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Tryptamines Is there an RC that mimics psilocybin mushrooms that only lasts 2 hours?


Dec 10, 2022

I recently ordered 8 grams of Golden Teachers from a clear net vendor in a decriminalized zone. I tried 1.7 grams yesterday and my wife took 500mg but she is super sensitive to any meds. Suffice it to say that not only did I trip. I tripped hard, so uncomfortably hard. No body load that I could tell, but it was extremely intense. I took it on an empty stomach in the form of a chocolate bar and surprisingly it started kicking in about 10 min later and only lasted about 2 hours for both my wife and me.

I thought mushrooms were supposed to last 4-6 hours. Some people on Reddit think they are using 2CB instead of mushrooms but I read up on 2CB and this was nothing like user experiences.

Are there any RCs that would do this though? Or is it possible at that dose that I could trip extremely hard and it only last 2 hours. It was a bad but healing trip so I’m not complaining too much about the experience just I am not sure that I am taking mushrooms. It definitely tasted like a mushroom, but they could of ground up some store bought mushrooms and put it in there with it for all I know.

Any thoughts?
I'm not gonna try guessing what you took because that's impossible. Chances are VERY slim its actual 2c-b, which btw lasts equally or longer than mushrooms imo.

I can tell you that if you're looking for a tryptamine buzz which, at relative strengths, still lasts considerable shorter than mushrooms and most analogues, you could look for 4HO-EPT. Back in every possible way in 3,5 hours when using orally.

What you took could be mushrooms, maybe you were so flabbergasted by the peak that you didn't notice the comedown (which for me feels really gentle and pretty euphoric still). Maybe you were just feeling so good after the peak ("wow, the experience was intense but now I feel like I'm refreshed") that you mistook the comedown for sobriety ? Were you able to sleep right after the peak? If not, I'd think there was still a chemical doing its thing in you.
Thank you for your feedback!

I 100 percent agree that it wasn’t 2-CB now. And their website does say they lab test their mushrooms. But they don’t sell just plain dried mushrooms. They only sell capsules chocolate and tea.

But yeah I wasn’t able to sleep actually for like 6 hours afterward. I think it’s what you’re saying happened. The trip was extremely intense. I’ve been using drugs for like 20 years just not psychedelics and i thought I could handle it but I just wanted it to wear off so bad because I was overwhelmed.

It was trying to force me to look at things I’ve suppressed for so many years and I was just overwhelmed. I am using them to help combat psychological not psychiatric depression. And it did turn out to be really healing and helpful even though it may have been what some would call a “bad trip”. I see now why experienced psychonauts say that there is no such thing as a bad trip because it was actually very healing.

My wife had a blast though. It was so ironic because she has zero experience with drugs and I was worried that she might have a “bad trip” and it was actually reversed. I remember she was eating popcorn and then I hear her say “what the hell”? My popcorn just bit me”

It was super funny in the moment. Thanks again for your feedback. I really do appreciate it.
all my mushrooms trips have varied in duration dramatically

I have had some trips last 2 hours and some last 6 hours on the same batch of shrooms picked.

On average my mushroom trips will be around 4 hours.
man these psychedelic companies are wacky, and a little shady
Initially, I was thinking DPT, but honestly that’s nothing like mushrooms. This post has me confused. And you’re right HOOH there is too much sketch in the whole game. Natural psychedelics are your best bet In my opinion.
Or is it possible at that dose that I could trip extremely hard and it only last 2 hours.

It's very, very possible. I'm personally betting that that's what happened.

I don't know how experienced you are with tryptamines (like psilocybin) or psychedelics in general or mushrooms specifically, but with tryptamines, it's very common for the vast majority of the actual intensity of the experience to occur within the early hours of the trip, with the later hours of the trip being more like a recovery phase where you're mostly just still high. You're generally not going to be tripping hard for the entire listed duration unless you take a relatively high dosage, which 1.7 g is not. That much mushrooms is basically just enough to give a notable experience to someone who doesn't use them much or is new to them, and for what it's worth, if you are relatively less experienced with them, there's also a good chance you're overestimating what "tripping hard" is in your experience compared to an actually high dosage.

Personally, I would definitely expect 1.7 g of mushrooms to be mostly over the real trip within a couple hours and to be notable but not too crazy. I think what you got sounds about right, but we still cannot ever tell you with any true certainty what you actually took.

