• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Pharmacology Is this accurate for determining a drug length of inhibiting a metabolic pathway? Say Kratom for example.

This thread contains discussion about a Pharmacology-related topic


Dec 10, 2022

And is this sounding accurate? A good source?

Hard to find information on the web. More of a curiosity well and for harm reduction as I take lamictal and abilify and Ritalin. Ritalin is in small doses. All prescribed and know my complete history aside from kratom. I do not want to take it all the time but occasionally. Not if it’s dangerous tho.

Edit: I am confused by the IC50. It looks like it’s different at different receptors? Sorry someone was trying to explain to me how to use the IC50 to determine length but wouldn’t that just be the IC50 anyway? I’m so confused.
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Length of what? Do you mean duration of action? IC50 is an in vitro measurement of interactions at specific enzymes/proteins. These measurements are useful to determine mechanisms of action but not much related to use in vivo directly, there are a lot of factors in vivo that aren't taken into account with these sort of studies. If someone tells you that you can extrapolate human use from IC50 numbers I would be highly skeptical

If I remember correctly, all IC50 numbers can tell you are relative affinities at various proteins/receptors and competitive or noncompetitive (maybe)

Also that reddit link isn't working, can you post the title of the thread?
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If a drug is a major inhibitor of cyp2d6 and has a 24 hour half life how do you determine how long it will inhibit that metabolic pathway for? is the title of the Reddit question, and it hasn't been answered at all for about a week now. There was no reason to click it, unless you actually want to answer it on Reddit. I only recently found a reliable answer as to how far in advance does grapefruit juice need to be consumed for it to inhibit CYP3A4 Wikipedia says it's four hours, and the effect can last as long as three days. I've seen "8 hours" thrown about, but I think that was just a wild guess that's been repeated (would that be called a 'meme'?) I don't know what the OP considers "dangerous" As in deadly? No. As in it could have uncomfortable side effects? Maybe. I would start with a very small amount and work my way up as I confirm no (unbearable) side effects.
I used to work as a mental health worker (therapist is a bit too generous), and there was a huge amount of variation in just about all the psychotropic medicines. The patient works with psychiatrists to experiment, basically. It's a lot of trial and error.
someguyontheinternet (haha, great name) pretty much answered the OPs question.