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Tryptamines Is Ibogaine worth seeking out?

Snafu in the Void

Bukowski Jr.
May 27, 2020
So when it comes to nearly every psychedelic drug out there I can say "been there, done that..."

However I've never tried Ibogaine....

I really want to try it for a "cure" to my general non-specific drug addiction....

Nearly every account I can find of high/flood dose of ibogaine is sheer hell for 12+ hours....

and I still want to do it.

Anyone have some first hand ibogaine experiences they can share?

I'm really just looking to rid myself of the constant need to feel fucked up on no matter what drug it is..... I have a constant need to have an altered consciousness... or maybe I'm being foolish and I'm just a life long drug fiend???

I am a bit worried about cardiovascular toxicity.... :/ problems run in the family

Thanks for any input from ibogaine users!
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i think it's worth to try but be careful it's toxic when overdose in.
try micro dosing it, or go to professional ibogaine center for flood dose

That's what I plan to do. I'd seek out a professional ibogaine practitioner. There are a few in the neighboring countries to me.

I'd only want a flood dose. I could microdose myself if I wanted to.
Make sure have no preexisting heart conditions. Ibogaine was fully legal here til some shit pracititnoer killed somebody with it.

It can leave you alot better off or into a existential crisis for a long time the follow months are when you do alot of hard work and become stronger and better.
I have heard great things regarding Ibogaine as an opioid deterrent. I have heard people say that one session completely removed their desire to continue their opioid use.

I have no personal experience with it. Suboxone worked (works) for me.
I have heard great things regarding Ibogaine as an opioid deterrent. I have heard people say that one session completely removed their desire to continue their opioid use.

I have no personal experience with it. Suboxone worked (works) for me.

I don't want suboxone maintenance, honestly wish I could just be sober. I go through cycles of extreme drug use, then extreme alcohol use, repeated. I'm honestly tired of it. Really tired of it.
You would likely have to visit another country for Ibogaine therapy. It is not a common drug in the States, and there are actual Ibogaine treatment centers in other countries (the specific countries are failing my memory at the time).

It is Schedule I in the US.
So when it comes to nearly every psychedelic drug out there I can say "been there, done that..."

However I've never tried Ibogaine....

I really want to try it for a "cure" to my general non-specific drug addiction....

Nearly every account I can find of high/flood dose of ibogaine is sheer hell for 12+ hours....

and I still want to do it.

Anyone have some first hand ibogaine experiences they can share?

I'm really just looking to rid myself of the constant need to feel fucked up on no matter what drug it is..... I have a constant need to have an altered consciousness... or maybe I'm being foolish and I'm just a life long drug fiend???

I am a bit worried about cardiovascular toxicity.... :/ problems run in the family

Thanks for any input from ibogaine users!
Be very careful. I know heroin and cocaine addicts, and polydrug addicts who used Ibogaine. They all said how it worked for opiate withdrawals but how eventually they did relapse on powder coke, base/crack, heroin, etc. and some developed an addiction to alcohol.
Be very careful. I know heroin and cocaine addicts, and polydrug addicts who used Ibogaine. They all said how it worked for opiate withdrawals but how eventually they did relapse on powder coke, base/crack, heroin, etc. and some developed an addiction to alcohol.

I'm definitely a polydrug addict, and an alcoholic when I'm not on drugs :/... Ibogaine cardiotoxicity kinda scares me too, I have heart problems that run on both sides of the family.
I'm definitely a polydrug addict, and an alcoholic when I'm not on drugs :/... Ibogaine cardiotoxicity kinda scares me too, I have heart problems that run on both sides of the family.
Don't use it then! Also I am sure you know this but stay far away from coke/crack/base. Cocaine is extremely cardiotoxic;. Stay safe.
Don't use it then! Also I am sure you know this but stay far away from coke/crack/base. Cocaine is extremely cardiotoxic;. Stay safe.

Yeah rarely use it anymore. Once in awhile.... coke is awesome but honestly the short duration and price just turn me off. My money goes further with other drugs.

