Is cutting on test stupid? First cycle.


Apr 23, 2011
Hi BL,

I am currently cutting on my first test p cycle. I have a friend who says it's a waste cutting on a test p cycle, you won't build any muscle, only lose fat and stay out of a catabolic state. I was under the impression that you could do both (ofcourse not build the same musclemass if you were bulking but still gain some) and it depends on your goals.

What do you think, is it stupid to use test p as a cutting agent on first cycle? The dose is 75mg ED for 9 weeks.
Yes it's stupid. Of course your body will have more efficient nutrient partitioning on test, but not a significant difference to justify using AAS solely for that purpose.

Cut first, then run the cycle while bulking. Get the most out of it.
What Animal Mother was trying to say is that you should cut first without AAS. Then when you get to your desired bodyfat percentage (8% and under is good), use AAS to bulk and blow up lean. What is your current bodyfat %?

You can build muscle while dieting if:

- You're an overfat beginner
- You currently have a high bodyfat (18-20%+). Fat is stored energy, so you can still use it towards LBM gains. These gains will stop when you get to 15% and under, simply because the energy isn't there.
c) you're on so much hormones your urine could be used as cycle for other people

If you're asking will test (and/or others) help on a cut the answer is yes they will. You'll absolutely get better results with a cut on hormones than one without.

If you're asking is cutting the best use of a cycle than that's a bit different. If you intend to follow the time off = time on + pct + a little extra suggestion then cutting while on isn't the best use of a cycle. If you're going for B&C (which you shouldn't this being your first cycle) then you're both cutting and bulking while on, just with different doses/compounds.
Thanks for all the replies.

I bulked up for 62kg to 103kg over a period on 4 years. I then began cutting here in february, gone from 103kg to 88kg where 4 of those kgs was on the cycle. My BF is down to 10-11% at the moment, I was thinking about lean bulking on the rest of the cycle.
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But goals is though cutting down to a 6% bodyfat, but I don't wanna waste the cycle. What do you think?
But goals is though cutting down to a 6% bodyfat, but I don't wanna waste the cycle. What do you think?

I take it your not cutting for a competition..? If you are at 10-11%, I'd stick with where you are and use your AAS to produce greater lean body mass...

6%, or rather a true 6% BF is unsustainable long term, its unhealthy. Personally you'd be better off looking to reach no less than 8%, and add greater muscle volume through your use of AAS..... Unless you are in a pre-comp cut, you should ideally be in a calorie surplus whilst on AAS.... Eat healthy..!!
Thanks alot, I will begin lean bulking the last 4 weeks of the cycle and then cut, ofcourse I will be eating healthy GF. ;)
IMO yes test is sufficient for cutting, but I would use something more anti-catabolic as well to cut with and leave the test at a low dose of say 250mg and let the other AAS do the job... Anavar, Primo (if you can get legit primo or make it yourself), Masteron. You can really cut on anything though as it is diet that determines wether you cut/bulk moreso than the compound you use.

The only AAS that you can expect to cut with whilst gaining muscle is Tren, which by the sounds of it you are not ready for.
Test + anavar is a good cutting combination - effective + low side effects, especially since anavar is proven to reduce abdominal fat. Idk about gaining muscle, but it's definitely possible to gain strength on this while cutting... even for experienced aas using lifters.