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is 14 too young for LSA?


Sep 5, 2014
Hello, I want to try lsa, I've done nutmeg once and it was horrible but I got introduced to pot a few months back and have been smoking ever since but I want to try lsa to change my view of life and to find new things about myself whether it's good or bad, I've done months and months of research and reading trip reports on different drugs dmt,mescaline,lsa,shrooms and lsd but for some reason I find lsa more eye catching then the others. is 14 young for lsa??? Thanks -kestro
The fact you have tried nutmeg is reason enough for me to suggest you are not ready to become a Psychonaut.

Go and chase boobs and learn a bit more about life, love and loss then think come back to strong mind altering drugs.

Most people I know who started psychedelic drugs at 14 burn themselves out well before they have enough life experience to enjoy them to their full potential. You could prove me wrong but I truly doubt it.
Hi and welcome to PD / Bluelight :)

We have an age & psychedelics thread, and I expressed my opinion there more than once. Like here exactly:

So that's on tripping for the first time at certain ages, or starting trying "harder" drugs.

As for you being interested in LSA, is that reason that LSA seeds are relatively easy to get compared to other psychedelics? ;)

I think that LSA seeds are slightly different from a lot of other psychedelics in that there is an intoxicating body high, but also potential body load... and that as you might have already read it's not really like LSD. To me it's less psychedelic and more on par with say cannabis which sure can be psychedelic, but is still typically milder. However! that is also just a dose-dependent thing although I just wouldn't recommend high doses of LSA seeds for reasons already said.

In short to emphasize a few things I must say that I understand wanting to change your views, to find out new things and explore yourself. Been there done that! Still am in ways. But if you don't mind me talking in theoretical terms about people and their development... in teen years / puberty, at least until 17 which is already pushing it IMO, learning about life should be mostly focused about figuring out your social identity. And that is just achieved by going to school where other people are. Don't underestimate it, it can be tricky enough!

Learning really deep stuff is very next level, and - not if you fail but especially if you succeed in what you say you want! - this raises a lot of questions, very much complicating things. You will not get answers that are simple and satisfying (cause the world just isn't for most people), you will want to continue on that path of exploration. And it gets a whole lot complicated for a very long time before it starts getting better. That would all come on top of you still figuring out who you are in a more practical plain every-day level... figuring out who you are on a universal level is often insane like you have no idea. Better be prepared for that, I doubt most people know what they may get themselves into with it.

Well maybe for some, it's less serious than that and they may just find tripping kinda recreational... but I think this is just why my own experience and what I have seen from the world tells me that adolescence is the earliest appropriate time. That is: young adulthood. :)

IMO find yourself other things to explore in the meanwhile, like milder ethnobotanics such as damiana - and indeed the cannabis makes sense.
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my advice is forget completely about all drugs until you are 18.

but thats probably not going to happen, so i'd say try and smoke weed once a month, once a week at most, try and keep it something special.

if you start using psychedelics at 14, things are inevitably start to going out of control within a few years.

your 14... so many ways to have adventures and explore life without taking mind altering substances.

its like everyone who starts smoking weed all the time at 14, and is obsessing about psychedelics, ends up getting into opiates and other hard drugs by like 17, then they get really deep into it and start overdosing and either die (unlikely i guess), or addicted through their twenties to hard drugs.

psychedelics might show you the nature of reality for a few hours, but once you come down, you are once again faced with the bleak harshness of reality
meditation offers a slower progression into altered states of consciousness and greater understanding about ourselves and others, and is much safer imo
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I never heard that, or rather just didn't know about damiana, so ookay not that but it was to illustrate a point. ;p
i read it as datura lol, damiana is so subtle i dont think i would notice anything, kanna and khat are subtle substances with very low potential to harm yourself and the ppl around you. (edited recommending other drugs that would easily slippery slope to problem drug use)
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my advice is forget completely about all drugs until you are 18.

but thats probably not going to happen, so i'd say try and smoke weed once a month, once a week at most, try and keep it something special.

if you start using psychedelics at 14, things are inevitably start to going out of control within a few years.

your 14... so many ways to have adventures and explore life without taking mind altering substances.

its like everyone who starts smoking weed all the time at 14, and is obsessing about psychedelics, ends up getting into opiates and other hard drugs by like 17, then they get really deep into it and start overdosing and either die (unlikely i guess), or addicted through their twenties to hard drugs.

psychedelics might show you the nature of reality for a few hours, but once you come down, you are once again faced with the bleak harshness of reality
meditation offers a slower progression into altered states of consciousness and greater understanding about ourselves and others, and is much safer imo

I agree. Yes it's too young. Wait until you are at least 16, or even 18. At 14 you should not be smoking lots of pot/hash either as your brain and body are still developing.
Lol wut I don't go telling 14 year olds to try datura... I don't even tell 70 year olds that. Wait, that doesn't necessarily make sense.

