Joe Rogan ibogaine trip


Oct 20, 2014
Go to youtube and type: Joe Rogan ibogain trip.
Pay special attention around 11 min mark.
He talks about getting in his head and experiencing the three states spirit, body, mind.
He names the body "mud boy" and the mind "mind boy". The former wanting to eat, fight, and
have sex, and the latter being consumed by fears and worry. And the God self that wants to be good. Its very fascinating as you can tell he has actually had an eye opening experience.
I'm not glorifying mind altering drugs but I have had similar trips where I felt as if I glimpsed a shadow of the man behind the curtain. Very surreal.
I understand more now the different parts of
the brain. You dont have to take a trip to get there but it did help see it from different perspective.
Welcome to BL methamaniac.. quite a few strong posts already:D

Just a little heads up.. if you want to add to thoughts you had and no one has posted in the interim, then please hit the edit button on your last post.. its in the right corner of the post.. no big deal it takes a little while to figure the boards out.

On a more substantial note.. If you want to share what you think happens psychologically or neurologically when someone takes this substance. We are not opposed to any approach to addiction, so this is all good. If you feal this subject may lead this thread off topic then please consider posting. well then I'm just going to move your idea here to its own thread.. I think it warrants it.

I will throw up a title, but you can edit this as you like. You will just need to click the edit button on your post.. then the go advanced button next. yo0u will then be able to edit the title.

He names the body "mud boy" and the mind "mind boy". The former wanting to eat, fight, and have sex, and the latter being consumed by fears and worry

This is a fatally flawed concept.. im attacking the concept and not you.. but why do you feal this holds so much promise?
Thanks for the welcome and info. I didnt know if was appropriate to post video in here so thanks.
I dont mind folks disagreeing with me. I enjoy others opinions. I dont necessarily agree with Mr. Rogans opinions in entirety either. But he is on to something, identifying parts of brain and what they can control. I also disagree with scientist on evolution of brain, to complicated to form itself. Science would say that Rogan identifies as "mudboy" to be reptilian brain. Part that
kicks in when in danger when in danger and conscience brain doesn't have time to think. For instance when a car almost hits u and u have to jump out of way--instinct part of brain. I dont disagree we have this jus why it is there.
Rogan probably doesn't know the science behind it but he still identifies it as well as conscience/mind and spirit/soul as different parts that make up whole. Dont see the contradiction. I can observe different parts of my brain working different times as well as involuntary body changes in myself. For example, when I used to drink alcohol i understood the fact that there's a chemical that renders our conscience/ critical thinking brain way less effective. Hence most people want to eat, fight , and screw when drunk and make poor decisions they may never have if sober---"Reptilian brain"( kinda Interesting if want to look up. I consider this part of subconscious)
Kinda deep, and is definitely no exact science yet. I jus find it interesting and giving my thoughts.
Thanks again for info, it shouldn't take me long to learn the ins and outs of site, appreciate the help
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I'll watch the video when I have time... I took a flood dose of ibogaine 5 months ago (actually almost 6 now, wow), to treat a 10-year opiate addiction, and it worked incredibly well, although my experience was quite different, basically I was dreaming (literally) whether awake or asleep for 3 days. The dreams were sort of a vision quest I went on that was very bizarre and revealing. I was never aware that I was dreaming or on ibogaine during the dreams, they became my entire reality. It almost worked on an entirely subconscious level, there was no "regular me" to think about my spirit and body or my situation or anything. The reflection came afterwards when I was no longer peaking. It worked miraculously, I have never taken another opiate again and even though I had light withdrawals afterwards eventually, I didn't care. I haven't even had a craving since then and I also made some significant healthy changes to my life including eating well and working out and getting in really good shape.