I've had some scary OD's on meth, though. I try to stay away from it. It's just so damn cheap and available in the US it's insane. I can still get 4g for $40 which is fucking RETARDED.
I did ibogaine in 2014 for opiate/polydrug addiction (but specifically for opiates, I did not intend on quitting all drugs). It worked tremendously well, in fact it was never hell for me either, it was a really interesting experience. I wrote about it. Honestly it changed my life a lot, I came out of it (it was a week-long experience all things told, I did a follow-up dose 6 days layer, days 4-5 were rough and I had a bit of a relapse, but it all came together on day 7) with absolutely no desire for opiates and a strong desire to get to bed early, wake up early work out every day first thing, eat well... I was coming out of an abusive long-term, relationship and I felt like a new man, I went out into the world, rediscovered music (my passion), deepened my friendships... the 2 years afterwards were incredible. I did psychedelics sometimes and drank sometimes, but I had a good relationship with things.

It's been over 6 years and unfortunately a few years ago I started experienxcing some of the worst emotional pain in my life... the past 2, 2.5 years have been really rough, my dad slowly wasted away and died horribly, painful divorce, financial issues from divorce. I slipped back into old patterns to deal, eventually, when it got too much. Relapsed on opiates for about 8 months (that's past), been abusing gabaergics mostly. I'm trying to dig myself out of that now.

I will say I feel like my life is subdivided into pre and post iboga. I was in a MUCH worse place before iboga, I basically wanted to die every day, and had no hope that things could improve. Now I will always know that I can be who I want to be, I just have to work at it.

I think a flood dose is a once in a lifetime thing for most people... I strongly feel that I should never do that again even though I loved my experience and it altered my life (my subconscious behavior especially, and also my dream architecture seemingly permanently). It's rather harrowing and it also seems to affect different people differently, for me it made me dream whether awake or asleep for 3 full days and then had a lot of different slowly fading more subtle effects. It was kind of a miracle, and seemed utterly miraculous at the time. But you have to be very ready to change, I was primed for change, having just split with my abusive ex wife. I put in the work right afterwards and my life blossomed, but I think it would have been much less powerful if I had just kept on doing the same stuff afterwards.

Its most profound effect was not in quitting opiates (though that was profound - and I was VERY ready to quit I should add - because I literally did not want them at all once the experience fully sunk in. No cravings for 5+ years). The most profound effect was how it seemed to deprogram what was then my entire adult life's worth of bad mental patterns. I reconnected with the child me, the part that believes anything is possible and knows what he wants. It was like a switch flipped and the way I approached life and thought about myself changed in a very positive direction, and that's the part that I still carry with me.
I did ibogaine in 2014 for opiate/polydrug addiction (but specifically for opiates, I did not intend on quitting all drugs). It worked tremendously well, in fact it was never hell for me either, it was a really interesting experience. I wrote about it. Honestly it changed my life a lot, I came out of it (it was a week-long experience all things told, I did a follow-up dose 6 days layer, days 4-5 were rough and I had a bit of a relapse, but it all came together on day 7) with absolutely no desire for opiates and a strong desire to get to bed early, wake up early work out every day first thing, eat well... I was coming out of an abusive long-term, relationship and I felt like a new man, I went out into the world, rediscovered music (my passion), deepened my friendships... the 2 years afterwards were incredible. I did psychedelics sometimes and drank sometimes, but I had a good relationship with things.

It's been over 6 years and unfortunately a few years ago I started experienxcing some of the worst emotional pain in my life... the past 2, 2.5 years have been really rough, my dad slowly wasted away and died horribly, painful divorce, financial issues from divorce. I slipped back into old patterns to deal, eventually, when it got too much. Relapsed on opiates for about 8 months (that's past), been abusing gabaergics mostly. I'm trying to dig myself out of that now.

I will say I feel like my life is subdivided into pre and post iboga. I was in a MUCH worse place before iboga, I basically wanted to die every day, and had no hope that things could improve. Now I will always know that I can be who I want to be, I just have to work at it.

