• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Jesus Green(Moderator)wrote this suggestion to me.Any Advice?

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Sep 30, 2014

a-PVP to me is what MDPV should have been. It carries far less side effects (especially if taken orally in 3-4 doses over a 24 hour day), doesn't have the nightmare comedown or anxiety, and as long as you keep the doses reasonable or 3-F-Phenmetracine.

Take this and combine it with a small dose 3-MMC or 5-MAPB.Like 25mg 3mmc or 10 mg 5MAPB.
I think with 25 mg 3mmc I absolutly have no problems with my heart.That would be great. 500 or 1000 mg a day is no long way and will kill me.

Do you think this could be dangerous?Is a pvp really the better MDPV(Which i find evil).Would you suggest it over Phenmetracine?
One other wrote to me Tried plugging 3-F Phenmetracin a few times, found this to be an extremely clean functional stim,minimal euphoria,no effect on mood.

Anja Stockholm
You won't feel 10mg 5-MAPB at all. However, binging on serotonergic stims/empathogens is not a good idea anyway.
NSPD is not here to recommend you new drugs to try.
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