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ISIS, Mexican Drug Cartels Teaming Up?


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
ISIS, Mexican Drug Cartels Teaming Up?
Leah Barkoukis | Aug 21, 2014

The relationship between drug trafficking and terrorism has long existed, and can take many forms depending on the goals and needs of each party. Sometimes hybrid criminal-terrorist organizations form in which terrorist groups become involved in the drug trade to fund operations, purchase equipment, and pay foot soldiers. In return, they provide safe passageways for the drugs and give traffickers tips for circumventing customs and security forces. Other times a localized criminal organization or terrorist group lacks expertise, so increased contacts and business with major drug cartels helps advance the sophistication of their operation. Ultimately, though, both have logistical needs and working with or even talking to each other allows the groups to share lessons learned, important contacts to corrupt officials, and operational methods.

Thus, it’s not surprising to hear that the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) is already talking to Mexican drug cartels. Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX), a member of the House Judiciary Committee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, said as much on Newmax TV’s “America’s Forum” on Wednesday when asked if there’s any interaction between the two.

“My opinion is yes,” he replied. “There seems to be at least a talking to each other. How much? I don’t know. But ... drug cartels use the same operational plan as terrorist groups do. They kill their opponents, they behead their opponents, they brag about it and they have operational control of many portions of the southern border of the United States. Mexico doesn’t. The United States doesn’t. Otherwise they wouldn’t be crossing daily with their drugs. They’re as vicious as some of these other terrorist organizations. We need to recognize them that this is an organized international crime group. And we have to deal with them as such.”

continued here http://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2014/08/21/isis-mexican-drug-cartels-teaming-up-n1881302


The war on drugs is terrorism
This is some of the most absurd propaganda I have ever come across.
No evidence offered whatsoever!
IMO the only link IS and the cartels have is that they have both at one time or another been assisted - or given free reign to operate - by the United States government (or their intelligence services, in the very least).

Grubby politics, compliant journalism, all fed to a public trained not to question; just to respond to certain words - "terrorist", "cartel" - two folkdevils linked by a dog whistle and very little else.
It's the same bullshit the public were fed in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq.
Er, the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The unsubstantiated links between "Al Qaeda" and "Saddam".
This is just the 2014 dogwhistle club remix anthem to the "if you take drugs you're supporting terrrorism" con.

The only truth to it is that taking drugs and getting caught is good for the prohibition economy.
A sick joke of a puff piece.
Next they'll be telling us Putin is in on it too...because, uh, they all live on the same planet. Just trust us.
...bust out the depleted uranium shells, we're goin' back in (to disarm people we armed in the first place....again)

Oh but don't worry - they kill their opponents and brag about it! Not like us...it's all about "Iraqi Freedom" and "Mission Accomplished"; wholesome bragging.
These people are fucking criminals - all of them.
Yeah, this sounds like fear-mongering propaganda to me.
I dont think iSIS would work with deeply religious drug cartels? Seems counter productive
What a buncha bullshit!!! They're laying some groundwork here just like g.w bush and Iraq. Unreal! A lot of morons are gonna eat this shit up too. Kinda like buying weed= supporting terrorism...
Paying taxes in the US is supporting terrorism, if you consider who arms most of these "terrorist groups" to begin with.
And the terrorist group with all the aircraft carriers, drones and depleted uranium equipped armaments.
Sure as shit they are teamed up. Cant take your eye of a junky for a minute, they eat children when no ones watching. Break out the patriot act, everyone we decide is a terrorist is a terrorist. Ban the bill of rights.. Ban freedom. Long live Power and Money and Oppression !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is rubbish. DTO's want to make money from their product not bring attention to themselves needlessly inside the states.
This is some of the most absurd propaganda I have ever come across.
No evidence offered whatsoever!
IMO the only link IS and the cartels have is that they have both at one time or another been assisted - or given free reign to operate - by the United States government (or their intelligence services, in the very least).

IS was never given any type of assistance from the US. They started out as AQ in Iraq under the control of Zarqawi and very much attacked Americans. Later, they went into Syria as an AQ affiliate. When ordered to merge with Jabhat al Nusra by AQ central they refused. After that, they essentially started attacking all other Syrian rebel groups while ignoring the Assad regime. Recently, they started attacking the Assad regime.

You are correct this is just fear mongering. In fact, it plays on some of the greatest fears of old white people.. which is Brown people of course.

They used to say this about Al Qaeda and the Cartels. There are a few Mexican members of IS but that is it. Granted I do think that the US needs to take military action (no boots on the ground) to address this issue. I was opposed to the Iraq War from day one but it is what it is and we have to deal with the consequences.
From what I've read since posting that polemic, I'm sure that you're probably right; the twists and turns of middle eastern military strategy (in terms of arming one group to fight another) are admittedly not my strong point.
So often it seems like these follies conveniently morph into the next war, and I'm bothered by the media's downright compliance in the beating drums of war. Reliable information is pretty hard to come by when one distrusts the majority of those paid to keep us informed.
However, that's no reason for me to spin further bullshit (by the way of guesswork) - I'll have my fact-checker look over such posts in future ;)