Ixnay on the ratomkay imo. Can indeed be an issue if liked too much and it becomes a habit. Damiana works very well together with weed in my experience. One of the herbs that worked for me i guess. Many like catnip didn't really.

Anyway I think (s)he gets the point, continuing to recommend drugs is not really cool on the forum.
Definitely no to LSA at 14. I'd even lay off the weed, it really harms your ability to learn and at 14 you are learning so much not just in school, but in life in general. Cannabis retards learning and forming memories. At 14 you're best off sticking to smoking banana peels and trying to get laid (with a condom of course!). You have your whole life ahead, psychedelics will always be there, when you are ready.
All I have to say in the matter is this: I started smoking weed at 15 (now 20) and I feel like it has harmed my cognitive abilities in sooo many ways. I have a much harder time understanding complex mathematical equations, whereas even 2-3 years ago I could have "gotten" this material 5x quicker. In addition, I'm known by almost every friend of mine for being extremely forgetful, a large amount of which I attribute to weed. A study actually just came out that even recreational use, small small amounts, can and do affect your brain in negative ways until you're 25 and your brain has finished developing. It's fun, it changes your perspective, woo! It's great! Opens your mind! Yea, it's great until you reach the point where you feel like you've seen so much more than your peers have that you can no longer relate. Almost look down on them, if only a small bit. Then, next thing you know, it's been 2 or 3 years. You were able to get LSD or shrooms or DMT. Now you've seen and experienced so much of the deeper, esoteric "end game" part of life that now you've entirely missed out on the stage of your life where (as said by Solipsis) you learn and figure out who you are on a day to day basis. Who you are in this human and social world. You'll see who you are and who you can be on the universal level getting high and tripping, but that does nothing but fuck you if you haven't gone through those years of caring about worldly affairs and such. Believe me, because I'm still dealing with it. I have literally everything going for me in life, but it's so hard to care about making my place in the physical, human, and real world after seeing what I've seen.

If you wait until you're 18 or 19 to trip, I give you my word that it will be a million times better. And I'm not saying this just because rah rah you're too young rah rah tell this kid to wait. Tripping means absolutely nothing if you haven't experienced true love, true loss and sadness, and being completely independent in the world. You will see things, have revelations about everyday concepts that non-tripping teens will never see at that time. But it literally comes back to bite you in your ass. As a 14 year old, you still gain enjoyment out of simpler things much more than someone my age does. Enjoy your youth and easy happiness while you can. You don't need drugs to have the time of your life.

Please, just don't follow the path I did reading about all this crazy amazing shit that you can experience on drugs and doing them too early. It really just isn't worth it. It's just as another poster above said, the earlier you start the more likely it will be for you to start using "harder" drugs, considering our (mine isn't developed yet either) prefrontal cortexes are not near well grown enough to make responsible future-oriented decisions.

/end lecture

For real, spend your time learning hobbies; longboarding, skateboarding, playing an instrument, learning to produce music electronically, mix and dj, craft and make some kind of object, sing, etc. For the first time the other day I looked back and realized that I wasted my prime years to learn skills on smoking fucking weed and doing psychedelics. No skills gained except a feeling of alienation from my peers and an inability to genuinely care about worldy things.
Psychedelics, if we must grossly simplify, basically light up the little "Oh Shit That's Deep!" lightbulb in our brains. Yes, they encourage introspection and lateral thinking, make possible a massive degree of free association, etc. etc. But they don't just magically turn a fool into the next Aristotle. A big part of the experience lies in the fact that they make relatively unmeaningful things seem more meaningful than they really are. Which is great! That's why they're such an incredible tool for psychological and spiritual growth: They help us to appreciate the world we live in, they incline us to ponder over questions that we normally don't give a second thought... but I don't think this kind of influence is particularly healthy in a young mind. Quite frankly, you need to see what meaning you can find in the world through experience before you just manufacture meaning with a drug.

And this isn't merely about you being "mature" enough to distinguish psychedelic-induced nonsensical thoughts from actual personal revelations. It's about biology. It just so happens that mice given LSD (fair disclosure: chronically via IV) through infancy develop schizoid symptoms. In fact their symptoms so closely resemble schizoid behavior that hallucinogen-exposed mice are a popular (though, very flawed) animal model for human schizophrenia. I'm not suggesting that children who take LSD develop schizophrenia--A single hallucinogenic experience will simply not have the widereaching neurological impact of chronic long-term 5ht2a activation--but I do mean to suggest that, as teenager, your brain is much more plastic (see: neuro-plasticity) than it will be in a few more years time. This essentially means that your brain is much more able to make changes to itself in response to experiences. To put it another way, you're an impressionable youth (no matter how cynical you believe yourself to be). I wouldn't be surprised at all the learn that people who start taking hallucinogens early in childhood are more prone to irrational thought than people who start taking hallucinogens later in life.

