TDS Is the withdrawal from drugs generally stronger than the euphoria from trhem?


Jun 29, 2017
I think this is true in particularly with benzos, opiates and alcohol. I've taken all of these for a month seperately non-stop and felt like utter shit. Benzos gave me agitation but luckily no seizures. Taking opiates (hydrocodone) left me feeling suicidal that I couldn't get out of bed and that lasted for two to three months. Alcohol gave me the worst physical symptoms though. Had panic attacks and though I was having heart problems.

The pain of that is enough to keep me from using those drugs except in limited circumstances.
Yeah that's kind of a tough question for me. Depends on the substance too I guess as well. Benzo's, alcohol, and opiates have the worst withdrawal of all drugs, so it can get brutal. I guess it depends on how much fun you had before it all comes crashing down.