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Is 14 to young to be taking Shrooms/LSD ?

Did it at 14-15 LSD mostly and they were decent wee tabs and I took 3-4 even sometimes to talking atleast 200ug back then even if they were shit. It was a lot cheaper then too, but I don't trip in the same way back then I was just giggling at things moving and feeling really euphoric and it made days out more interesting, but I now use it a lot more for the actual psychedelic type experiences although I still do party on it, just depends. But no harm here! If anything I think they made me feel happy about life.

But at the same time I do feel despite not doing it that spacing trips is the way forward to let things build up for the trip to integrate with, so I was recently wondering while tripping if it would be the same as a 40 year old or even 20 year old taking it comparison to me first time as they have a lot more to release. Only thing is I notice I may get a wee bit more anxious in big groups on them but at the same time that's just a part of me anyway and each trip improves on that. :)

Just don't go nuts on it :)
i tripped for the first time at sixteen and i feel like that was still young. your brain still has quite a few years of growing left. i am lucky because i did not end up having "bad" trips at that age. i think if i did things would have turned out a lot different for me.

wait as long as you can OP. it seems like the best results usually happen when you start doing these things in college. however i will say that MDMA isnt as bad at a slightly younger age, as long as you dont overdo it of course.

mdma to me seems a lot worse for you than tripping
mdma to me seems a lot worse for you than tripping
I have to agree with this, simply because of the massive amount of serotonin interference. I dont think mushrooms have quite the same effect on the receptors, but they still play with seratonin and dopamine levels.(as do most drugs?)

I think out of all the options mentioned (mdma, mushrooms, LSD) mushrooms would be the "safest" option.
If OP is intent on using one of these drugs, mushrooms have a much smaller risk factor from a few different perspectives, but the biggest one i can think of is;

they are natural. You know what you are ingesting rather than needing to trust your supplier that the chemical is indeed what they say it is.

being so young, ingesting somthing unknown could have a larger fatality chance than if you were an adult.

I would say wait at least another 2 years, which by the sounds of your original post; you dont have much of a problem with.
Basicly put, we just dont know enough about the effects of these drugs on the growing brain to make an acurate statistic for damage physicaly and psychologicaly.
Has there even been any research into the effects of taking psychedelics with a developing brain?
I will search for this tomorrow. I highly doubt it. Hardly anybody does just psychedelics.
The things that you will be experiencing will not be what other typical people your age will be doing. Personally I did a lot of DXM when I was your age and threw-out high school and I do regret it to an extent but then again I will always have those memories and experiences that I feel not many people in my area had.
Honestly I think mushrooms are a lot to handle as there is a noticeable "high" and I know they may seem alluring but trust me there are more ways to get your kicks at this age then with a powerful mind altering substance. Being only 14 you may or may not have experienced a lot of the world yet so be sure to "soak it up" I see psychedelics as more of a self exploration and resolving questions that you cannot answer yourself.

What you may want to ask yourself is "what can I possibly gain from taking this substance." If you do decide to do it make sure that you have questions that you feel need answering as that is what a lot of these tools are used for. Being 14 there may not be a lot for you to wonder about and these answers may unwrap some deep and dark stuff. I think you need to wait personally because your life has so much potential right now and I would hate for anyone else to go threw what people around me have been through. Also you should weigh the risk of getting 25i or nbome on a blotter instead of LSD and it tripping you out for an abnormally long time i.e. perma tracers, paranoia, detachment, warped world views, anxiety to just name a few. I also want to add that no amount of reading on any substance can prepare you for what it is to actually experience it. What may smell like apples to you could be mistaken for a pear by another, if you get my drift?
All-in-all you are going to do what you yourself decide to, after all it is your life right! I Highly advise that you proceed with caution as once these doorways open there is no way to close them.
WAY TOO YOUNG! 14 is a crucial time for your brain development and psychedelics can take advantage of all of these developing parts of your brain and damage certain neurotransmitters that essentially control who you are and how you act

