It's because I "work harder" than you


Oct 29, 2018
Something I noticed after taking 200mg of testosterone a week for a month - I could grow muscle and lose fat regardless of the "hard work" I do in the gym. If my diet consisted of cream cakes and protein shakes I would still muscle up. If my training consisted of masturbating twice a day (once kneeling down and once standing up to stimulate all the major muscle groups) I would still be jacked. At least my right arm.

This is after 20 years of training my bollocks off natural and still looking like Stan Laurel, and listening to no end of pudknockers telling me "it's the hard work dude, I work harder than you" - even tho they spend most of their life chatting in the gym and fucking cocktail waitresses two at a time outside it.

I'm rapidly reaching the conclusion that it's piss-all to do with hard work. Mike Tyson could bench 250 when he was 12.That wasn't hard work - that's pure luck of genetics and plenty of testosterone flowing round his body.

What say you my rockabilly buddies?
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Maybe you had low T your whole life
This. Having wrecked my natty production with opioid abuse during puberty, even the smallest amount of test gave me incredible results. Once you hit the cap, the hard work comes into play. Once you're sitting like 20lbs of muscle heavier than your genetic natural limit, it feels like a grind to get just a couple more pounds. To put it into perspective, if I diet to stage lean now, my BMI would still be "obese" levels just because I carry a lot of muscular weight. Now gear levels just feel "normal" and performance enhancement levels off. My genetics are far from top tier for "performance" though I am gifted in the proportions category.
This. Having wrecked my natty production with opioid abuse during puberty, even the smallest amount of test gave me incredible results. Once you hit the cap, the hard work comes into play. Once you're sitting like 20lbs of muscle heavier than your genetic natural limit, it feels like a grind to get just a couple more pounds. To put it into perspective, if I diet to stage lean now, my BMI would still be "obese" levels just because I carry a lot of muscular weight. Now gear levels just feel "normal" and performance enhancement levels off. My genetics are far from top tier for "performance" though I am gifted in the proportions category.
Hey man i have been thinking about this alot lately. I was a major opiate junky from age 20-27 and have been on suboxone ever since. I think the major amounts of drugs completely obliterated my testosterone. Im 5'10" and have weighed 125lbs for 16 years. Even when I work out regularly I only tone what little muscle i have. I started working out hardcore everyday for a month and i finally started to get some results but im still skinny looking. Should i go to the doctor and ask about getting testosterone injections? I dont have great insurance, so im concerned about the cost.
Hey man i have been thinking about this alot lately. I was a major opiate junky from age 20-27 and have been on suboxone ever since. I think the major amounts of drugs completely obliterated my testosterone. Im 5'10" and have weighed 125lbs for 16 years. Even when I work out regularly I only tone what little muscle i have. I started working out hardcore everyday for a month and i finally started to get some results but im still skinny looking. Should i go to the doctor and ask about getting testosterone injections? I dont have great insurance, so im concerned about the cost.
It can't hurt. At least get your blood drawn to figure out your natty levels. From there you can decide if you wanna go the pharma route with a doctor or black market route. At least you'll have empirical numbers to go off of
It's a bit of both. Gear WILL get you there but you have to remember that it doesn't define your life. You define your life. You choose your training program, diet, recovery, relationships that affect your wellbeing (and therefore enhance or hinder progress), your mindset, your health and wellbeing etc. You are responsible for how you live your life, not the steroids you inject into your muscle. I've met lots of guys who on the surface seem to be doing really well but you stick around and you see they don't get past a particular point. They come off gear and they lose everything and then come back on and get to where they were before and don't go beyond it. That's when YOU are the weak link in the process. This is when all the gear in the world means nothing (except for wanting to destroy every person of the opposite/same sex you see walk by that tickles your fancy).

Then you see those guys (and girls) that transform everytime you see them. Whether it's 2.5kg on the bench press more than a month ago. Or you take a break from a certain gym and come back a year down the line and the guy who was strong back then is now unrecognizable, and in a good way. That's when it's more than the gear you are taking but again, it also IS because of the gear too. The gear is an accessory. It's YOU who is the core package. That's why I agree when people say they work harder than others, especially when it's proven with what they can and already have achieved. It's the person consistent with their training who always comes out above the rest. That's when it's true in what they say and it's something you can be inspired to implement into your life too. I've met lots of people over the years in my training who do things better than me, some on gear and some not, either way what they do is better because they truly do work on it. I once trained with a semi-pro footballer who very nearly made it pro but due for being injury prone missed the cut. He was the most physically fit and strong guy I've met in a long time. Capable of running well beyond average runners while also having impeccable speed, power and agility (his football training career coming into play) and all the while he was jacked like a bodybuilder and capable of going beyond 100kg on the bench press with ease. All while also being able to destroy most people both on the field and off the field.

That's when hard work is the foundations of someones achievement, not the gear. You can't inject success and achievement. Sure, you can blow up on gear by doing less than those not enhanced but how far can you take it? Are you still at the top of your training potential a year down the line? Two? Five? Are you still making the same gains? Are you still shocking your friends and turning heads at the gym? Is your mindset still driving you forward? The proof is in the pudding and you'll find there are lots of people around who will make those who doubt their hard work due to how easy it was for them to progress while taking gear well aware of the difference between using PEDs and genuinely being a product of all the hard work, committment, passion, dedication and drive. It's only then you will understand there is a difference between the two.
I have to disagree with this, just for ME personally.

Grades 8-12 I lifted 5 days a week consistently. I also partied really hard on and off with all drugs which killed a lot of gains im sure. I always ate great and packed in the protein. I killed it harder in the gym than anyone else except maybe a couple of the hardcore powerlifters and even we were on equal footing in our hard work. To absolute failure every single set. Drenched in sweat within 20 minutes and always lifted for a solid 60-75 including some abs/calfs/forearms. I know they say 45min but this always has worked for me.. I was bigger than the guys who I knew were doing prohormones, epistane, etc. I could lift more than anyone except a few of the powerlifters but they also held a lot of BF.

Now being in my late 20s, I can say I'm bigger now, but I was stronger in high school. Squatting 460lbs at 195lbs body weight, and benching 300 in high school. My bench is higher now but I can't squat or deadlift what I used to.

I still have to kill it everyday as hard as possible to grow on TRT.

Only exception is when I was running tren, dbol etc on a high test base then I could eat whatever I wanted and skip a few gym sessions a week and still grow insanely. Ive given such peds up awhile ago though. Sure I could eat whatever I want and not gain any fat because of my metabolism but if I eat right I certainly grow muscle much faster. Whats the point though if youre not putting every piece of the puzzle together to be the best.

The gains you get when you first hop on T drastically decline after a few months. Don't expect to keep growing nonstop when on it for years. Its your first cycle or trt then yes you'll have some great gains. Everyone does. I find a tolerance grows to the muscle gains. You will have to take more steroids/test or up your intensity in the gym or you won't grow. You will come to point of plateau and when you do that test won't do you any good but maintain what you have already. Just look at the Instagrams of steroid users. They looked jacked 2 years ago, and barely look better or bigger now, even after how many cycles of test, tren, deca, hgh and insulin etc. Or blasting and cruising. Once in awhile you'll see dramatic differences but not often ime.

Anything I had gained in the past from cycles was lost the past 6 months of methadone withdrawal. What I have now is just from a trt dose and 6 weeks of lifting see pic.

I was and am bigger then most, certainly not all, because i work harder and eat right. To grow i put my entire body snd soul into every workout, where I could barely lift a 5lb dumbell by the end. Come out of the gym feeling sick as fuck because I pushed it way way too far, because I always do. Thats how you grow. Same goes for cardio.
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