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Is this too much in a month


Oct 9, 2016
Hi so am quite young but am aged between 16-18 will not give that information out , but I tried MDMA for the first time at the beginning or the half way mark of September and last did it between 05-09 October , up to this date I had done it 8 times in a month , I just loved the buzz and it got me out of my depressed state and allowed me to change in some ways , but I'd been told doing 1 MDMA dosage a month was enough , but I was doing 0.5-1.0 in the space of 5-10 day , I did one on a Saturday then a Sunday , sometimes on a weekday , I'd be in a good state while on it , but after I realised that I was getting a bit addictive to this drug , I slowly pulled away , but I wanted to go out In a Big Bang , so I decided on a Friday to do 2 grams , the way I did it was I began with 0.7 then as soon as my buzz kick in I popped 0.3 to get me to an even better state , then I decided why not just pop this other gram , and I soon as it hit , thing like my wall were moving , my cupboard were being eaten alive , my coats were alive and folding them self , I saw people in my room , scary people but I didn't fear them , my speaker were melting and my walls were alive I could see red dots everywhere as I stood up , dents in my wall would start moving and my lamp wouldn appear to be one of my mates head !!!! Is this normal from such a high dosage or was my MDMA cut with something harmful or some sort psychedelic , as my previous experience did not cause these things , am not aware of these things, please reply to this and help me , as I think I permanently damage my brain as every time I get up I black out in the eyes , I know it could be coz I layed down to long , but I'd sit for one minute and it would still black out
You really shouldn't do that much MDMA so frequently!!! It can cause crippling anxiety and very disturbing health problems. limit your use to once a month at the absolute most, and always take a low dose with antioxidants. your hallucinations sound like MDA, which people cut MDMA with sometimes, as it gives really weird hallucinations like you're describing. But taking a gram in one night could literally kill you!!!! here's a thread that'll scare you http://bluelight.org/vb/threads/787689-MDMA-Recovery-(Stories-amp-Support-4)
the general theme to these threads is: if you have to ask if it's too much much, it probably is.

considering what you write here, it definitely is too much.

mdma should be taken once every 1-3 months max.
the dose should be 1-2mg per kilogram of your body weight (i.e. 100mg for someone who weighs 67kg), plus one redose of half that amount. if you use mdma like that you're unlikely to ever run into problems, but the way you are using it you are pretty much guaranteed to see mdma's dark side sooner or later. probably sooner rather than later...

visual distortions or outright hallucinations are normal for high doses. they typically occur (in people without tolerance) when you go above something like 200mg.
Man you're pretty young to be using any amount of Mdma. Don't get me wrong dude I'm not saying you are immature by any means, just that your brain is still developing man and will be for quite some time. Also keep in mind (which I think that you have) you are probably not only consuming pure Mdma. It's better to experiment with Mdma later in life man trust me on that. You'll want to be partying it up in your mid 20's and 30's for sure, not be too burnt out for much.
It's just my opinion but I think you are a little young to be using hard drugs and Mdma is definitely a pretty hardcore drug dude. You have your whole life ahead of you and Mdma can change you into somebody different. I would stick with the herb man if that floats your boat, for the time being, it really is the best thing for most people.
Mdma addiction never lasts long. It's not like opioid addictions that can go on for life. It fucks people up really quickly if they abuse it (anything less than 100mg a month is generally too much) and then you are stuck for life with mental health issues. Don't take your health for granted man it's just my advice, I know ecstasy is a really fun time man and I did a lot of it myself. Probably a little too much.
But I think you already know the answer to your question. You just gotta cut it out man at least for a while and I'd also recommend a really healthy lifestyle if you don't have that going on already. That will help you recover from anything that might have happened to your body. It's good that you recognized that you might be using a little too much though. It can be tough to acknowledge when it is time to let a drug go but man you might really save yourself some potentially serious trouble down the road.
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Anything over one time in a month in my opinion is too much. It's so easy to lose that special magic it provides
a dose of mdma is 150 mg....you overdosed greater than 10x of a dose. this could easily kill you if you do it again with a different batch
High doses of mdma cause hallucinations, pretty crazy ones too. Stop all mdma use for 1-2 years. I'd aim for 2 with your abuse. You'll feel fine in time.