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Is it bad to take 2,000 mg of tylenol for 6 days!?


Jul 11, 2014

I dont know where this goes

Its been a while since i have posted on here...

So i have been taking 2,000 mg of tylenol extra strength for 6 days now because i have been a little sick... 1,000 in the afternoon and 1,000 late at night...

I have heard that it can cause liver damage and i want to know if im taking too much.... i know the bottle tells me but i just want to make sure nobody else has had any problems with taking that kind of a dosage in that many days or more...

I try not to exceed 2,000 mg... i am only taking it until i feel better... although i would be lying if i said i dont pop a couple every once in a while when im not sick...

Opinions?? Facts??

Thanks ?
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure the maximum daily "safe" dose of acetominaphine (sp?) is 4000 mg in a 24 hour period. So yeah you should be fine.

But with that being said, if you drink 3 or 4 beers every night, is it really good for your liver? No. But its not going to kill you in the short term. But if you get used to it and keep doing it for long periods of time, then you'll have problems.
Well the safety limits seem to depend where you live :)

Some states have 2500mg limit, others 3000mg or 4000mg and in EU countries it is 4000mg too although some countries have considered 2500mg to be safe for chronic use and 4000mg for acute use.

I for myself try to keep it less than 2000mg even when having a fever as my liver doesn't like this stuff at all. Week of 2000mg per day and I start feeling pain in my right shoulder.