Juvenile Drug Court


Aug 15, 2008
Does anyone else have experience with this program? I need advice on how to deal with this, many of my friends have told me Drug Court sets you up to fail and makes it so that the penalty for one's crime can be way worse than it should be for the actual crime commited. I've heard that they can lock you up for over 5 months if it gets bad enough, even though I was only charged with theft of <200$.
Advice on how to handle this shit would be greatly appreciated.
I have past issues with hospitalizations for emotional problems and an overdose, and the judge had me reviewed for drug court after the disposition hearing, I took a urine test and tested positive and the judge said that i was "out doing all these drugs and breaking the law to get my drugs, drug court may be the only program that could possibly set this delinquent straight". Ironically, every one of my peers in drug court have had the exact same judge except for one. The said judge seems to favor the drug court program, for some reason. I think it's ridiculous given the fact that they can make the penalty so much harsher than it would have been if drug court were not involved.
Yes, but if you have the opportunity to have the charges dismissed then IMHO it will be worth it. You have to be willing to stay on the straight and narrow, however.

Is the theft charge a misdemeanor or felony? Where does the five mos. of jail time come from? If you use while under their supervision? What does your attorney say?
As a juvenile, you will have to do whatever the judge tells you. He will take recommendations from your attorney, as well as the state attorney, but ultimately the decision is up to him.
Dude they locked me up for 8 mounths for fuckin up on my probation. Dont smoke weed thats how i got cought up.

[No advice on beating drug tests, thanks :) -- tobala]
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