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IV'ing possible organic DMT put through a micron filter, safe?


Oct 18, 2005
I have some white DMT which makes me think its synthetic but im in a country where DMT is more often extracted from plants.

I want to IV this stuff because I just end up having an asthma attack and it detracts from the trip too much.

I would really like to try IV'ing 50-70mg IV put through a 0.2um micron filter(the blue ones, then red then brown as the microns get bigger) even if it did happen to be extracted is this still safe?

The fact that its white not yellow means that I think it is synthetic but I want to be safe.

K-Man :)
Plenty of DMT extracted from plants is white. There's no reason to think it's synthetic.
I know thats why im asking whether its safe if I put through a micron filter whether its synthetic or not?

Heroin is made from a plant and is injected.

I just need to know this because if i cant inject it at all im going to use the rest as pharmahuasca with rue extract because while smoking it is just amazing, my body just cant handle it.

Can anyone say a good dose for oral DMT+rue(for a full on trip) and is it worth it?
I have done exactly this without incident. Use of a micron filter should render it safe enough in theory, too.

Intramuscular injection, btw, was my favorite way to take DMT. Not advisable with plant products d/the abscess risk but also probably am acceptable risk if wheel filter used.

Best MAOI for DMT ime was moclo
As far as I know, injecting pretty much anything is inherently safe. Chemicals do not harbor bacteria. It is things such as the water one uses and the residue on one's skin where the potentially harmful bacteria comes from. Additionally, street drugs may be touched by the dealers who possess the drugs before they reach the buyer. Many injectable drug users come to realize that their behavior does not produce the rumored ill effects.
I don't think this is safe. TBH, its rare to see synthetic DMT in Australia, we have so many sources of it amongst plants. Much of the extracted DMT I have seen is very much pure white. I've seen synthetic DMT that was more off-white.

The colour of a powder is not a reliable indicator of much and statistically, its more likely to be extracted then anything. Its just not really worth the risk.

red22 said:
As far as I know, injecting pretty much anything is inherently safe. Chemicals do not harbor bacteria. It is things such as the water one uses and the residue on one's skin where the potentially harmful bacteria comes from.

Kind of true, but maybe immaterial in this discussion. Most street drugs are hardly made in sterile environments. We aren't simply talking about bacteria anyway; there are lots of things that shouldn't be injected directly into the bloodstream. Pure drugs are relatively safe, but we are rarely talking about that IRL, and certainly not here.

The OP is asking whether injecting a possible plant extract is safe. This is really not safe at all. I think the idea is that simple DMT extractions will rarely remove all the organic matter, regardless of whether you can see it or not. This stuff is still in the extract and when injected could cause a hugely dangerous immune response and/or infection. I don't know if this is anecdotal or not, but it is logical.

Not worth it ketaman :\. Can you preload with ventolin or something?
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Kind of true, but maybe immaterial in this discussion. Most street drugs are hardly made in sterile environments.


Pure drugs are relatively safe, but we are rarely talking about that IRL, and certainly not here.

I wasn't talking about sterile drugs, was I? What do you think I meant by 'chemicals can't harbor bacteria'? Drugs are not prone to be contaminated with bacteria. The trace amounts found in street drugs are no more of a threat than what one ingests when they eat a meal. The body can handle bacteria. As I said, injectable hazards must result from truly excessive bacteria, such as that found on sweaty, unwashed skin at the injection site.

The OP is asking whether injecting a possible plant extract is safe. This is really not safe at all. I think the idea is that simple DMT extractions will rarely remove all the organic matter, regardless of whether you can see it or not.

I fail to see why small amounts of organic matter would be an issue. Wouldn't those same compunds enter the bloodstream anyway? And even if not, I fail to see why the body wouldn't be able to easily dispose of them.

You're just bedazzled by the idea of sterile and super pure drugs. You've brainwashed yourself into thinking that there's a real difference. The idea that someone needs synthetic DMT to safely inject it is so excessive it's not even funny. That's like saying an average person needs a supercomputer as opposed to a PC.
I think people tend to be uncomfortable advising IV use, it has such a stigma

OP just reminding that in case you have the freebase you probably are going to have to turn it into a salt so it is water soluble, like one would do with heroin #3
Should be safe. I saw a vice doc about guys who would go into poppy fields, make a 50% extract with vinegar and shoot it. They said they got an uncomfortable sensation called "the pine needles" if it wasn't cooked right but in general it didn't seem to be hurting them any more than shooting street drugs would
The pins and needles sensation is very common when injecting morphine, even pharmaceutical grade, it's from the drug itself.
I wasn't talking about sterile drugs, was I? What do you think I meant by 'chemicals can't harbor bacteria'? Drugs are not prone to be contaminated with bacteria. The trace amounts found in street drugs are no more of a threat than what one ingests when they eat a meal. The body can handle bacteria. As I said, injectable hazards must result from truly excessive bacteria, such as that found on sweaty, unwashed skin at the injection site.