Initially, I was thinking DPT, but honestly that’s nothing like mushrooms. This post has me confused. And you’re right HOOH there is too much sketch in the whole game. Natural psychedelics are your best bet In my opinion.

I understand why your mind jumped to this although for what it's worth, I'll say that my experiences in this area have actually been counterintuitive. Specifically, I generally actually find base tryptamines (except DMT) to last longer than 4-substituted tryptamines when they're taken by the same route of administration. That is to say, oral base tryptamines last longer than oral 4-substituted tryptamines for me and smoked 4-substituted tryptamines are over quicker than smoked base tryptamines for me. So I'm hesitant to say that it being a base tryptamine here would have made this difference.

As an interesting note, while it uses the ridiculous dosage of 500 mg, a TiHKAL account describes oral DPT as lasting twelve hours.
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Vaped 4-HO-MET sort of fits the description. Whole thing lasts about 90 minutes. 4-AcO-DMT can also be vaped.
Thank you for your feedback!

I 100 percent agree that it wasn’t 2-CB now. And their website does say they lab test their mushrooms. But they don’t sell just plain dried mushrooms. They only sell capsules chocolate and tea.

But yeah I wasn’t able to sleep actually for like 6 hours afterward. I think it’s what you’re saying happened. The trip was extremely intense. I’ve been using drugs for like 20 years just not psychedelics and i thought I could handle it but I just wanted it to wear off so bad because I was overwhelmed.

It was trying to force me to look at things I’ve suppressed for so many years and I was just overwhelmed. I am using them to help combat psychological not psychiatric depression. And it did turn out to be really healing and helpful even though it may have been what some would call a “bad trip”. I see now why experienced psychonauts say that there is no such thing as a bad trip because it was actually very healing.

My wife had a blast though. It was so ironic because she has zero experience with drugs and I was worried that she might have a “bad trip” and it was actually reversed. I remember she was eating popcorn and then I hear her say “what the hell”? My popcorn just bit me”

It was super funny in the moment. Thanks again for your feedback. I really do appreciate it.
If you do lemontek on mushrooms it makes them comeup very fast and last shorter.
Maybe they had some something similar with them before making chocolate?
If you do lemontek on mushrooms it makes them comeup very fast and last shorter.
Maybe they had some something similar with them before making chocolate?

I was thinking something like this too. Maybe the chocolate is a lot easier to digest than the unprepared mushroom material. The pure synthetic 4-substituted tryptamine powders also tend to come on very fast.
hcl or fumarate? And what dosages? I thought vaping 4hO's was impossible

I convert the fumarate into the base with sodium carbonate, but the fumarate salt itself can be vaped if done carefully. Wouldn't make a regular practice as vaping the fumarate supposedly can be hard on the lungs (which is why I eventually began making a crude freebase).
I've taken 5-MeO-MiPT ~50 times, and the corresponding relationship between dosage and intensity/duration has been remarkably consistent. Still, I've had a handful of experiences much like yours that came out of left field. Those were almost like I'd taken a completely different psychedelic. I think it's more likely that that's what happened here.
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Thanks for all the feedback!

Yeah, I am really thinking that they are actual mushrooms and if not then they are maybe O-acetylpsilocin which I’ve never tried but I guess is a pro drug of psilocin and has similar effects and it’s in the grey area of legality according to Wikipedia so that could be why they are selling their products in the states and even shipping to all 50 states and yet I’m not totally convinced that they are because if it’s sold for human consumption which it clearly is on their website then I guess it becomes illegal. I don’t know I’m totally new to psychedelics. I think they are actually psilocybin cubensis as they advertised.

Another reason I think they are actual mushrooms is because I didn’t know you couldn’t trip 2 days in a row and we ate the rest of them the following day. I mean I took like 3 grams and I still didn’t trip the following day. Then I looked it up and lo and behold everyone says you have to wait at least a week. It’s interesting to find a drug that’s anti-addictive because of this. Can’t use it daily. Not that I’d want to.

