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Info needed: Crystal Meth

Sorry to invade the aussie forum, but I wanted to add some factual info to the crystal meth discussion

Not that there isn't enough here, just... bah.
Ok, here in California US, pure uncut crystal meth is all that we expect. If it is anything else we call it 'crank' and I call it fucking bullshit. or "rerock".
Pure crystal meth is so fucking amazing. Not only does it look very pretty (shards of crystal, but sticky), it is OH SO POTENT. If you EVER get ahold of shards that are SEE THROUGH, *do not* do a point. I'm assuming that a point is .1 of a gram, and THAT is *hard* to get through. the rushes are so blatent for a couple hours (2 to 4) after snorting that it's VERY hard to stand up. It is very lovely but at times you'll fear for your poor old heart, which is pounding so much you can see your stomach move with each beat.
If it's real crystal meth you will know after one line. There is no doubt. If it comes to you as a powder be skeptical. Like I said pure-clean crystal meth is *see-through* like a glass window, but in shards. Sometimes it is a different color (offwhite, or yellowish), and that's just because it's not clean and have left over precursor in it, and basically will not be as good. Sometimes they dye the dirty meth pink in order to hide this fact... but usually anything but white/clear crystal is not worth doing.
The safest way to do it and still have fun is to MASH up all those crystals into a powder (it's easy, but remember if it looks like glass, it's sticky). So what I do is keep it in the baggy and mash it up by rolling a pen over the baggy until it seems to be all mashed up. Then flick the bag a few time with your finger then mash it again. It's now snortable and ready to key bump or line up.
Usually out here we do a moderatly sized line to start (unless we want to get fucked). Two lines if we REALLY want to get spun. A bump and you'll get body sensations. I would suggest NEVER doing a point in one dose... but a point through bumps will last the harder users probably a couple days
. one weekend.
Out here I personally can get it for 10 usd a point, but to everyone else it sells for 20 per .1 gram. a gram is 100 usd and we usually just put up 250 usd for 2.5 grams.
Let me tell you what it's like....
It comes up and it's almost like being fucked by a supermodel. it *feels* that good. You know how ecstasy is all sensual and all that garbage? "oh I would never have sex on ecstasy" well crystal meth is the opposite. The high is VERY selfish. You don't want to share it with anyone else, except to get someone on your level of movement and speed.
You feel it inside your chest first of all. Breathing feels good. And sometimes if you start feeling a bit shitty, take a deep breath, and go get something to drink. Often times I've found that sitting makes me feel like shit, or being inactive. You make the high feel better the more you move, the more you walk around and talk and bounce around. The harder you dance the better it gets.
Often times it causes lock jaw, but not too bad. the cleanest crystal we've had (like my friend's window, perfectly clear), I had no adverse effects cept a comedown where I felt disassociated and stated hearing audio-hallucinations. But I also hadn't slept in two days (sleep deprivation is worse than the crystal comedown, and basically part of it
But you know what? FUCK the comedown. Once you get a taste for the real deal, the comedown doesn't mean a damn thing. Because you know... you KNOW crystal will always have you back next weekend if you want her. She's very accepting.

There is a certain mentality though that if you are going to use it, you HAVE to adhere to or else you are going to hate yourself. You have to stay CLEAN (physically), and you have to keep moving and drinking fluids. Don't try to make yourself eat, that is just annoying and without weed close to impossible.
I've had times on crystal where my throat was *gagging* itself as I tried to put a french fry into my mouth and I had to spit it out cause I *could not* swallow... extreme case, but my throat was closing. Your body usually completely resists food, so most of what you nurish yourself with is going to be drinks. Or, do like the pros do and smoke weed. it nullifies that effect for a short window. That's how most of the tweekers I know stay non-skinny. And if you cannot sleep? even though you've comedown? (happens ALL the time), GHB. that's all I have to say. High fucking doses of GHB..
crystal and GHB make for the most orgasmic 3 hours I've had. Honestly that mixture (regardless of the danger) is *way* better than ecstasy... there's no contest. You feel it in your fingernails and the tips of your hair