Although it's a sign of maturity that you are already interested in psychs at a young age, I would definitely say wait until you're atleast 18. Until then enjoy the leisurely lifestyle of an adolescent; go hangout with your friends, play video games, play sports, do whatever, because once you're older like the rest of us you'll give anything to go back to those times
Although I agree with everyone above about how crucial this time is for brain development and how it would most definitely be unwise to alter this development too much, I think the more important issue is how psychedelics can alter how you view relationships, people, life; in the main existence and conscious thought. Of course, everyone reacts differently to substances and the level of importance one places on what one learns and experiences from a trip vary, but psychedelics will indubitably affect you--how and how much is contingent. My pet gorilla only started taking psychedelics this year (19 years old) and he can attest that LSD in particular dramatically expanded his mind, elevated his consciousness and enlightened his soul. Because of this life is simply different. I cannot say whether you should or should not, all I can say is well done for coming here to discuss and research (Drug use not Drug abuse) and that when you decide to make your decision think of this rather apropos Oliver Wendell Holmes quote, "One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions"
Yes being 18 or 20, 21 or 25 none of that guarantees that you can take psychedelic trips well but that is no argument to support that age does not matter, and some people can be mature for their age and it is possible for underage people to tolerate these drugs but this is all about trying to make a responsible decision and make an educated estimate of what can be done reasonably.
I personally think a person needs to feel mentally stable about themselves and mature, having an identity that has started getting integrated and stabilized but considering looking at yourself has its blind spots (and there are a lot of younger people who think they are mature for their age), I would not trip before 18 to be sure about it. I actually did only start at 18-19, and some moderate use of weed or alcohol before then was plenty to experiment with. Those are serious enough for such an age and it takes a while to learn to deal with them responsibly.

Here are relevant threads:
"should I use psychedelics when I am young?"
"The Big & Dandy (centralized) psychedelics & age thread"
It seems you've done your research and know a fair deal about psychedelics. That doesn't mean you're ready. It seems you're trying hard to get peoples approval which makes me feel you're not ready. You wouldn't be the first but I did acid first at 19 and it had its negatives and positives doing it at that age. Then again I had some other issues going on. Do Shrooms in small doses about ten times if you're gonna do it before ever doing acid and eventually higher doses if I were to suggest. Just my opinions. Peace.
Hey there OP, here's my 2 cents.
I had my first psychedelic experience at 14 with 2c-e which is by no means a normal introduction to psychs, but it has without a doubt changed who I am today and while in my life personally that has turned out for the better, it may not be the case for everyone and psychedelics, as you have noted, are unpredictable.
Its hard to give you a straight yes or no to your question, but I can tell you the philosophy on drugs that the past 4 years of psychedelic use has given me;
Drugs are like the force- Theres a light and a dark side to them and while the light side can be maintained by anyone with enough will power, the second drugs start to affect your relationships and destroy your personality rather than mature it, that is when your drug use has tapered over to the dark side. Psychedelics are perhaps the strongest example of this, so I think you need to bear tha in mind. I think you absolutely can have a trip at 14 and turn out perfectly fine, if not better than you would have, however there is no way to tell that ahead of time. Be careful, and you should be fine- you sound significantly more mature than most 14 year-olds and that is a sign that perhaps you are ready, but I cant directly endorse this.
I hope this input is helpful in your decision, and I wish you the best of luck in life.
I did shrooms and LSD at 14 but I advise against this as I'm quite a nut job. Don't know if it's directly related but most likely it is. I'd wait a little longer and your brain develops a bit more before experimenting and when you do make sure you do 2 grams of dried mushrooms not 6-7 grams. 16 seems a good age but be ready within your self.
Its not about how old you are, its about why your doing it. If your doing psychedelics to "GET FUCKED UP MANNN" then just stop and stick to pot. If you legitimately want a spiritual journey and want to learn about yourself than go ahead, start with a low dose and go from there. I started doing lsd back when I was 13. I did it for the wrong reasons and that ruined it for me.

TLDR: Dont do acid to "see shit"

Having a well defined reason on why your dropping acid or taking shrooms can be nice sometimes, and other times not necessary.
You can be taking acid for no bigger reason that curiosity and experiencing something new, seeing things from a fresh perspective, which might very well be, to "see shit".
If you mean religious, by spiritual then I say

Regarding "to learn about yourself", agreed, though it is not fair to look down upon other reasons for taking psychedelics like to "see shit" and chill in the freshly new perspective. You don`t always have to be introspective and deep, or ponder about life, sometimes just relaxing and having a good time can serve just as much or more good for the tripper in prospective.
Im not looking down on him, im just giving him my honest answer to his question.
If you choose to use cannabis, try to respect it. It's not as addictive and dangerous as alcohol or tobacco, but it still represents a potential risk. Don't let it interfere with your life, and don't rely on it: don't rely on it to make friends, don't rely on it to have sex, don't rely on it for entertainment at the end of the day. You need to be able to live without marijuana before you start using it, and usually that means not smoking marijuana, at least not regularly, until you have a stable life and source of income.


I second this.

GL Haku. You got what you asked for.
Sorry about this,many people are gonna mock me.

No!If you are mature enough you may try them.But do low doses,like one hit at a time.Age is just shit,from what you are writing,i presume that you are an aware person,better than some adults.Don't overdo it though,age matters but not to the extent people think.Don't tell anyone about your psychedelics.
Also,if you're doing them to go to school and start saying 'LOWL SHIET I DO ACIDDZ #sweg' kill yourself