I fail to see why small amounts of organic matter would be an issue. Wouldn't those same compunds enter the bloodstream anyway? And even if not, I fail to see why the body wouldn't be able to easily dispose of them.

You're just bedazzled by the idea of sterile and super pure drugs. You've brainwashed yourself into thinking that there's a real difference. The idea that someone needs synthetic DMT to safely inject it is so excessive it's not even funny. That's like saying an average person needs a supercomputer as opposed to a PC.

What willow is worried about isn't infection, but the rare but real risk of anaphylaxis due to particulate plant matter. As has been stated before, as evidenced by this not happening all the time with street heroin and cocaine, it is a rather unlikely result of IV'ing things that are, even crudely, extracted from plants. A wheel filter added into the mix should almost completely ameliorate this risk, at least to druggie standards of "generally regarded as safe."
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I'm no M.D. but the sense I get is that the danger is from possible immune reaction to residual plant proteins in the extract. I think people who have plant allergies are at higher risk for anaphylaxis in the context of injecting extracts. I guess if you're really concerned you could do a sort of informal "patch test" with it. Just subcutaneously inject a diluted small volume of the solution you intend to use to trip under your skin (mosquito bite depth) somewhere and see what happens after a few hours. Inject saline the same way near it as a control. If the local area gets all red and puffy then you''ll know you definitely don't want to inject a trip level dose ... otherwise it's probably fine.
You're just bedazzled by the idea of sterile and super pure drugs. You've brainwashed yourself into thinking that there's a real difference. The idea that someone needs synthetic DMT to safely inject it is so excessive it's not even funny. That's like saying an average person needs a supercomputer as opposed to a PC.

I was just offering some advice, no need to gt worked up. I don't think its safe to inject extracted DMT, and I think there is a sound basis for this. If you are 100% certain that your advice won't cause harm, go for it. I am not likewise convinced.
As neurotic pointed out, if you WERE going to inject DMT (which really does not seem advisable for various reasons, but I'm not going to weigh in on that), keep in mind that your DMT is most likely a free base so you will need to do some conversion to make it water soluble.

(also, lol @ "bedazzled by sterile and super pure drugs")
I don't think its safe to inject extracted DMT, and I think there is a sound basis for this.

Feel free to say in detail what that basis is. Guess what? Whether you inject DMT or smoke it, all the chemicals found in the material end up in your bloodstream!
Not talking about chemicals but particulate plant/organic matter.

As i said, this is anecdotal- i don't know any literature supporting my claim. Its a hr forum so unless you are certain you are offering safe advice, don't. Be cautious. I've injected heaps of drugs and i wouldn't inject extracted dmt.
Not talking about chemicals but particulate plant/organic matter.

So, you're taking about solids? Um, I thought simply filtering the material through cotton is sufficient to exclude anything big enough to present problems.

I've injected heaps of drugs and i wouldn't inject extracted dmt.

Are you not conscious of the fact that poppy-derived heroin is just as likely to contain this "organic matter" from the poppy? Or do you feel that that's not the case since heroin is made from a gum-like material?

Look, if you're so concerned about a piece of fiber from the acacia being present in the DMT extract, that concern just doesn't make any sense because not only does the DMT extraction process involve filtering out the particulate matter, but one is easily capable of filtering a shot using cotton or a syringe filter.

keep in mind that your DMT is most likely a free base so you will need to do some conversion to make it water soluble.

Yeah, that's easy as pie, you just add an acid (such as vinegar or citric acid powder) to the preparation. Freebase heroin is mixed up for injection on-the-fly like that all the time in Europe and the Middle East where freebase heroin is prevalent. Little packets of citric acid are a regular part of one's works over there. And guess what? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think IVing freebase chemicals is perfectly fine. They won't dissolve in water, but they can be mashed up and suspended in water and effectively injected and I don't necessarily think that will present any problems. Your body will be be able to squeeze them through the BBB. Correct me if I'm wrong...
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think IVing freebase chemicals is perfectly fine. They won't dissolve in water, but they can be mashed up and suspended in water and effectively injected and I don't necessarily think that will present any problems. Your body will be be able to squeeze them through the BBB. Correct me if I'm wrong...

Yeah. you're wrong. Dangerously wrong.
DMT extracted from plants can be white. In fact it doesn't matter where the DMT came from, really.

To inject freebase DMT you have to mix it with the right molar ratio of an acid to form a soluble salt (e.g. do the math and add citric or ascorbic acid) and dilute it with distilled bacteriostaic water, but there is no reason you can't use extracted dmt.

If you are micron filtering it that is extra safe and you shoulkd be good.

But do keep in mind freebase DMT - the kind people smoke - won't dissolve in water, and technically you can suspend it in water and inject it, that's not the way to do it... as they combine with your blood the chemcials form salts or bind to protiens. But injecting freebases has problems like the strong alkalinity and clogging syringes.