ITS MY 124th day on meth ADVICE NEEDED


Jun 20, 2017
Tried meth feb 16. Have been running from the comedown. I want to stop. I'm only using to be closer to normal obviously at this point.

If i go 4 hours without using I have a side effect that scares the **** out of me. IM GOING to try and explain hopefully someone can tell me something Has anyone experienced this?

It happens randomly in different severity.
It is like the feeling your head gets at the end of a big stretch or big yahn except 100 times stronger.
Feels like your popping your ears and an audible sound of wind blowing in your ears.
Feels very loopy/unbalanced
Completely freezes me for 1-3 seconds
Can be triggered Anytime by moving my eyes quickly.
Loosing cognitive function for 3 seconds can be deadly in my line of work.
Thanks in advance
Its probably general lack of sleep and you using up your dopamine levels.

You obviously need to stop using for at least 2 weeks and its hard to contemplate doing so if youve been using heavily for an extended period.

I would suggest going and getting some seroquel and valium from your doc. Just tell them whats going on. If you are asked to go to inpatient detox just go along with it and clear your head. Its not that bad really and better than wha you are doing now.
I do eat and and sleep every day. Sleep 4 hours usually, nearly impossible to pull an all nighter regardless of usage. I could never risk losing my DR, I'm prescribed adderall and lortabs I need to keep. Would kalonapen suffice? I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this. Zephyr TY for taking time to respond.
This was my first post. Its frustrating Did i post in the wrong place? 70+ views and one comment. Maybe I posted to the wrong site altogether.
This was my first post. Its frustrating Did i post in the wrong place? 70+ views and one comment. Maybe I posted to the wrong site altogether.

If you have been using 4+months everyday with 4 hrs sleep you need to check yourself into a rehab clinic. I used for about 16 months and my tolerance grew to the point I didn't enjoy any of the effects anymore. My negative symptoms were more visceral than cerebral though. For instance, I would sweat all the time, even when I wasn't using. I also have a brother who has tourettes, and it scared me reading that meth can cause this (or exacerbate it) in certain people. I used Ativan and alcohol (not recommended) to wean off.
meth got me good. i tried it and liked it.... unfortunately i liked that shit too damn much and continued use for a while. what you are explaining happened to me, almost the exact same. What i gathered was this is the long term effects of meth starting to be present. its psychosis kicking in ever so slightly. Psychosis for me starts out with just feeling like i need more when its not been long since last dose.

thoughts will (if they havent already) come in your head whenever this happens and get to the part that you freeze that something is wrong.

then youll start to get the thoughts that you know whats wrong. someone is spying on you, you think if you stop use soemthing bad will happen to you, youll feel eyes on you, people are judging you, and even family is trying to be rude to you.

from that everytime someone who is a friend or youve at least met before looks at you, even if theyre friendly. you will think you know that they know somthing you dont. and get paranoia.

and i only had it progress into one more sign and that is that i was riding around with a friend and kept getting zoned out, and then id stop and it seemed like so many ad numbers were calling me, then i realized the fbi was after me. and then literally i thought i could see a top view of us then i look at my friend and the world starts to get animated and look like im in a shitty video game. At this point i knew i was in spychosis and got the fuck alone and went to bed and stopped use for 3 days since i was asleep for two of them and then off and on the third.

oh yeah when i looked at pictures of me my skin would change colors lmao meth is a hell of a drug. and then put not sleeping on tht... youre fucked.
I have abused my monthly script of adderall (30mg x 60) fpr many years now. Going to work it Would last one to two weeks, usually staying up all night once or twice or sleeping one to three hours a night. So I'm no stranger to amphetamine come down. I never, EVER hallouscinated or paranoid or any of those type of symptoms. Even now on meth.
Exploding Head Syndrome is possible. Not a dangerous or life-threatening condition, but terrifying and stressful psychological situation. It has happened to me when I'm lacking in sleep and not eating properly or when I'm really stressed out but they all go hand-in-hand. You need to just get some rest and hydrate yourself and take your vitamins and the situation might resolve itself
I've never gone into full blown psychosis either. 2 years daily user -about once a month I will have a 3 day bender or so but I do like to get my daily sleep even if it is only 4 hours. The closest to psychosis I got was after 7 days without sleep and I was paranoid..googling phone numbers from my husband's phone, convinced thought he was cheating. After about 6 hours of relentless Googling of phone numbers and constantly going back and forth through the phone and the internet I had somehow convinced myself that a number on his phone belonged to a 12 year old girl. I had driven myself into a delusion that he had a daughter that he didn't tell me about. The next day after maybe an hour of sleep I found the numbers I was googling and they didn't exist.

A lot of my acquaintances have completely lost their shit though...more than once and with a smaller dose and shorter period of time (like within 12 hours) and I've never understood how that happens to people. I just don't understand how they can lose touch with reality so easily when it takes me a great deal of sleep deprivation to actually start to lose touch.
Tranced, maybe that's it! I can relate to a cymbal crash g
for sure. Ty! Researching this now
We called it the yawnies... No shit... Happened alot when coming down. Moral of the story... Quit doing meth. Get some sleep. Keep in mind... You can cause permanent damage to you brain. Lost some friends that way.

Writing is on the wall amigo. Take heed... QUIT.

What would it take for you to quit? Do you need support around you that you don't have now? You can see where this has gone and where it is going. Things will only get worse for you at this point. The compulsive aspect is very hard to beat on your own. Is there anywhere you can go for detox and support in the early days?
Today is day 210

David, if you are still experiencing symptoms, a FULL night, or 3 FULL nights sleep is something you should seriously do. Not consider, do. When I used meth these were symptoms of needing a full, high calorie meal and taking a good long sleep. You are close to your body shutting down all on its own. Your statement regarding safety in your line of work really has me concerned, get some sleep or 3 secs of being checked out will keep stretching.

Take care of yourself and be safe-- grsh
You need to crash bro. If not youre just gonna keep bending. Youre going to keep twisting that rope too keep the hairs in line, but youre body is going to keep making it harder and harder for you to keep going. Your mind and body are stressed.
4 hours a night wont cut it. Youre probably going to need like 1 to 2 weeks of sleeping, eating, showering, and sleeping and eating. I really suggest getting your self some cannabis and knocking out. When you want to go for the crystal go for the pot. at least for a few days. Feed your id. When bending you starve parts of heirarchy of needs.