Is 1-testosterone the same as test


Mar 5, 2014
i bought 1 andro by finaflex and i found that the ingredient is 1-test/1-dhea, from what i have read it says it is almost the same as test enthlate. is this true that is the same thing as test and has the same benefits its just a molecule different
i bought 1 andro by finaflex and i found that the ingredient is 1-test/1-dhea, from what i have read it says it is almost the same as test enthlate. is this true that is the same thing as test and has the same benefits its just a molecule different

Nope. It's nothing like Testosterone. Testosterone is Testosterone. 1-Testosterone is 1-dihydrotestosterone. It's hepatoxic, HPTA suppressive, and could cause hair loss if you are prone to it.

It's anabolic and androgenic like Testosterone but unlike Testosterone it will cause your libido to drop, dick to go limp, energy to wain, and confidence to go down.

Steroids like 1-Andro and other designer steroids/prohormones aren't meant to be ran alone. People do run them alone but it's extremely dumb and stupid. To maximize benefits and avoid a lot of side effects you have to use them with exogenous Testosterone injection. Be itTest Etathate, Test Cypionate, Test Phenylpropionate, or Test Propionate.
I have heard of it before on other forums but if must be run with a injectable testosterone as the base of the cycle as mentioned already by guido. All those side effects guido has mentioned are due to your HPTA being suppressed (as with all anabolics) and your body wont have any testosterone becuase 1-andro is simply not testosterone. So your are temporally cutting off test production without providing your body with any test. I would highly suggest not running it alone but if you do be sure to use a some sort of liver protection.
No. It will not. Completely different compound then test which will stop you from producing your own testosterone. Which means eventually 0 test in your body.
1-dhea at the right dose is effective for lean mass. I warn you though, it will shut you down hard and you will be lethargic as fuck.