Isolating Myself Into Another Relapse


Aug 23, 2012
I lack excitement in my life today, and it appears that everyday is a sort of groundhog day: work, church, gym, meetings. Today is my Saturday, I have 11 months sober today, but am I happy about it? No. I am seriously considering relapsing.

I have fallen into this self-imposed prison of fear and anxiety which is keeping me in a state of doom and gloom. For example, 1) a friend wants to go do something, I decline because I somehow already know it won't be any fun so why do it. I've convinced myself that nothing is that fun to me anymore now that I'm sober, even though I know that's not true. I buy into my own bullshit so easily. Or, 2) I could go on a date but I feel such anxiety over it that if it is awkward or doesn't go well it might send me deeper into a downward spiral. Plus the wasted time and money, so I don't try. I play it safe. And playing it safe is sort of keeping me sick and in a state of untreated alcoholism. I have less problems today, but my world has become smaller and smaller and I am getting boxed in.

I use to be happy in recovery, but for whatever reason I end up alone in my room watching TV or playing video games. Then I will have a day where I force myself to get busy and accomplish tasks and do the things I don't want to and usually it's a pretty good day. But then the next day rolls around and I fall back into lazy apathy. People call/text me and I "cringe" and go back to sleep. I work graveyard shift so I do a lot of sleeping during the day which is depressing in itself. It confuses me because if there was something I wanted to do, you would think I would do it? All around me, on social media, etc. I see people doing stuff, traveling, making stuff, doing all kinds of **** and it makes me feel bad. It makes me feel less then and boring.

But literally nothing sounds fun except using opiates, sex, or getting drunk at the bars. 2 of those I can't do and the 3rd requires a level of effort I can't seem to muster up. I'm sort of face to face with my attitudes, my insecurities, and my low self-esteem, basically why drugs/alcohol were a solution for me in the first place.

I have stopped working on step 3, and I haven't followed the instructions others have given me to get me out of this funk. It's like I don't care anymore, I'm tired of it all. Yesterday I spent Thanksgiving alone (by choice) because I told myself it wouldn't matter. And it made me extremely depressed, what a surprise! Honestly I was entertaining the idea of taking my own life, and I would almost rather go that route before drinking/using again.

It's ironic to think how a year ago this time I was in bed listening to the committee in my head cause anxiety and negativity throughout my body. Dwelling on past mistakes, future fears, and a life completely off the rails. I was depressed then, I'm depressed now, the only difference is I was strung out then and had a monkey on my back. My sponsor tells me I'm right where I'm suppose to be but I don't believe him. I pray to a God for his will to be done in my life but at the end of the day I feel alone and missing out. Maybe the fear of failure has me paralyzed, I've spent days trying to figure out whats wrong with me and why I feel the way I do. I went to a Doctor and got on Anti-Depressants but it's been 6 weeks and they have only increased my anxiety. My negative thinking and outlook is going full-force, it's astonishing.

So given all that, whats to stop me from driving to the gas station this morning and grabbing a 12 pack. It's a rainy day and I could shut off my phone and play video games and drink like I use to for 12 years. If I'm going to be isolating and sad might as well have a drink in my hand. Whats to stop me from hitting my friends up and getting some drugs to breathe a sigh of relief and get that euphoria and oblivion I miss. At least that would make this weekend fun, more fun than I've had in the last 6 months.

If I had a good exit plan I would have already done it I suppose, but the idea of loosing everything again and hurting my family and disappointing my friends is keeping me sober, and miserable. I don't really expect any advice or words of encouragement, I'm writing this out mainly to just express where my mind has been going as of late.

I guess I have 3 options

1) change something (where does the motivation come from?)
2) suicide
3) relapse (slow suicide)
Congrats on your 11 months, thats awesome. I only have about 6 weeks myself so I feel that boredom...everything has become dull now with me. But there are reasons why we quit drugs in the 1st place and we just have to remind ourselves. I take Celexa which is an anti depressant. It helps a bit with motivation but not much. I really wish I could tell you how to snap out of it but I know you will figure that out and do it. But im rooting for you and your not alone.
Hello buddy,

English is not my mother tongue. As far as I understand you suffering under alcoholism. Stopped for long time and binging again now?
If this is right - welcome to my world. You are not alone. I am fighting my alcoholism since 4 months everyday. 2 Steps forward. One back, 3 steps forward and sometimes 4 steps back. Then again 5 forward. But in the end - I will win.
Is it right that you are binging again?
May be my thread can help you out a little bit. Be careful what I wrote. Did many mistakes. But I have a good feeling ATM that I find a proper way for me.
Thank you guys for taking the time to read my cry for help. I was in a serious funk yesterday but I did not drink/use even though I really wanted to. I spent the majority of the day stuck in a funk alone in my room watching shit on Hulu. It just reminded me how I have to "act my way into right thinking". If the body begins, the mind follows.

This morning I woke up and for a second almost fell into that negative thought pattern of "oh man, I have to do X, Y, and Z" but then I told myself, "look, lets see how much you can accomplish today and make it like a game." Obviously wasting my day away did nothing but bring me lonliness and agony so I have decided to hit my to-do list and power through some stuff. Thanks for the support, thats what I like about sobriety, if I have a bad day I can go to bed and try again tomorrow.
Hey man, first you should be proud of your will power. And then, why are you anxious about going on a date? It would be fun. Whats to be anxious about? Dont put expectation on yourself, her or the date. Most adults dont like to play those dating games anymore (at least those that are worth your time), where everything has to be like in the movies, perfect and any little mistake is magnified, constant nervousness and ucomforable tension. Normal girl or a guy, will just like to have fun, not to put that burden of perfection and picture perfect date on your or her shoulders. If you have a chance, just go on the date and know that they are also going on a date cause theyre lonely and want to spend time with someone. Its no big deal, its human nature and the more you build in you mind how it has to be , the more awkward it become where that it the last thing you or her want.
And you say you lack motivation and excitement, that its deja vu all the time. Why not change something in the routine. I know it easier said than done and also it would probably easier if you had someone to do that with like a girlfriend but still try. Find some other hobbies, contact some old friends, make new ones, people from meetings, or from a forum online, if you for example like cars or something.
You need to stop looking at your life as a box that youre stuck in. The walls are competely imaginary, you can do anything and go anywhere. Youre surrounded by freedom of choice not limited by routine. Routine is your creation, it doesnt exist in itself. Stop focusing on the limits, theyre not really there. Yeah, you have the routine of work but even that is flexible and there is time after work and weekends, holiday,s vacation days etc... Youre not in a box, youre surrounded by choices, just need to reach out. (Un)fortunately such is life, things dont come to you but once you do reach out its well worth it, adding new things to your life, be in traveling, hobbies, material things like cars or bikes, food, new friends.
And with all my heart I suggest you to also read on buddhism, check out Theravada and Mahayana buddhism (check Lama Yeshe, Ajah Sumedho, Ajah Chah etc.., might also bring some new perspectives on life).
keep us posted
Thank you very much placid I read every word and will be re-reading it again in a few days. You definitely hit the nail on the head! When my attitude and perspective on things is positive I tend to push out of my comfort zone. For me, being an alcoholic, my ultimate comfort zone is under the influence alone in my room playing video games or watching TV. I don't want to go there again, so I will heed the advice given, thank you guys!
^I love what you did to turn things around by making it a game! Great strategy. I literally reward myself on some days like a kid: accomplish 3 things on your list and you get to ___ (fill in the blank with something healthy but something that is still a treat).