Injecting Test 400 - After effects?


Feb 20, 2014
Hi Guys,

I'm 23, 5ft9, 70KG, and recently decided I would try steroids to try and help my gym efforts. Although I haven't used them before I have been a regular gym-goer for 5+years and just want the extra boost. I am not naive and have done my research.

I came across legit stuff: Test 400 and Dianabol 10 (branded Zion Labs)

I have been advised by a maverick of the steroid world that, for a first cycle, I should take 40mg of Dianabol per day; 2 tabs at 2pm and 2 tabs at 2am, and 1ML of Test 400 per week, currently taking on Monday mornings.

I did my first injection of test 400 on Monday 17th Feb. Immediately after the pain was manageable and I had a partial leg workout later that day. (Lunges & Deadlifts).

However, it is now Thursday, 20th Feb, and I feel like I have a small grape under the injection site, there is bruising (Which I imagine is to be expected), and a continual aching when pressure is applied, but not of a chronic nature, just unpleasant to the point where I avoid placing any pressure on it where possible.

In an attempt to avoid looking like a complete fool to a medical professional, I wanted to ask if anyone has experience of injecting testosterone in general, but more specifically, Test 400. I have read up on it online, and I've heard it's painful, if anyone can describe the natural effects it would help me greatly.

(I recently watched Autopsy: Anna Nicole Smith, and learnt that she acquired an infection from injecting a certain substance, which built up to an abscess and eventually gave her septicaemia, which contributed to her death. 8)

P.s. if anyone has had an infection from injecting, if they could describe it to be, that would be ace.
I have tried to find threads already covering this but wasn't successful, hence the post!

Cheers guys.

A little more info first

1- Is the are hot to the touch?
2- is the "grape" fixed and hard or more mobile and soft?

But bruising can happen if you injected incorrectly. or in the case of an abscess, as the leg work out and pressing on it led to brushing the area. Now if the area is inflamed, warm and really tender you may have an infection going. But if the spot is just irritated and painful when pressed you could just have a small abscess, now I really would like to see you go to a Dr and just get it taken care of professionally, that is drained and an antibiotic to cover if the gear was poorly made and was carrying something. Now if your competent with the syringe you can use one to drain it your self. Buy placing the pin in the center of the "grape" with an empty syringe and pull back or aspirate the area until there is no more fluid.

A picture of the area could help mate, but if you do have an abscess go to a Dr. just, yeah take the hit look like an ass and get it drained.
A little more info first

Hey thanks for your kind and considered post. It has already helped think more clearly about the issue.

I have observed some heat from the site, but I am not sure if that's just because my home is warm. I am over-thinking everything at the moment.

The 'grape' is hard, and tender to touch. I am not sure how I would have gained an infection as I followed injection procedures very diligently, using lots of alcohol wipes and sterile equipment. I think, with what you have wrote, I will try and source a doctor tomorrow. (I have recently moved back home from University and currently I'm not registered to a surgery!)

Many thanks for your reply!
Could be a botched shot like my first one. Felt like a knot in my ass which was tender for like 4 days and the spot itself is still slightly tender (can't lean on metal railing full weight on the spot). That and virgin muscles can be a bitch.

In relation to an infection, it could be from the gear itself even if you did everything perfect.
Sero said it right. One thing that sucks is if your not sure of the source there can be some thing already in the oil, that can cause an infection. Though some times you hit the wrong location and it knots up. Hell happens to me at times. Hive it a few days, if your not running a fervor, it may just dissipate over some time, massage and hot showers, plenty of rest, you might be kosher. BTW what gauge was the needle?
Sero said it right. One thing that sucks is if your not sure of the source there can be some thing already in the oil, that can cause an infection. Though some times you hit the wrong location and it knots up. Hell happens to me at times. Hive it a few days, if your not running a fervor, it may just dissipate over some time, massage and hot showers, plenty of rest, you might be kosher. BTW what gauge was the needle?

I just had a hot bath and massaged it. It is certainly by no means cured, but I think the pain has abated slightly!

I used a thicker needle to draw up the test…0.8x40mm? (green)

And a blue coloured, 0.6x30mm, to inject the test. I didn't submerge the entire needle into my skin, do you think there's a possibility I didn't go deep enough into the muscle tissue? I'd say roughly, that the needle was sticking out by about 0.5 centimetres when I was injecting, slowly.
Might be you went to shallow and trapped it between the fat and the muscle or just inside the fascia. Yeah the hot water and massage take the edge off, a few days of that it may abate all together as it will get absorbed, if it hasn't abscessed.

The size is right might have been the needle size if you used that 21g to pin with shit is a lawn dart. though I draw with a 21 myself I pin with 25.
Use an electric heating pad and you can thank me later lol. I draw with 20 and pin with 25.
Use an electric heating pad and you can thank me later lol. I draw with 20 and pin with 25.


This is the culprit!
Really? damn. The stats on production coming out of that area is unfreaking real man. I have personally been involved with massive seizures of the shit over there. We come in hit a base, and it would be there, its the bread and butter funding. No surprise though we seize, the DoD or one of the Alphabet soup come in, shit vanishes, same the UK authorities I have had the pleasure of being pissed on by a few MI6 cunts, secret economy funding clandestine operations on every continent.
Hello Gentlemen,

I am a LTCOL in the US Army Military Police. It is common knowledge that MP's have done Testosterone for some time to enhance their appearance and to intimidate the enemy. I have seen many times the guys have the Grapefruit size bump on their legs or behind. I myself have gotten that side effect. T400 is a very strong product it is mainly used to Bulls or Studs Horses being used for shows. And it will beef them up fast. As for Humans it is a very harsh product for your body. Some of our MP's have done 3mL @ 400mg/mL and they have ended up with the same thing the lad is talking about.
What the Medical unit told us to do as I have also had that same thing happen to me was to use a Hot Rag and Epsom Salt. Place it on your Grapefruit and rub it gently till the rag cools and then repeat until the pot of hot water and Epsom salt had cooled off. in a couple days you will be straight and ready to jump back in the game.
I just recovered from the same thing. I will post photos as well as my culprit too if I can figure this out.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards from Colombia South America