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Is it right to abort a bad trip?

He didn't end up getting coke but he was drinking a lot and fucking with everyone which I believe was the reason some of us had a bad trip. He was saying that it would never end and there's no way to stop it, plus he was calling everyone gay and being very hostile and at one point he was playing with a machete.

It made me feel like I was in an insane asylum and everything I was seeing was a schizophrenic hallucination but in reality I was running around in the street about to be shot by police. He was being a real douche and I regret tripping with him, but in the end I came out fine.

When I went out to look at the sky I felt this beautiful connection to the universe and everything in it. Strangly enough I did have the compulsion to take all my cloths off and run outside when I hit the bad part of the trip but luckily I somehow had the willpower to resist doing that.

I don't feel mentally damaged by the experience even though at the time it felt very traumatizing. I only took about 1.75 grams, so half an eighter, but it was on an empty stomach so it hit me particularly hard. I can't imagine what would have happened if I took the whole eighter, I probably would be running around naked in the wilderness.
At the point I felt the perfect universe my heart beat fell to 62 beats per minute and I entered some sort of perpetual meditative state. This was the perfect moment, the most calm and content I've ever been in my life.
To answer your title question directly, I don't think it's right, but I also don't think it's wrong. It's certainly an option, but not really with Xanax. Xanax will calm your trip significantly, removing almost all of the mental aspect and a good portion of the visuals, but it won't completely bring you back to reality the way some antipsychotics can. If you feel that you need to take the alprazolam during the trip, then there's no actual logical reason not to, but as you probably know, the difficult trips are usually the most useful and ultimately positive trips in the long term.
i would advise--especially if marijuana gives you panic attacks--that you take quite a bit less than a full 3.5 grams for your first trip, especially with your history of depression. Marijuana brings panic and anxiety because it causes things under the surface to rise into your field of view. Things you may have repressed. Thins like guilt, regret, loss, sadness, etc., and psychedelic tryptamines do the same thing, on a higher level. For a first trip, half an eighth will usually suffice. Or, alternatively, you could pre-load by letting 0.5mg alprazolam dissolve under your tongue 20 minutes before you eat 2-2.75 grams. That's what I would do.

This may not be what you want to hear, but language reveals intent and belief, and some of your language choices, purposeful or otherwise, suggest that maybe you just really want to be ready for psychedelics, or perhaps getting closer but maybe not all the way there. I don't mean at all to sound disparaging, but for example, you talk about "how terrible a psychedelic experience can be." Maybe they can be terrible, or maybe they're just sometimes incredibly challenging or difficult, but regardless, your mind is set on the possibility of it being terrible, which implies nothing gained, 100% discomfort, nothing good, and even the absolute most difficult and frightening trips can be very cathartic, enlightening, worthwhile experiences that make people grateful when they know how to use them to their advantage afterwords during their integration period. You said it yourself, you're having second thoughts, and I'm not here to talk you out of it or talk you into it, I'm just being the mirror. Having second thoughts with a psychedelic like mushrooms is how a lot of people end up having difficult experiences. Now, of course, the Xanax greatly reduces the chances of that happening. I too had a horrible teenage life and was very depressed since childhood, in fact suicidally so, but clonozepam has never allowed me a difficult experience, and it's calmed every difficult experience I've had that began without it.
Another thing to consider is a group of eight people tripping together. Do any of them make you the least bit uncomfortable or anxious or uneasy? Mushrooms will magnify those feelings a thousand fold. Until you're experienced with tripping, id advise you only trip with people you trust completely, or at least are 'supremely' comfortable with.

Basically, to sum this all up, I say it's okay to calm a trip with a benzo, but if you do that then you'll lose everything about the trip that makes it so incredibly profound and alien and beneficial, and it will make the trip, in essence, purely recreational. Recreational trips aren't a "bad" thing unless you ask a purist, but they definitely offer you quite a bit less potential. This kind of moves psychedelics from the "medicinal" or "healing" category they exist in and moves them closer to the "drugs of abuse" category they're meant to be separate from. That's not necessarily bad, or necessarily good- it just is. It's just another choice you will make in life. Ultimately, it's all up to you. I don't want to discourage or encourage you, I just want to inform you so you can do what you decide is the right choice for you. There are too many important, indeed instrumental things about you and your life that I don't know about for me to give you any real "good" answer. Are you really ready? Don't answer that. I'm not asking you, I'm suggesting you ask yourself, and find the answer that is truthful, not necessarily the answer that's enjoyable.

Benzo+psychedelic might even be a fuckig brilliant way to build confidence about tripping. You'll be able to see a portion of the beauty that awaits you when you return without your emotions on mute.
It's okay to chemically "back out" (partially) from a challenging and difficult experience if you really need to, and it's okay to preload with a benzo so you can at least see the visual landscape of your new environment before you fully plant your feet and feel it, however, I can't even begin to put into words what it feels like to have a trip go south and turn it around, work through it, survive
it (figuratively, of course,) and to have that feeling of success and victory and pride and growth.

TL;DR: read what I wrote! That came from the heart, man! I say either way, whatever you end up doing will be the choice you're supposed to make, even if it's unenjoyable. This is, after all, statistically, almost certainly all a computer simulation equipped with "doubly-even self-dual linear binary error-correcting computer codes" (universal auto-correct) to make sure everything happens exactly as it's supposed to, one way or another, regardless of the choice you make in this instant. None of the choices you're debating here are inherently dangerous or life-threatening, and all of them end with you gaining some new information or perspective, and that's the whole purpose of life: pure experience, and learning (and love, but that's less applicable than the other two.).
Shit haha. I guess I should've scrolled farther, huh? I answered that too late lol. My mistake. Oh well, I say at least it can serve as info for other people in your situation with the same question.
It sounds like you had a great time preceded by some difficulty because of the worst kind of person, but it all turned out alright and that bit is what's awesome. I'm glad you got to experience the beauty of it after getting away from the crazy jerk. That connection you felt is real, man! Hang on to that thought and how it felt. It's one of those things that can serve you in important ways later on down the road.