

Maybe I need to extract it and smoke it ;)
There's a special Kava specialist place up in Cairns that serves you Kava shots, drinks and its got pool table, etc. :)
^ Yeah same with in Adelaide, its got a nice little chill out area.
lost_boi said:
I bought a 200g of crushed kava root form an inidian shop last week. it was in the same aisle as all the herbs and spices etc. i wont name the shop or where bu they charged $9.95 for the 200g and there were was probably about 10 packs on the shelf.
its ok, mildly relaxing as a tea. tastes and smells abit like some chinese herbs.
i did find though that it made me more tired the follwing day, lots of yawning. i did have a few small cups of a strong mix though.

IMHO not very recreational. oddly enjoyable though.

Nothings changed since then.
It makes you tired the next day (similar to an opiate hangover). tingly legs and a numb tongue.
Any it wasnt exciting enough for me to go back for more, in fact I'm sure the same pack i bought then is in an airtight container in the pantry somewhere.
Anyway, fun to play with now and then but not really worth it for any recreational high.
A FOAF thought it was going to be the best drug ever when reading the effects on the side of the packet when holidaying in Fiji so brought back enough powder to make about 350 litres of the stuff without trying it first.

Now they have what they call an unlimited supply of dirt potion: Looks like dirt, tastes like dirt and has the effects of eating wet dirt ;)

I've yet to try it....
Urbanhog said:
There's a special Kava specialist place up in Cairns that serves you Kava shots, drinks and its got pool table, etc. :)

Not anymore there's not.....

Sorry to have to re-open this thread.

I had been showing a lot of interest in trying some more legal substances. Why not try Kava i thought. I hear about mixed experiences, some say it does shit all, some say it is pleasantly relaxing. I guess this would depend on dosage.

Sounds ok. Many have warned about its terrible taste. I didnt think it could be that bad. Fuck i was wrong. I served up a decent dosage with a fair amount of liquid, honey and chocolate. All the fucking around with the prep and then putting it all down was a different story. Definetely not worth all the fucking around. Worst tasting shit ever.

Anyone thinking of trying the shit, dont bother.

I would rather a shitty tasting cactus brew anyday. At least there is some effect after all the hassle.
In my opinion, for the people that have had little-to-no success with Kava-Kava, you're either using the crushed plant material (that usually doesn't contain as much of the "roots and bark" material as it should), or you're simply not using enough.
It's a damn cheap plant and pretty easily found in most herbalist stores, but these places usually sell the poor quality commercial crap that doesn't contain a high amount of Kavalactones (ie: the psychoactive that induces the sought out intoxication).
Ohh and for the record, Kavalactones are thought to act on the GABA neurotransmitter in the brain, which is responsible for the sedating and calming qualities of the high. I also read somewhere that there's thought to be Dopamine ataganonistic effects in the brain.

If you do make the tea successfully, I highly recommend not skulling it like the Fijiian natives try to encourage, as this is probably why you're feeling sick and nauseus which is possibly over powering the enjoyable buzz produced by the tea. Drink slowly. It's an acquired taste, it really is.

In my experience, mixing it with alcohol will tend to make you feel more rotten in the morning, much more so than if you were to just drink alcohol alone and there really shouldn't be any lasting effects into the next day. What I experience is a mild (similar to an Opiate afterglow) refreshing awakening, that leaves you feeling peaceful and chilled for the rest of the day. Nice feeling.
If you feel the need to mix anything with Kava-Kava, I highly recommend combining Cannabis, we all know that weed is pretty well reknown for having great synergistic qualities and can really bring out the intoxication of a mild psychoactive.

I think the main thing I enjoy about Kava-Kava, is it's muscle relaxant properties and the clarity that ensues, not to mention the mild visual "glowing" effect, not dissimilar to the one produced by a low dose of alcohol.