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injecting Molly


Dec 7, 2013
Well just for shits n giggles i did a large shot of Molly and the rush hit me like a freight train i kept repeating I'm dying I'm dying oh shit I'm dying to which my girlfriend responded with a glass of water?! After the rush everything became extremely bright and animated i then began to roll very hard but within 10min. I was completely sober i will not attempt this again nor would i advise this because the rush was far too intense to enjoy at all. As a side note i have never done any speed meth crank but i imagine it to be a similar feeling? Can anyone relate to this?
Yeah its the general consensus is that mdma/molly/e shouldn't be taken with a needle...I read a lot of bad threads concerning this, and everyone says its like intense, but not even fun...sounds terrible to me tbh
Waste of time

& product!

That reads like every other experience I've read about IV'ing MDMA. Too quick and rushy to enjoy, and it ends before any of the positive things that MDMA can provide actually happen. Stick to oral to get the most out of the experience. It's much more meaningful that way.
Plug it if you're feeling naughty, but really any other ROA besides those two are going to be wasteful.
the high is not as good injecting....but just because you overdosed yourself....doesn't mean that injecting a safe and reasonable dosage is a bad experience.
Plus with so much dirty MDMA going around it's a pretty dangerous idea unless you really know your source and reagent test it
naw it hits like a train.. not like decent coke.. but really this isn't good for you so I would suggest you please stop this for your own benefit.. not cause it will kill ya.. but even in the rush you feel somethings wrong, its not doing good.. at least that's what i felt.
Stuff hits me like a train when I take it orally, can't imagine IV'ing it.
you need a smaller doser...IV mdma with like 30-50mg is magical, the greatest euphoria I've ever felt, better than heroin.

higher than that and it is a fun but scary. like you said, everything becomes overwhelmingly vibrant and your heart pounds like a jackhammer.
Small doses of MDMA IV as stated can be enjoyable but IMO hardly worth the prep. 40-50 mg fun vs 80 mg exploding heart... for a quite short lived rushing high. Each to their own I guess but not for me. Stuff hitting like a freight train... warning just smoked some MPA and 2cb together vaporized... not possibly one of my smartest moves heart feels like a jackhammer alright...
well, if you IV it you tend to do around three doses so get about a four hour to six hour high using the same amount of product - you just need to be able to handle needles.

It's also a fun way to redose if you do an oral dose and then want an IV booster.

It's really all about what you want - do you want a longer drawn out high so you can dance all night long at a club or do you want to lie back on a bed with your best friends/partner and talk to each other about your deepest desires/greatest memories for a couple of hours? IV produces the same empathetic feelings (which to me is the point of MDMA), just in a more overwhelming flood. I never cared for clubbing or light shows, rather enjoy talking to friends or seeing a band on MD, so I guess that's why this powerful method appeals to me. But I rarely ever do it this way only as a special treat here and there as I am not a huge fan of needles. It beats the euphoria and empathy of oral dosage by far. you can't achieve the same state of mind on an oral dose, no matter how high.