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"Junior, the most important thing you need to know about how the world works is..."

fear, is the essence of being controlled, loose the fear, and you are free.
....That you should depend on nothing but your own mind and abilities.

"Being unconquerable lies within yourself."
Always aim for fun in what you do
Keep a level head
Be fair & honest
Try not to take anything too seriously if you already know the answer
Standard do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Most importantly, listen & watch and learn
If you have nothing besides yourself that you would fight, kill and die for, you are not living.

(this could be anything, even just your family, lover, friends)
Step up to the plate and swing away. The worst thing that will happen is you'll strike out BUT you will be up to bat again soon...
Allways think for yourself, never make a decision solely based on what you've heard from others or what you saw others do.

be optimistic, be brave, be confident, find humor, be ambitious, always keep yourself in good mental and physical health, learn from your mistakes, learn from your successes, don't be afraid of making mistakes but don't be stupid, be careful, be smart, be strong, be kind, avoid fights but if unavoidable hit first and hit hard, do whatever i tell you, never miss an opportunity to use a bathroom, pay your taxes on time, have credit cards but don't use them, realize that whatever you suffer others have endured worse and survived and flourished.

And don't spend too much time reading forums on the internet.
