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Is it safe to consume 200mg of mdma three months after not taking any???


Jul 11, 2014
Hi bluelight

Despite what i said in an earlier thread about quitting all drugs, im going to consume 200mg mdma sometime soon. I have not had any mdma in three months and i was just wondering if you guys think that my tolerance might be too low for that amount??? Would that be too much for me??? would it be like me taking it for the first time???

Depends. Whats your usual dosage? i take 2-300mgs of mdma when i roll and i do it once a year. So it all depends on you.
I would usually take 100-200mg. Im just trying to make sure if its safe. Reading your post i should be fine. Thanks
If you know you have real MDMA and your usual doses are 100-200 mg (so i assume you have already taken 200 mg in the past?) you should be fine.
Make sure to test before consuming and you will be fine. I had a red mk that was dosed around there and it was one hell of an experience.
I wouldn't take 200 all at once tbph. 120-150, followed by the rest as a redose sounds like a better idea to me.
I wanna know if 200mg has the potential to be a LETHAL amount to someone with my tolerance or if its just that the experience will just be too overwhelming??? or is it just that there is other dangerous risks other than death??? i know that there IS risks but i feel that i need to ask since you guys have different opinions on me taking that much.
By no means is 200mg a lethal dose. It may be flooring and very intense; but not lethal.
200mg won't kill you unless you have some weird idiosyncratic reaction that you wouldn't be able to predict.
The come down is going to play hell with your social phobia and mood though and if you want to overthink then a few days feeling miserable whilst you claw back some seratonin will give you plenty of material to work with.
You are bouncing around a bit with shrooms and DXM and now MDMA, slow down and give yourself some room to breathe mate, there is no hurry to do anything, you are just going to be another train wreck if you are not careful. The answers you seek may well be there for you but the drug itself is not the answer and truth is very rarely dose dependant in my experience. Take care.
200mg is in no way a lethal dose, though if it's pure it would probably be very intense…

Also, I do see that in previous threads you were considering candyflipping/hippyflipping even though you've reported experiencing depression as related to your past experiences with mushrooms. If you do decide to do MDMA again, I definitely do not recommend combining it with a psychedelic if this is what you are considering, at least not until you have looked within yourself to figure out why mushrooms caused you to have the thoughts that seem to be troubling you.
Not sure if this question is related to your previous question, or if you have just decided not to flip after all (which I think would be wise). If you are going to flip, 200 mg is not the correct dose, especially for someone with a low tolerance. It would be much, much too intense when combined with a psychedelic and you might find yourself in a lot of distress.

In any event I wish you the best and hope things go well for you, ovenbakedskittles
Safe, but VERY strong. Back that off to more like 100-150 range. I like 120.
Agree that 200 mg is a bit too much. Try to stop at 180 mg, even then you will be completely gone if your gear is halfway decent.
No More than 6 Months if you wanna do it Long-Term and Not Damage your Brain Nevermind it being Like the First Time everytime that you will Never be able to get back if you Over-Use MDMA At One Point in Life No Matter How Long you Abstain From Using it I haven't Used it in Over a Year and got a perfect nearly Pure 150MG of MDMA well 300mg or more to be Precise but anymore then 150MG unless it is cut to shit should not make a difference
if it is cut a little is why people use more then 150mg but 120mg to 150 is what the Dose anyone should shoot for anymore than that and you minize well Snort Amphetamines Considering it will Only Produce Physically Stimulative Effects Higher than that Dosage.
If you have pure mdma.. dude i would suggest you know your dosage. I had a cap of 150. I took it in the club (skrillex lol) and i tell ya.. it was crazy. I did not get crazy i actual got the opposite it had me stationary. Heck i wanted to get out of there because so many things going on at once.. light, people talking, loud music. For edc i'm ordering dominoes 200mg each.. however im going to take half and try 100mg at edc orlando because that way i can find out the right amount of dosage and feel good about it. Even at 150 mg i get a very little amount of hallucination at comedown. So little it shouldn't be of a bother, still dont pop and drive ;)