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I've been taking 5htp doses in what I think has been under 24 hours since my sessions ended. How worried should I be?


May 5, 2020
I know it's always advised against this due to serotonin issues but I often get anxiety the days after I roll so it's hard to wait exactly 24 hours. How worried should I be about damaging my brain?
I know it's always advised against this due to serotonin issues

I don't think anyone has experienced negative effects from taking 5-HTP along with MDMA.
These type of questions are always so hard to answer, unfortunately. Everyone is different.

Contrary to online wisdom, I wouldn't endorse filling yourself with numerous so called 'supplements' in an attempt rmitigate any after effects.

A plethora of negative symptoms are only to be expected after use of MDMA - the higher you are, the further you fall.

But underlying issues can seriously impact upon how you deal with the comedown. If you're prone to anxiety you may suffer more anxiety as a result.

My belief is that if you feel the need to pump yourself full of other substances to handle taking MDMA, perhaps you shouldn't be taking MDMA in the first place.

You know your body, you decide.
Combining definitely could raise the potential for problems, especially post roll.

Id wait the 24, really 36, hours. If you need something for anxiety take a benzo or some high dose l-theanine
I agree I would wait at least 2 - 3 days to start 5-HTP post MDMA.

Combining all these serotonin agents can greatly increase the risk of Serotonin Syndrome which really isn't anything to mess around with.

As suggested by SWIM i would reccomend a benzo to help get through the first few days post roll.
As I understand it, oral 5-HTP supplementation is not a major concern for serotonin syndrome: it is mostly degraded in the gut, whatever gets absorbed has a large fraction turned into serotonin outside the blood-brain barrier, and rapidly destroyed by MAO.

If you can find a single case of 5-HTP being the causative agent of serotonin syndrome, I'll eat my hat. Almost always, SS is caused by multiple serotonin reuptake inhibitors/releasers taken in overdose, and quite often some drug that ptevents serotonin from being degraded (MAOIs).

A review by Juhl found no reported human cases of serotonin syndrome induced by 5-HTP(ref)

Serotonin syndrome is determined not only by drug doses, but also non-drug factors. MDMA causes a dose-dependent increase in 5-HT, activating extrasynaptic 5-HT receptors producing serotonin syndrome. However, what receptor subtypes (especially low-affinity 5-HT2A receptors) activated will depend mainly on the receptor responsivity influenced by non-drug factors (ambient temperature and physical activity). Cold ambient temperature diminishes responsivity of 5-HT receptors to high 5-HT, resulting in a mild syndrome, while, hot ambient temperature alone (1× factor), or in combination with physical activity (2× factors) increases responsivity of 5-HT2A receptors to high 5-HT, resulting in moderate, or severe and life-threatening syndromes, respectively

This one study actually claims that 5-HTP and tryptophan reduce neurotoxic effects of MDMA, not increase them.

In fact, didn't people used to "pre-load" by dosing 5-HTP a day or so before a MDMA experience?

Erowid has some experiences with 5-HTP in combination with MD(M)A. There's nothing too conclusive, some people claim to have stronger trips, some people claim it does nothing much, some people claim it makes them crazy intense. One even claims that 5-HTP brought the magic back to MDMA.

Compare levodopa (L-DOPA), the analogous amino acid precursor for dopamine/norepinephrine: it doesn't cause hypertension on its own, and given for Parkinsons, you need to take truly outrageous amounts to have an effect if you don't also take drugs to supress the metabolism in the body.