Ok, I'm done promoting this drug. Or am I trying to not promote it? I was hoping to kinda get some information out about what I know, and then some experience.
Just remember though, time goes by fast on it's own, meth speeds this process up by a factor of 10x or so... honestly, sometimes it scary to look back and say "holy fucking shit... it's been two months??... .holy fuck...." *snort* hehe. :0)
really though, I've had to stop my use of this drug because of how it was ... ... well because I wanted to. I saw a way out, and I took it. Not to say I'll never use it again, but I won't ever use it like I used to *every weekend/random weekdays*. And, the sad thing is I was so good, and you'll get so good and hiding it, that no one will notice unless you let them, or you start letting yourself go.
Crystal is the hardest drug out there... just be careful, DO NOT test it's limits... Her hands can be as soft and white as a feather, or as sharp as a broken glass... you choose.
*all* things in moderation... unless you're going to excess, but keep the excess in moderation.
that's good, "keep the excess in moderation"
Just thought i'd add to this thread with a bit more info, esp for perth ppls.
For a starters, perth crystal that we get atm comes from one or two main source groups. I know a couple of the guys who "run" for them, and buy alot off them. What they get will either be the crystally version, "blue water" is the latest one I've seen, which is very tiny glassy stuff with a bluey tinge in the right light. This stuff pure is up to $500 a gram, which is how you buy it from the big boys, this then gets heavily cut with whatever you want to, speed, whatever and then sold. This is the stuff most of us get, basically because we aren't willing to pay $500 a gram, no matter how good it is. The other stuff you can get comes in shards, this stuff is rarer since you need to know how to use it and it is expensive, and by nature, impossible to cut.
The crystal guys in perth are a tight knit bunch from what i can tell, you won't hear alot about them, but they make alot of money and their heavily cut down gear gets into your hands quite often. Most of their runners etc are guys who's usual weekend consists of staying up from friday morn till monday night and take a shitoad of gear, but most of the gear they get is real fukin cheap, if not free, but the inherant danger is the risk they run.
Do any of you remember the crystal bust at perth airport late last year (2kg i think). That was one of their regular deliveries, and whoever was running that is now doing serious time.
Anyway, 'nuff said, i don't propose to be an expert, i just get snippets of conversation every now and again, so i won't voch for how much of it is true and how much of it is horse shit, just thoguht it may interest u guys
Mona, mona, mona...
Well, all I can say is that I hope you are a fucking star when it comes to quitting shit, because I've been there and seen a lot of the speed freak lifestyle. Don't want to preach (you being moderator and all), but no matter how much you think you have it under control, it is FUCKING hard to get off. I know so many people that are just getting through it now and they are MAJORLY FUCKED UP as a result. It's the convenience that sucks you in.
Anyway, like I said, I don't want to preach to the moderator, so I'll go.
I had fantastic reply here. BUT I lost it. WHY can't we flick back to re-read the thread when replying???? what happened to the scroll function? BLAAAAAAH.
Anyway, yeah, I had a response, now I don't. So here's a summary of my reply to Lulu.
Dumb Things About Lulu's Post That I Mentioned In My Reply.
1. You mention I'm a moderator. Get over it. I'm not a supreme being, if you think you have to bow to me (or anyone) and justify what you say, then you have a problem. I have never claimed to hold Status over anyone here, and the minute someone feels as though they have to jusitfy an opinion, or defend their ideas to a moderator just because they're a moderator, then there's a problem.
2. My speed problem. Just doesn't exist. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no problem. I'm not going to sit here and defend my position on this topic because it's absolutely pointless. I know me. You don't. I thank you for your concern, however, I don't appreciate you contradicting me when I stated clearly in my post above that everything is under control. Fair enough for someone who knows me, can see me and observe what I do, to jump in and tell me that maybe I'm wrong and I do have a problem...but you have no right to do so.
Your reply (to me, this is how I percieved it), was patronising and implied a lack of self control that I find insulting. Had I not already written a post about how 'in control' my speed habit is, then maybe this wouldn't have been such a big deal, but I had, so it is.
Blah. This has already lasted way too long.
PS. I'd also like to mention, that it was stated clearly in previous replies to this thread, that 'spouting evils' would not be appreciated. We've heard them all a million times before.
if this reply has harsh overtones then it's because I'm just pissed off at people jumping in so quick to scorn or warn someone who does speed weekly, yet if they happen to pop 5 pills every weekend its all fine and dandy and there's no mention of a possible addciton at all. (before anyone replies with the physical/psychological addicton debate, save it. It's also been heard a million times before, this thread is not the place to bring it up again).
[This message has been edited by mona (edited 04 May 2000).]
You stayed at home all weekend then went to Uni on Monday without having slept a wink. You don't have a speed problem......lol.. God love ya.
well,uhm what can i say.
Pyro,thanks for droping in.
Yeah it does come on,well i wont go there with the super model but,OH BABYlike pyro said.You know when youve had some pure!
Yeah im in melb and we get points for 40-50.Looks like chunks or chars of glass.This isnt as see-through as glass,but clean,yes and sticky.A whole point will keep me going all weekend,and the best thing about pure is,oh the comedown.Its nothing like speed.You just want more,more,more!!!
No dont do a point all at once.WOW that will charge ya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>......
I eat it now.Used to snort it,but that was way to addictive.Snort,snort...bang!Oh man that was good!!!

