Introducing the Embarassment of JEREMYD


Nov 2, 1999
It has been brought to my attention that JeremyD would like to embarass himself. I have for all you wonderful, nonviolent Bluelighters an email that was sent to me from our beloved friend. Here it is, verbatim:
"You are the biggest fucking dickhead that I've ever had the displeasure of running in to. You're such a dumb fuck. I seriously hope you die."
"P.S. Detroit is filled with pussys who love to take it in the ass. It's no wonder you live there."
As I was saying, JeremyD obviously has some growing up to do. I didn't know that name calling and cursing was something that 27 year olds do. I sure don't know of anyone who does. Oh wait, that's because they are mature.
I guess it goes to show that once someone has a difference of opinion against one's own, only the Proud Victors will still stand high and turn the other cheek against the ugliness of Cruel Intentions.
PLUR to all,
The One

oh yeah, this was started over the Binkies are For Babies thread. A topic that shouldn't be taken that seriously.
I'm in love with -the One-. She's so cool. And she can really take a joke. Kisses...
What a fucking twit!!
Okay, I would like to state one more time, for the record, that The One and Spencer and pretty much everyone else this kid slammed is just entirely cool in my book, and much deserving of mad props and cheeksmooches and.. yeah.
Jeremy luv, I hope you find this mysterious 'scene' you're looking for... And I hope it's very far away from me.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
Where do you usually go to in windsor?
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
Uh... kay. You confuse me. And if all you've contributed to the board over the past few days has been one elaborate joke, your sense of humor especially confuses me.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
"I don't get it... I just don't get it. *AND* I don't like it!" <--- I'll give a blow pop to anyone who can tell me what movie that was from!!!
But that to one side, the quote seems to fit... I'm having a really hard time following his guy, so I think I'm gonna drop off of this thread... I think it's pretty clear that Jeremy is not who he says he is... I don't know who that makes him... but I'm not gonna sweat it...
Jeremy - I wish you the best of luck... whatever it is that's going on for you, I hope it get's better... Maybe one day you'll find what you're looking for... or maybe not.

To all my Bloolite peeps out here, you know I love you!
Ashke, The_One, s you guys always have a place to crash in NYC... We gotsta get da groooooove on!!!
Binkies are way functional, they're kewl, and they're cute!
THEY ARE *NOT* LAME!!! grrrrr... = P
Tigger - I wish you the best of luck as well. May all of your dreams come true.
Aske - Confusion is a state of mind that I frequent often.
the One - Will you marry me?
I dont use binkies there just not for me i guess. But I DONT PASS JUDGEMENT on anyone that decides they want to use one actually
i see no reason to judge anyone because i look at it as who am i to judge and jeremy d
maybee you need to think about doing the same
and one of the unique things about the "whole rave scene" IS THAT PLUR IS BIG PART OF THIS and just because someone dosent agree with you. Does that give you the right
to e-mail them and start swearing and calling
them names..I THINK NOT..Also im from Detroit
and one of the GREAT things about the scene
here in Detroit is PLUR and it is a BIG part of the scene maybee its not that way were you live Im sorry for you. Well jeremy its obvious that you have ALOT of growing up to do and you said your 27 wow dude maybee you should go back to hanging out at the bars where drunken hostility is plentiful and enjoy 80's night or something...
I fell down the hill and
kept rolling!!
"The_One - will you marry me?"
Umm, sorry honey. You're a little to young for me (mentally) and I don't think you and your little bands of goats would like me showing up in my binkie and my little plastic jewelry.
Good luck with the farm animals,
Your non-fiance,
The One
I only have ONE goat. You're breaking my heart here. I don't know if I can go on - Boo hoo hoo...
Hey TJ-E,
It's a good thing you told me you don't like binkies...I was gonna string you a pacifier necklace tonight.

See everyone tomorrow!!!!!!!
Love and Hugs,
ok, look, everything that can be said has been said. this guy is obviously just trolling around trying to get a rise out of us, and its working. just ignore him. i posted how i felt in ther other thred. i told him i want to meet him and talk to him and figure out where he's coming from. other than that, theres nothing we can do about him. he;s just being a child. so chill out andet it die..
So I pray on my knees
From Heaven above
Send me somebody please
Someone to love
-The Artist Formerly Known As EckstahsE
Spencer - I'll meet you soon enough and you'd better show a little more respect than you do here or we'll have nothing to talk about. Your lack of respect is astounding. So do us both a favor, if and when I do meet you'd better ber cool or we'll see what we'll see.
The music is the drug,
OK JeremeyD, I get it now.
Spencer you will love him, everybody relax.