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Journaling Techniques


Jun 7, 2015
Finally figured out where to post this thread... HALP

I'm a 19 year-old female who occasionally smokes/snorts crystal meth. When I do, I have to isolate myself from my friends/family in order to conceal the tweak and enjoy my high. I prefer not to smoke socially or make friends with other users in my town so when I use, I often find myself with the desire to have emotional/philosophical/vent-session type conversations, but no one to listen. I have heard other users say they have the same problem, and sometimes solve this issue by journaling. A non-using friend once mentioned a technique where you basically come up with an imaginary friend and write as if you're venting to them. This seems like a pretty good solution to the problem I'm having, but I don't really grasp how it works or how to do it effectively to get my thoughts/ideas out. This sounds kind of stupid I think, but when I sit down and start writing, I wind up feeling like I'm talking to a stranger and not being able to write about the things I really want to talk about. I feel uncomfortable and wind up too self-conscious and hesitant to get any of my bottled-up shit out. I'm hoping that there's someone out there familiar with this technique that could provide a way around this. Or maybe I'm just too inside my head for this type of journaling to work for me... Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks, Katrina
This is just a comment, since I don't really have any good ideas.

But honestly, what you're doing now is venting too. :) This can be a good place for that if you want it to be.

I used to go on 4 chan and other boards just to vent negative thoughts, but that was a really long time ago. I wasn't a happy person back then and had a lot of problems that I couldn't relate to with anyone. They weren't just one or two things, but they were many things so I found myself drifting to different social groups trying to find people I could identify with.

Finally after almost completely maturing and settling down, I found that writing/typing out a journal of your life is refreshing and helpful. Not the diary kind of style where it's rigid and done daily, but just whenever you feel like it. But for the past couple years, I haven't done this to a regular extent and all that I've written is still unfinished. However, it did free my mind of unnecessary stresses and worries, because they look and feel different when you visually see it written on paper, or typed out on a screen.

The only advice I can give is to find someone with similar interests and characteristics as you that you can relate to, whether it's in person or online. Just make sure that there's honest communication, even if it's just on your part, as that will truly set you free and give you more power otherwise. I know how it feels like to be around a lot of people but still feel alone because I had no one that I could really relate to.

Good luck.