and i tend to tilt my head back after snorting,and splash some water up my nose.So it dont burn,and to get it straight down with another sniff! Its the most discusting booger,but its the wickedest RUSH!!!
I was crushing green mitsos,yeah the super dooper ones with half points of pure and,uhm well...how can i discribe having a line.Uhm..like being fucked by lots of super models
!hee hee,thanks pyro. sorry baby

yeah the shit is fuck'n great...
mona, dont fly off the handle when you read this. just want to put my 0.02c in. and i'm not saying this applies to you...
if i had $5 for everytime someone i knew said "i dont have a problem" and then spiralled off into madness and even death.. well i'd be rich... rich and sad.
speed is a cruel and deceptive mistress. this is maybe what LuLu was trying to get at.
personally i get worried when i read your descriptions of your usage. no one likes to think they are like other people but i've heard it time and time again and it most often ends up bad. not everytime, sure but 9 times out of 10 is very bad odds.
i am saying this because i worry about people i like and it would be would be remiss of me if i said nothing.
my last word is that if you, or anyone else doing this sort thing, swapped over that amount of usage over to meth or crystal then you are guarenteed a world of hurt, to you and everyone you know.
im not going to even to touch the moderator issue here. we obviously have very different ideas of what the word means.
.... he who makes a beast of himself, rids himself of the pain of being a man...
[This message has been edited by johnboy (edited 04 May 2000).]
OK. This is the last time i reply to this thread.
How many people here have ever gone to work on no sleep?
How many people here have ever had no sleep all weekend?
How many people here have a drug problem?
There were many factors involved in why I didn't sleep on the weekend.. but I'm not about to justify myself AGAIN. There were many factors involved in why I chose to do speed on the weekend aswell (read above sentence about justification).
blah. you were just provoking me weren't you xlr8! well pooey on you! :p *blows raspberry*
We love going to work straight from Monkey (melbourne)!
Don't stop grooming the wookie....
Ahh, yeah guys, thanks heaps for all the usefull info, oh, and mona, c u in rehab.
First of all I have to say, that I hadn't read jb's thread when I posted mine, otherwise I would have replied to that at the time.
There's really not even a point to this reply, no matter what I say it's all going to come back and bite me in the ass.
If I honestly don't have a problem I can't say it because so many people who DO have problems defend themselves by saying "I don't have a problem". I was anticipating this little dilemma, and so I tried avoiding using that phrase.I was actually wondering how long it would take before someone pointed it out to me.
So what am I supposed to do? Absofuckinglutely nothing. I can't do a thing. Except know in myself, that *I* do not have a drug 'problem'.
Here is my final justification. Not because it really worries me if 'some' of you think I'm drug fucked loser, but because there are 'some' people on this board I happen to care about and I don't want them thinking any less of me because of some stupid implications made about the lack of control of my own personal drug use.
I take speed.
I probably wouldn't even go through a half weight a week. (that's the clincher people)
I have never had to resort to borrowing money, stealing anything, blah di blah to get money for speed.
I do it because I enjoy it. NOT BECAUSE I HAVE TO.
I can DO things when I'm on it. read: I don't HAVE to have it to be ABLE to do things, but I CAN function normally. I could have stayed in bed all day on Monday rather than going to uni, but I managed my 2 lectures well AND handed in a report I did that day.
I have never tried meth, and although I plan on it sometime soon, I am FULLY aware of all the asscoiated risks (I have done plenty of reading on the topic as you can imagine a speed addict would) and I am offended that some of you may think I would disregard them AND any warning I may have been given.
I am careful, I will be careful, I 'almost' let pills and speed fuck me up once, I know what it's like and I don't want to go back there.
Why is it such a problem that I enjoy speed? why is it such a problem that I write about enjoying a drug experience that might not be ecsatsy. THAT'S the bit that shits me.
I do not have an addcitive personality. I have never been addicted to any substance EVER. (except for Coke, but it's been a couple of days since I've even had that) I have smoked cigarettes on and off since I was about 14... NEVER BEEN ADDCITED!!!
Now I'm not saying that this renders me immune to any sort of addiction, but it at least proves to myself (and that's the most important thing)that I have will power. I know when my body isn't right and I know when I can afford (and not afford) mentally and physically to take drugs.
I know people who have been or are fucked up on speed. I don't like what I see. I don;t want to be like that, and I won't be.
Once again, thankyou for your concern, but honestly (and don't take this the wrong way) it was wasted on me.
I don't expect that this reply will change what some of you think, after this reply I probably look like a textook 'Denial' case right?
Cheers anyway.
I'm happy, no reason for worry and concern

