Staff Feedback Just a special thank you.


Oct 13, 2009
I don't know if this is the correct forum to post this, but I want to give the creators and moderators a special thank you for keeping this site perfect. It has been building and gaining so much positivity throughout the culture giving people great advice and harm reduction techniques. Overall, you, the moderators, keep us safe. And we appreciate the heck out of it. I know it can be nerving with alot of knuckleheads using this site to ask dangerous questions or bolster and brag about their tolerance of any said substance, but in the end, this site is being moderated at a great level. Thank you again. This has been my second thank you type post and they will keep coming as long as I continue to feel the need. You guys rock.

Bluelight wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you guys either. :)
That was a sweet thing to say, thanks again. This site is more than powerful. It is forever.
Poppy, that's really lovely :D hearing things like that always makes me smile <3