Is it the bodies natural own response


Aug 8, 2012
To feel crappy the next day after taking a large dose of Lyrica.....I got away with about four days of not abusing them than all seemed right....When the kratom ran out I just took everything right but, yesterday I was tempted and I took more than I'm supposed to. So here I am today feeling a little bit more worried and depressed and was wanting to know if just one day off setting my blood levels could cause this type of comedown.
Hi Soniwhite,

I was recently on gabapentin and it didn't agree with me at all and I rend to be very sensitive to lots of medication.

Who knows if yesterdays indulgence has anything to do with how you feel right no, at least some of what you are experiencing is very likely anxiety, hence your post here.

You don't mention quantities but as long as you haven't taken a a quantity of Lyrica higher than might be prescribed by a doctor I'd do your best to remain calm and stick to you regular dose in future.

If uot unsure about the quantity and can't easily check, you can either post it here or PM me and I'll do a bit of digging , a quick check looks like about 300mgs is the recommended limit for one day, but I'm no doctor.
Oh it was 400 mg all at once.....Lower than those 600 mg I was taking before the kratom. The kratom only had one withdrawal symptom and that was pain in my bones......Other than that I too am very sensitive to medication....After my psychosis in 05 everything my brain was shocked by became what I suffer now in comedowns. i always have it in the back of my head the fear I will go thru one of those again......But ya I'm trying to stick with it cause it just ain't worth losing my marbles for.
Sounds like you may have some adverse symptoms but most of this is worry rather then you being in any physical danger.

Drink plenty of fluids and eat well, I'm sure you'll be fine in no time, however of at any stage you really do feel ill go to ER, juts say you got confused and are pretty sure you took to many of your meds, I'm forever forgetting to take all mine and have to have one of those weekly compartment things so i know if I have or haven't taken the dam things:)
Okay when I ran out of klonopin before the 19th and I started to use lyrica very heavily because I felt so bad. Now I'm back to sqaure one with taking 75mg three times a day instead of 750mg a day and more for atleast until monday when I got my klonopin......Man the depression is brutal.