DRAVE: Sorry about this thread becoming about me..it wasn't my intention, but cheers anyway, yeah seeyou in rehab, or maybe when I venture over to Perth in a few weeks

"If music be the food of love, play on" W. Shakespeare
Yayyyyyyy for mona! Well said!
Why must ppl think if you use a drug (be it speed, XTC, LSD, 2CB, THC, GST he he..just kidding) recreationally that you must be addicted? Wake up and smell the coffee ppl (whoops that's my capuccino machine telling me something...FEED ME, FEED ME, FEEEEEEEED ME!).
Mona you sound like you are completely in CONTROL! Brava! And anyone who DOESN'T believe her then TOUGH!
God I'd have countless nights (and weekends) on LSD and what-not just for the sheer pleasure and experience. And sometimes speed and meth for the added bonus of having the ability to do the damn housework and outside. When you've had a hard week at work, you just can't be fagged doing shit around the place and need that energy boost...
Be yourself, ENJOY and be safe.
Mona - I'm writing this in defence of you. If you don't want it, I'm sorry, but I think these people need something fucking else to compare too. And if people want to bad-mouth you then they'll have fucking me to answer to.
If anyone who posted here claiming that they had a problem or helped people through speed addiction problems really did, then one thing they should know is that speed addicts will NEVER admit to having a problem until they are ready to stop taking it.
If you want to use this as ammunition against Mona in saying "Then she must be an addict because she's not admitting to it" then consider this:
I'm trying to get off speed. I had a problem and continue to do so. My usage was somewhere between an eightball to a quart a week. I havn't had any for a week and a half now. This is the longest I have been without it for probably about a year now. The longest 'break' before that was about 3-4 days.
I smacked a friend of mine in the mouth a few times because he stole from me and my friends. He had a problem too. This didn't stop him.
He chose to stop taking speed because he wanted to. Just like myself. He was told he had problems. But who the hell do you think these words came from?? Other drug takers.
So what right do any of you people have to pass such harsh judgements on others when what you do yourselves is pretty fucking similar?
Real crystal is awesome. Ive had better instant rushes from really well made speed, but for best feeling and length of that feeling you cant beat crystal. Usually crystal is cut so it is easier to use and sell. Rock crystal will be crushed and cut and liquid will just be heavily cut. Crystal is becoming more accesible so it is easier to find crystal with little rocks intact and not completly crushed.
Like everyone has said these look like shards of glass. Compare it to epsom or rock salt. Very similar looking and this is often used to cut crystal and fool people into thinking normal speed has meth in it.
Liquid crystal looks a bit like hair gel. Hard to mistake. Really wet and hard to handle.
Really good crystal will keep you up for much longer than speed, although 2-3 days is a bit excessive for just one line or hit of it. Ive had alot of speed and crystal and never had anything that strong. 1 point of liquid crystal will keep you charging for 24 hours flat, but 2-3 days...? If you keep toping up its easy, but...I guess you could stretch it out but then you get that empty feeling which isnt what speed is all about.
I would think that 2 points of rock crystal for $100 isnt too bad at all. Presuming its the real deal. Ive seen it being sold for over $600 a gram at times, but thats excessive.
Prices vary so much as does quality. There isnt one just one strengh of meth out there. Quality of it varies as much as pills do. And with different strengths of crystal there is going to be different prices. But yeah $100 for 2 points isnt too bad.
The only thing with meth is that it almost drags you in to having more. It makes it so easy to stay up that you can do 3-4 days quite easily. You just keep toping up and away you go. The come down after long stints on certain gear can be a bitch, but its usually alot easier on you than anything else.
I almost always snort it. It rips at your nose but its something you get used to. You only need to make a line about half the size as you normally would to get a better buzz than off normal wizz. Like anything its trial and error. See what works for you. As long as you dont double what you normally have or something stupid it will be alright.
Let us know how you go.
And Yeah... im still floating around.
Just a quickie (i'm in the library, not supposed to be using this computer for this...bloody loud keyboard too)
JON: (((((((((((hug)))))))))))
I'm proud of you babe
Keep me posted, I'll call you soon ... I PROMISE!
PACMAN: Cheers to you for popping in and putting this baby back on track. Wouldn't have anything to do with entropope maybe saying that he misses you?