One experience isn't going to ruin you, but if you try it once, you'll probably try it again.

(BTW: I think it's terrible that children so young smoke weed--or at least smoke so much of it. Just because marijuana-use doesn't carry a significant risk of death doesn't mean that it's harmless.)
14 is too young for any drug experimentation imo, there are many who will tell you that they have been using drugs since then and are fine but that doesn't change the fact that crucial changes are occurring in your brain at this time and drug use will slightly alter the way in which your brain develops.
Waiting until your 18 or later for drug experimentation is ideal but I understand that most won't wait that long.
I agree with basically everyone else. It doesn't matter if you feel ready, it's a matter of biology. At 14 you shouldn't be doing any drugs ever, in my opinion. Not alcohol, not weed, definitely not opioids like kratom, definitely not psychedelics or dissociatives. If you keep the marijuana use to a minimum and stay away from other drugs as long as you can you'll be glad you did. It may not be fun, but it's the smart thing to do.
i was smoking weed at your age and researching all different kind of drugs. just stick to weed m8. the drugs are not going to go anywhere, wait. its worth the wait for good drugs like lsd when you're older.

also, try not to smoke weed so much. i would not advise it.
Don't fuck with the drugs at a young age, they aren't going anywhere and neither will you if you start that young... You have to realize that the people here on the forums aren't the government, we aren't trying to brainwash you and tell you that drugs are bad, MMKAY? The people here on the forums are speaking from personal experience so please try to take our advice to heart. At 14 you should be enjoying being a kid, you don't need drugs to possibly impact your future. If you want to better yourself, focus on school and banging some hotties, you'll thank yourself later in life if you focus on those skills lol.
14 is definitely too young for psychedelics. I started tripping when I was 18 and am glad I waited. I sometimes even think that waiting longer would have been beneficial. I'm not telling you to not try psychedelics. LSD has been one of the most positive forces in my life. But I feel you'll be better prepared and get a lot more out of it if you wait.
I think, for me anyway, loving yourself is a really important part of drug-use, especially psychedelics. You need to know that when the going gets tough during the trip, you're not going to beat yourself up for something that you think/see/say/do. The truth is, at the age of 14, there is no way in hell that is even remotely possible. When I was a teenager, I thought I knew myself and everything that I needed to know... I was sorely mistaken.

Think of it this way... Let's say, LSA is a chemistry class. You've never taken basic chemistry, and you decide to take advanced AP chemistry for the hell of it. Let's say, in some wild circumstance, that you excel in this advanced class, but somehow never learned the basics the way you should have; there would be gaps of knowledge, empty holes that needed filling in, and a general sense of "I wish I knew the why instead of only knowing the how." Psychedelic drugs should NOT be used as any sort of shortcut to life experience and growth, they should be used as an embellishment. Therefore, your life should be full and interesting before you dive in head-first. And even if you have experienced a lot at 14, WAIT. It will be worth it.

My point summed up: you need to find other things to fill your days until you age a bit. Might I suggest lucid dreaming? I practice it every night, and when I achieve the goal, I get to control my dreams and experience so much! Flying is the best :)

By the way, I am currently 26 and didn't do any drugs other than weed until this year! It will be worth your time to wait, trust me.
YES, If if happens somehow it shouldn't be lethal but can lead to some earlier psych problems wait til your older!
I started smoking pot at age 14 and I had my first psychedelic experience 3 months later at age 15 with psychedelic mushrooms; so I'm not going to tell you not to do it.

I do think that you're too young. I think that people should be at least 16 years old before experimenting with psychedelics, but my first trip was priceless and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I personally do not regret having my first trip at 15; it was a wonderful experience that I'll never forget.

I know that you'll most likely decide to trip anyways despite all of the urges not to do so. You seem smart enough; the fact that you have put in the research for various psychedelics and that you are even asking if you should or not instead of just going for it. My advice is this: you seem fairly mature, I'm sure you could handle a trip. However there is NO psychedelic experience like your first one. You want it to be as special as possible. I personally like LSA but I don't believe that it is suited for a beginner. It has a very heavy body component and can be unexpectedly strong. The body load is too much though.

I say wait to trip until you're able to get a psychedelic that isn't LSA, you wont regret it :) Try LSA once you have at least a couple of trips under your belt. It might take awhile, maybe even a year or two, but wait until you can get a hold of something else such as Shrooms, LSD, or possibly even a worthwhile research chem. If you do LSA there is a good chance that you will end up disappointed