I think a flood dose is a once in a lifetime thing for most people... I strongly feel that I should never do that again even though I loved my experience and it altered my life (my subconscious behavior especially, and also my dream architecture seemingly permanently). It's rather harrowing and it also seems to affect different people differently, for me it made me dream whether awake or asleep for 3 full days and then had a lot of different slowly fading more subtle effects. It was kind of a miracle, and seemed utterly miraculous at the time. But you have to be very ready to change, I was primed for change, having just split with my abusive ex wife. I put in the work right afterwards and my life blossomed, but I think it would have been much less powerful if I had just kept on doing the same stuff afterwards.

Its most profound effect was not in quitting opiates (though that was profound - and I was VERY ready to quit I should add - because I literally did not want them at all once the experience fully sunk in. No cravings for 5+ years). The most profound effect was how it seemed to deprogram what was then my entire adult life's worth of bad mental patterns. I reconnected with the child me, the part that believes anything is possible and knows what he wants. It was like a switch flipped and the way I approached life and thought about myself changed in a very positive direction, and that's the part that I still carry with me.
Hey man, very sorry for your recent pain and struggle in life. We expect so much don't we, and often fail to embrace the inportant life lessons we gain through suffering.

I speak for myself here, but maybe a human (mortal) trait?

Anyway, really hoping some better fortune swings your way but I sense you have great strength as a person and will learn and benefit from everything thrown at you.

Having a trust in life is so fundamental to coping with periods of emotional stress.

I fight very hard with physical illness everyday but I keep going something just drives me on.

Anyway I only wanted to say thank you very much for sharing your honest experience here with thorough reflection. I may venture down a very similar path myself because my life is totally crazy and I do have problems with addiction currently to etizolam in combination with heavy kava consumption which I understand to be a strict no no, my usual medical cannabis simply potentiates the overall consumption and I really do enjoy my Lysegamides which out of everything have proven to be the healthiest and most beneficial drugs for me to to indulge in.

I was considering the kambo treatments which are accessible in usual times and I feel could be of great benefit to myself but I would also be interested in ibogaine to deal with physical dependence on a benzodiazepine since November which I've never experienced before or in terms of using addictive drugs.

I have gone incredibly deep in my life and am an incredibly deep spiritual soul so the idea of a flood dose of Ibogain, as long as physically safe and manageable for me I feel could be perfectly appropriate as it sounds it was for yourself.

Thanks again for sharing man as always and really hoping some more light enters your life if soon.
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^Kambo, as in the amazonian frog? I'm quite interested in the nature of the experience, but I've only found a few accounts of it online.
^Kambo, as in the amazonian frog? I'm quite interested in the nature of the experience, but I've only found a few accounts of it online.

Look at this thread for some of my personal experiences.

Back in August 2018 I started my journey with Kambo.

Now in August 2020 I am doing Kambo practioner training.

It's pretty awesome.

Look at this thread for some of my personal experiences.

Back in August 2018 I started my journey with Kambo.

Now in August 2020 I am doing Kambo practioner training.

It's pretty awesome.

Thanks for the link, that's piqued my curiosity about kambo even more. Are the active constituents of all the parts known? I ask because I have epilepsy and would need to be exceedingly careful about approaching this from a medical perspective. Do the traditional practitioners have a policy about underlying health issues? It sounds like the exact medicine I need right now...
Thanks for the link, that's piqued my curiosity about kambo even more. Are the active constituents of all the parts known? I ask because I have epilepsy and would need to be exceedingly careful about approaching this from a medical perspective. Do the traditional practitioners have a policy about underlying health issues? It sounds like the exact medicine I need right now...

There has been a bit of research into the active constituents of Kambo, but I myself am not too familiar. Something about a lot of different peptides, I dunno really. I suppose I will have to look into it more.

A quick search says "current and severe epilepsy" is a contraindication.

All I can say is message a local practioner and see what they say.

I have a friend who lives down south they do kambo treatments regularly and also do rattlesnake venom. I suppose the rattlesnake venom has been used for hundreds of years in small doses but I cannot find any info on it. Apparently they lightly burn about a cigarette sized hole on their arm or leg then drop about 10 units of rattlesnake venom on the burn. Apparently it's very healing and revitalizing.