ps. Stay tuned for upcoming thread...
"Mona Meddles with Meth"
What the fuck? You're a coke addict! Why do you bother with wizz.
Furthermore, in light of previous posts, most people, when they give advice, give it with the best of intentions. I said what I said because I wouldn't want anyone else to have to go through what I, and people I know, have been through, with regard to wizz.
Do you honestly think people are going to get on here and preach that people shouldn't do drugs, when obviously we all do?
Hey fuck, I've been away for a few days, (searching for those rocks) I come back and look at this shit.
Well fuck it's hopefully ended now so I won't restart it.
Just as well pacman resurfaced for the benifit of us all or I may have been very upset reading all that crap.
Anyway I'm back now cause my search has ended. heeheehee I think it's going to be a gooooooood weekend.

Well all I need to do now is come up with some money.

P.S. I had a problem a while back. I knew all about it almost the whole time. I never denied it. And when it came time to stop, I stopped, almost completely cold.
I know a few people at the moment that have addiction problems, they all know about it, and they all admit it......... but they're intelligent (like mona).
ultimately, we just want to be happy
[This message has been edited by entropope (edited 05 May 2000).]
Mona, i and probably everyone else do NOT think your a drug fucked loser. In fact the opposite is true.
Whether you have a speed problem or not is your business, and only you really know if you do.
You should take the posts with a grain of salt because the majority of people here would be in a similar boat to you....i.e recreational users you occasionly binge.
.......smile Mona........
Didn't realise that I was as informed as I am.
Firstly we have been getting what we called Gel speed for $50 for a point, now realising that it is Liquid crystal, wonderful
And .5 we get for around $230 which doesn't seem that bad to me.
The liquid is clear and very sticky, but we don't take it in that form. (we being me & my boyfriend *who won't snort (because he snorted so much he burnt a hole in his lung *green mitsus*) & doesn't like the taste of speed, so generally its just me*) We have the guy cut it with glucose so it is wet chunky powderish material. We have then been cutting it again to make it a larger quantity that will last longer.
Even after us cutting it down its still very strong.
And to Mona, just wanted to say that completely understand your situation. My boyfriend goes out & will dump possibly 4 pills from saturday to monday if they are there, I would have maybe a 1/2 or 1 cause I don't like the headfuck off pills, and some speed, about a half weight... But the fact that I want Goey when he wants pills makes me a speed freak.
Because I stay awake longer than he does, because I don't like eating after chemicals, because its speed and not pills, because speed is considered dirty and yes it is more addictive.
Anyway, I am so off topic, Just wanted to let you know speed is my drug of choice over E's and I get the same thing said to me. (Pills are such head fucks, they are so... ehhh.. I feel compelled to do something when pilling but don't want to do anything that is there for me to do. They are so frustrating, speed you just run round, talk and just do whatever is happening at the time.)
So yeah, if they crushed up there pills and put them into caps, and we put our speed into caps, they would no doubt eat more over the course of the weekend, True?? But why is it that speed gets picked on??
Anyway, my two cents..