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Is it true that in the US you lose your methadone Rx if sent to prison?

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Nov 26, 2011
I've heard this from many people and I can't understand how this could possibly be allowed as it unambiguously amounts to cruel and unusual punishment in my opinion. First of all, it implies that medication is a privilege that can be revoked rather than a basic human right. Secondly, it seems exceptionally cruel that the state essentially sentences you to suffering. Once a medical practitioner establishes you on a dose of medication, intentionally quitting that medication abruptly as a punishment is nothing more than a sentence for inflicting extreme physical and psychological pain, damage and misery. It could potentially even be lethal if you suffer from a heart condition or choke on your own vomit.

Here in Canada, you can ALWAYS receive your prior medications once in prison, regardless of what they are. Prison is supposed to be used for rehabilitation, is it not? Doing this seems unnecessary and cruel at best, and I cannot understand how a country whose constitution prohibits cruel punishment and suffering can order you to experience hell while serving a sentence.
Secondly, it seems exceptionally cruel that the state essentially sentences you to suffering.

Maybe you forgot: In the USA, you lose all your rights as a human being when convicted of a crime. Prison in the US is not centred on rehabilitation, it's centred around revenge and profit.

In fact, if you end up in prison there's a pretty good chance your dog will get shot when you're arrested, most of your possessions will be seized by the state and sold, you will have no hope of gainful employment or education, etc. Just to top it off you can be held in isolation if you act up, too.

So yeah, being denied strong opioids seems like par for the course down there.

Cruel, but far too common and not unusual in the slightest. The poster above me said everything needed
i'm from germany and in most prisons you can receive methadone here... but there are some parts, like bavaria, where they'll let you quit cold turkey. the only thing they give out to help with withdrawl is doxepine, which doesn't do shit
Hmmm, I think that a few may allow it here but I'm not sure. I was always terrified when I was scripted benzos daily because I didn't know what would happen if I got locked up. You basically have to have a seizure in order to get any medical treatment for that I think.
its true in most statea, unless your a pregnant women they cant take you off than. a couple states will dose you but most wont
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