MAPS Intro from NYC'r that was at the conference last night at CUNY - Subject: Outreach


Oct 21, 2013
Good afternoon,

I was very inspired by the film screening last night and the panel. I heard about MAPS about ten years ago when I was struggling with an addiction and became part of the . I am now doing much better, advocated to go to SMART Recovery while I was in treatment for a year and I am now a trained SMART facilitator managing meetings all over NYC.

However, I still suffer from Complex-PTSD and Dissociative Disorder. The DD made me ineligible for the clinical trials in North Carolina and I experienced deep sadness over this. In spite of this, good work is moving along and making progress. Since I'm already out there and raising awareness to alternatives to our antiquated and inhumane (in my view) procedures, techniques, philosophies and beliefs that vulnerable are being coerced to participate in, I am eager to help with outreach in NYC any way I can for MAPS and allied organizations.

Personally, I identify myself as humanist, am I am a 20 year performance and recording artist in electronic dance and chillout music as well as many forms of African music. I am now getting ready to release my first solo SOUL MUSIC project. I have a 15 year background in enterprise level computer telephony integration and more recently VOIP (I lived in the SF Bay area and west coast for 17 years). I am now disabled due to my condition. You can find me online at or friend me on Facebook.

Sincerest Regard,

Brenda Brewer the "soul sista"