TL;DR: As long as you aren't taking like, 5 grams of 5-HTP every day, it's not anything much to worry about IMO.
shit I am a bit worried now. I've taken this batch a few times and I think I remember a quick flash of orange when I tested it in the marquis test liquid which I recall meaning amphetamine. I assumed it was a normal thing since its well, ecstacy but maybe I should get rid of that last pill..... I got this from someone I trust but still. Now I'm just a bit paranoid. I went of antidepressants in September and I assumed I was having these weird feelings because I was withdrawing from meds but now I wonder if my usage had something to do with it. I would roll on average almost once a month. My last roll was last month using a different batch and I took 5htp after and was ok. This week 3 days later I do not feel great. Should I stop using my 5htp and wait a few days? I feel like I wasted money now and I have a bottle of egcg coming in because I'm told I should combine it.
also thank you for the feedback you guys are giving me
I've made it through this darkness though. I've been feeling much much better lately but I think I just "fucked up again" so I gotta get through it now
I personally no longer use 5HTP after a roll. I don't think it is dangerous, but I started noticing that it seemed to make my comedown longer/worse rather than better.

The supplements I use now that I find most beneficial are: magnesium (very calming and helps with sleep), sublingual methylcobalmin (B12), multi-vitamin, vitamin C.
I had a really weird post-roll 5-HTP episode once but it was an anomaly as I let the cap melt on my tongue as I was unpacking my car and didn't have water to wash it down with. I'm assuming this caused the 5-HTP to absorb through the tongue and by-pass FPM but isn't FPM required to end up with serotonin from 5-HTP?
About an hour later, I started feeling really weird and having uncomfortable closed eye visuals and an anxiety attack of mild nature. Anyway, could have all been in my head. Just thought I'd contribute the usual bullshit weird anomalous anecdote.

It was a scary enough experience that I stopped taking 5-HTP after that night and haven't touched it since actually......damn, that was in 2004. Ah, whatever, probably saved enough money on not buying the stuff.
Theoretically, if your receptors down-regulate due to over-stimulation, it seems that 5HTP could keep them down-regulated for longer than necessary.

@SunriseChampion I had some similarly alarming post roll 5HTP experiences that motivated me.
As I understand it, oral 5-HTP supplementation is not a major concern for serotonin syndrome: it is mostly degraded in the gut, whatever gets absorbed has a large fraction turned into serotonin outside the blood-brain barrier, and rapidly destroyed by MAO.

If you can find a single case of 5-HTP being the causative agent of serotonin syndrome, I'll eat my hat. Almost always, SS is caused by multiple serotonin reuptake inhibitors/releasers taken in overdose, and quite often some drug that ptevents serotonin from being degraded (MAOIs).

A review by Juhl found no reported human cases of serotonin syndrome induced by 5-HTP(ref)

Serotonin syndrome is determined not only by drug doses, but also non-drug factors. MDMA causes a dose-dependent increase in 5-HT, activating extrasynaptic 5-HT receptors producing serotonin syndrome. However, what receptor subtypes (especially low-affinity 5-HT2A receptors) activated will depend mainly on the receptor responsivity influenced by non-drug factors (ambient temperature and physical activity). Cold ambient temperature diminishes responsivity of 5-HT receptors to high 5-HT, resulting in a mild syndrome, while, hot ambient temperature alone (1× factor), or in combination with physical activity (2× factors) increases responsivity of 5-HT2A receptors to high 5-HT, resulting in moderate, or severe and life-threatening syndromes, respectively

This one study actually claims that 5-HTP and tryptophan reduce neurotoxic effects of MDMA, not increase them.

In fact, didn't people used to "pre-load" by dosing 5-HTP a day or so before a MDMA experience?

Erowid has some experiences with 5-HTP in combination with MD(M)A. There's nothing too conclusive, some people claim to have stronger trips, some people claim it does nothing much, some people claim it makes them crazy intense. One even claims that 5-HTP brought the magic back to MDMA.

Compare levodopa (L-DOPA), the analogous amino acid precursor for dopamine/norepinephrine: it doesn't cause hypertension on its own, and given for Parkinsons, you need to take truly outrageous amounts to have an effect if you don't also take drugs to supress the metabolism in the body.

TL;DR: As long as you aren't taking like, 5 grams of 5-HTP every day, it's not anything much to worry about IMO.

While I agree with most of this I don’t think we can say definitively so in the interest of harm reduction I error in being conservative.

Very likely won’t cause SS but also doesn’t cost any time or effort to just not combine them