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Indian Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds


Nov 26, 2008
Hey guys, I got some Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, that are the Indian strain. I hear they are a lot less potent then the actual Hawaiian variety, and I believe this is true as my and my friend both ingested about 12 seeds with very light effects.

So I want to ask, should I push the dosage upwards? I should add that 5hey were de husked in an attempt to get rid of nasties that aren't needed ( still some in the seed but what can u do) and I felt really no nausea. Perhaps a little vasoconstriction but nothing major.

I have a tincture with a small amount of bottled water, and about 60 seeds soaking in the fridge.my friend and I also took a small sip of this, when we ate the seeds, but it had only been soaking for an hour at that poin, and we split maybe 1/4th of it between both of us. So I, estimating the solution should still contain about 45 seeds worth of alkaloids. Plus I have about 90 seeds left.

I think I'm an attempt to get a psychedelic experience from these seeds I may have to push the dosage upwards to 30-40 seeds.

What do u guys think?

Id like to add that this is my first experience with Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds, though I have had a great trip on about 500 morning glory seeds before, I'd like to get an experience like that.
Argyrea nervosa is actually native to India. Generally less potent seeds indicate a look-alike strain...the potency of authentic baby woodrose should be consistent regardless of origin.
^^^these seeds sucked....60 seeds produced slight lyergic effects and massive body load. I complained to the vendor, who is now sending me some free Hawaiian variety?
You made a crushed / pulverized macerate or what did you do exactly?

Follow a good recipe and keep track of your measurements, and be patient with the preparation... that way titrating your dosage is actually consistent.

The seeds might be the problem, or the preparation.

Of course it really shouldn't take that many seeds, so yes I'd go with different ones if there was nothing wrong with the extraction.
^^^I did both a water soak, and simply ingesting the seeds. Both produced nausea and diarrhea.
I spoke with the vendor this morning, it's just a Canadian headshop with a physical address, he said he's going to mail me a sample of the Legit Hawaiian strain to see if I like them more. I'm assuming I will.
On a side note, I ate 5 grams of cubensis last night with little to no effect. I'm thinking the little lysergamides that were present in the seeds blocked the trip from the mushrooms.

He also has iboga root on his menu, but tells me it is very hard to get as of late....I wouldn't mind trying it
If you just eat the seeds without crushing them, they don't do anything. I've found that cold water extract doesn't work very well either. Even with a full HBWR trip, you should still feel 5 grams of shrooms. Are you on any medications such as SSRI's?
Argyreia nervosa is actually native to India. Generally less potent seeds indicate a look-alike strain...the potency of authentic baby woodrose should be consistent regardless of origin.
Most likely you got lookalike seeds as MGS said. I had this happen to me one time. In general 3 seeds should be active. I must say though that I have had certain varieties labeled as Tahitian HBWS that were highly active at just one seed and three seeds produced a strong reaction. This was compared to to another type that required at least three seeds.
Really? 1 seed dose sounds interesting. Back in the day (1990s) it took around 4 seeds to a get good effect....similar to perhaps a gram of mushrooms. Funny enough I disovered recently I still have seeds from back in the day. They must be 20 years old and no doubt....awful to take.

Ah but I will return to organic lysergamides via rivea corymbosa....some day soon.
If you just eat the seeds without crushing them, they don't do anything. I've found that cold water extract doesn't work very well either. Even with a full HBWR trip, you should still feel 5 grams of shrooms. Are you on any medications such as SSRI's?

I crushed the seeds yes, actually ground them in a coffee grinder, ingested with a scoop of ice cream. They just made me sick. I guess maybe slight lysergic effects. And no I'm not on any sort of ssri. I take methadone daily, 110 mgs. Prior to eating the seeds I ingested 10 mgs of Imodium and 100 mgs of diphenhydramine for nausea. I'm thinking there was enough lysergic effect to block the effect of the mushrooms.i think they were picked too early, shortly after pinning, a lot of small mushrooms.Im growing my own at the moment, the mycelium has almost completely over grown the substrate. I'll be adding the casing soil and putting on the dome lid in a couple of days.

As I said, the vendor said he will send me 12 of the Hawaiian variety for free, hopefully they're better....I honestly just got tired of subpar mushrooms and seeds, and no lsd being available, I bought some bitcoin and ordered 10 100 mcg blotters of ETH-LAD and 2 100 mcg blotters of 1P-LSD. Hopefully I can obtain a good psychedelic experience from those
So, the vendor who sent me the bunk Indian variety gave me a deal on what he assures me is the real Hawaiian variety. They are about twice the price of the Indian variety, I sent payment for 12 seeds, I guess I can't say price, but lets say it cost the same as one would expect to pay for a 100 mcg lsd blotter. But he sent me 4 dozen seeds for the price of 1 dozen, too make up for the negative experience I had with the Indian variety. I told him it really sucks that I paid too get sick, and it is kind of misleading. The main reason I ordered from them is they are in Canada and take e interac transfer.

Really hoping these seeds are better then the last batch. My fiend asked why I would order the seeds again when I had a negative experience, and when I have a dozen blotters of lsd analogues coming and a cubensis kit on the go.
Well, the cubensis obviously won't be done for a while, and I figured the vendor of the hbwr would ship before the lysergamide vendor, and I was right. The seeds have been shipped, where as my eth lad/1P LSD order is still only marked as "paid" and has yet to be shipped.

I will update when I receive the Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds.i plan to ingest 12 seeds, as I'm experienced with psychedelics and am looking for a strong experience
I sure hope so! I had a great experience with like 500 morning glory seeds I got from a local dollar store one time,I hope to re create or surpass that lol
Ehhh....in the least the trip from woodrose is different. As a general rule, it is more somatic in nature but that is not to say that I have not had awesome trips with fresh seeds...I have. But the trip does not resemble the type one gets with heavenly blue.
How do you know you have the real deal and so you have to crush them before swallowing them right? Can't you just chew them up?
Baby hawaiin woodrose seeds are best consumed after some extratction method.
sure, chew em and hope for the best, or rely on what most forums suggest.

Take your seeds and pulverise, in eith mortar and pesel or processor (make sure to clesn implements of all seed matter)
Then dump into water for basic extraction for period of time. Advice ranges from minutes to hours etc. Ive always preferred overnight.

Drink and enjoy.
As long as correct number of seeds is used, (4 to 8 or 10) per dose, and above is followed, then LSA trip ahould follow.

Have ginger drinks and or food on hand for nausea.