The first night the trip was extremely intense though just off 1.7 grams. I mean I was bordering what I believe is referred to as ego death. I was trying to watch a comedy with my wife and the screen was so distorted. One of the actors looked like his face was the same exact shape as the V for Vendetta mask. Creeped me out. And Vince Vaughn looked like he had breasts lol. It was weird asf. That was at the start at of the trip. Also my wife tried to get me to eat some home made beef stew but I couldn’t eat it because it looked like eyeballs were floating in it. I would always be afraid to go to the bathroom because we have like tile walls in our bathroom and whenever I would enter the bathroom it would be like I was in instant Lego land. I don’t know it was just too powerful for me.

I think next time I’ll make sure I’m in a good place mentally before tripping because my wife had a blast, but she’s also happy with herself. So I think if I get to a good and secure place mentally that I can try it again, but I’m not likely going to try it again until next year. I’m in no hurry Lol. It was very eye opening though.

I also think because I wasn’t willing to relinquish my control and just go with it is one of the key reasons it was uncomfortable for me. I think fighting the shrooms can cause a uncomfortable trip but I was just filled with so much anxiety.

Well, thanks again for the feedback ya’ll.
Thanks for all the feedback!

Yeah, I am really thinking that they are actual mushrooms and if not then they are maybe O-acetylpsilocin which I’ve never tried but I guess is a pro drug of psilocin and has similar effects and it’s in the grey area of legality according to Wikipedia so that could be why they are selling their products in the states and even shipping to all 50 states and yet I’m not totally convinced that they are because if it’s sold for human consumption which it clearly is on their website then I guess it becomes illegal. I don’t know I’m totally new to psychedelics. I think they are actually psilocybin cubensis as they advertised.

That does seem sketchy but I can’t really speak to it personally without being more familiar with the situation. People do all kinds of crazy shit with drugs.

Another reason I think they are actual mushrooms is because I didn’t know you couldn’t trip 2 days in a row and we ate the rest of them the following day. I mean I took like 3 grams and I still didn’t trip the following day. Then I looked it up and lo and behold everyone says you have to wait at least a week. It’s interesting to find a drug that’s anti-addictive because of this. Can’t use it daily. Not that I’d want to.

For what it’s worth, this would be true with most psychedelics, especially 4-substituted tryptamines. A strong psychedelic that doesn’t gain much tolerance between uses close together, like DMT, is much more unique.

I like it about them too. I find regular psychedelic use much more manageable than regular use of nearly any other drug, despite what people may tend to think of hallucinogens.

The first night the trip was extremely intense though just off 1.7 grams. I mean I was bordering what I believe is referred to as ego death. I was trying to watch a comedy with my wife and the screen was so distorted. One of the actors looked like his face was the same exact shape as the V for Vendetta mask. Creeped me out. And Vince Vaughn looked like he had breasts lol. It was weird asf. That was at the start at of the trip. Also my wife tried to get me to eat some home made beef stew but I couldn’t eat it because it looked like eyeballs were floating in it. I would always be afraid to go to the bathroom because we have like tile walls in our bathroom and whenever I would enter the bathroom it would be like I was in instant Lego land. I don’t know it was just too powerful for me.

It’s not too crazy for newcomers to trip hard off of generally lower dosages, but also, almost any meaningfully active dosage of a psychedelic will probably be impressive to most newcomers. If you continue tripping, you’ll probably end up retaining the respect you gained for them from this trip, but also become accustomed enough to them that it won’t seem too crazy going forward compared to some of the things you’re willing to put yourself through for the experience once you’ve adjusted.

This sounds like a good experience to me. You may end up looking back on it more fondly eventually, at least that’s my guess.

I think next time I’ll make sure I’m in a good place mentally before tripping because my wife had a blast, but she’s also happy with herself. So I think if I get to a good and secure place mentally that I can try it again, but I’m not likely going to try it again until next year. I’m in no hurry Lol. It was very eye opening though.

I also think because I wasn’t willing to relinquish my control and just go with it is one of the key reasons it was uncomfortable for me. I think fighting the shrooms can cause a uncomfortable trip but I was just filled with so much anxiety.

That’s definitely part of it. The idea of “going with the flow” associated with psychedelics may seem cliche by this point but it’s really just a simple truth of how they work. However, you shouldn’t beat yourself up for having a more challenging experience either. You can learn a lot about yourself from struggling on psychedelics and sometimes those lessons are the ones that really stick with you longer than anything else.

Well, thanks again for the feedback ya’ll.

Happy to help.