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Just pulled off a major manoeuvre.


Jul 8, 2021
Sooo my mother announced that she's cooking (we share kitchen duties) and we're having pork with onion sauce for dinner today. Unfortunately for me the onion sauce is made with brandy.

Being a drinker on insufficient amounts of beer (as my consumption gets frequently commented on which kinda spoils the enjoyment) I regularly resort to whatever other alcohol is in the house even though I dislike the taste. So our 'brandy' a mere week after it was bought has consisted of nothing but water with a dash of soy sauce for the correct colouring. I had rather hoped it wasn't gonna be used (since it's only rarely used) until my next payday when I would be able to afford replacing this with actual effing BRANDY. Well no such luck.

I therefore 'generously' volunteered to look after the dish for 10 mins so my mother could 'take time off her feet' . I proceeded to pour the whole revolting mess which by then was stinking to high heaven (thank fuck her sense of smell seems to be going with advancing age) through a sieve, rinsed the onions and put them back into the pan with butter, paprika and some champagne for that alcohol taste. Tbh they still don't smell quite right and I'll be steering clear of most of them.

Oh yeah and the vodka is plain water and the port is water with some red food dye. Thankfully no dishes planned with either just yet. Fingers crossed.
Reminds me of how I found DXM and codeine in a medicine cabinet which wasn't mine and replaced them with water. Not the friendliest move but I fully understand you.
Oh yeah and the vodka is plain water and the port is water with some red food dye. Thankfully no dishes planned with either just yet. Fingers crossed.

Capitol show, Old Boy! You will let us know how your little caper turns out?
…because stealing alcohol from your parents and replacing it with water is the behaviour of a 13 year old.
Ok Boomer, lol.

No, it’s the behavior of an addict/alcoholic, one without the means to live on one’s own (like so many of our generation, I believe statistics state that fully half of us are living with our parents, even at late ages. For which you may blame the economy, not the individual.)
Ok Boomer, lol.

No, it’s the behavior of an addict/alcoholic, one without the means to live on one’s own (like so many of our generation, I believe statistics state that fully half of us are living with our parents, even at late ages. For which you may blame the economy, not the individual.)
Looking at your picture I’m guessing that I’m younger than you.

Blame the economy….lol.

If they are an addict then i absolutely have compassion for that behaviour ❤️ they implied it was for other reasons though
Also occasionally all that's left to you when trying to avoid major conflict if you're living in the same household way past the age where you should have been.

LOL Wut? Sponging off of your parents is a proud and time honored tradition. Do you even care? Do you even care about America? If so you will CONTINUE TO SPONGE OFF OF YOUR PARENTS UNTIL THEY TOSS YOU OUT.
LOL Wut? Sponging off of your parents is a proud and time honored tradition. Do you even care? Do you even care about America? If so you will CONTINUE TO SPONGE OFF OF YOUR PARENTS UNTIL THEY TOSS YOU OUT.
I'm NOT 'sponging off'. I'd like to make that absolutely fucking clear. I'm merely trying to conceal the extent of my alcohol use.

PS and no I don't give a tired wank about America because I'm not an American.
... I mean I ought to have this shit down by now, yesno? So it's nothing remarkable exactly
...No, it’s the behavior of an addict/alcoholic....
I totally get it.

Stealing brandy is commendable compared to what I did in active alcoholism. Vanilla extract is tolerable, but the bottle is so damned tiny.

If I woke up to find I hadn't left myself some vodka for the morning shakes I'd hit the mouthwash. If I was out of that, I'd drink hand sanitizer. Never had to resort to Lysol but I've known people who have.
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I totally get it.

Stealing brandy is commendable compared to what I did in active alcoholism. Vanilla extract is tolerable, but the bottle is so damned tiny.

If I woke up to find I hadn't left myself some vodka for the morning shakes I'd hit the mouthwash. If I was out of that, I'd drink hand sanitizer. Never had to resort to Lysol but I've known people who have.
Vanilla extract is a new one on me.