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Increased appetite after lsd


Jul 24, 2017
Does anyone experience intense increased appetite after lsd? I can eat everything in sight after a trip. Any suggestions on how to reduce this?
Can't say that I have the same thing. At what point does this happen?
Make your self eat a couple small meals during the trip. LSD can suppress your appetite so once the trip starts coming to an end your body realizes food=life.

Trust me I have a PhD in dropping LSD ;)
I try to eat before the trip, then during is pretty much no food, maybe a banana. And as soon as I start returning back to reality, for the next 24 hours I am super tired and ravenous.
Yeah I do this lol.

Tripping takes a toll on your mind and body, not in a necessarily bad way, but it does. I fucking mow food after a trip. 2C-B gives me crazy munchies in the middle of the trip, no idea why.

I think I read on here a good guideline is to eat a large meal like 3 hour before you trip.

Something I've noticed with LSD is that that if I take it multiple days in a row, the first day food is like WOOOOOAH HELL NO, then day 2 LSD I generally eat a lot of food during the trip even if I take more and end up tripping harder the second day. Me and my buddies have a running joke that "day 2 acid is strongest race". All the positive effects of day 1, but you're a bit sleepy and goofier, able to eat, socialize more and safely take a way larger dose and not be fazed by it.
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Yep. I think it's because I usually skip a meal or two on trip days, since it suppresses my appetite, so I need the extra calories to make up for lost time.
Yeah, like applecore said it could be because I fast before trips, I don't eat until the comedown but once it comes I eat everything I can
Yeah, like applecore said it could be because I fast before trips, I don't eat until the comedown but once it comes I eat everything I can

Genuinely curious, why do you fast before your trip? how long?

I can never tell if fasting before a trip is just kind of, heady superstition or if there is any actual hard reasons to back it up? It just seems like depriving your body of the nutrients it needs is totally opposite of what you should do before undergoing a trip that artificially suppresses your appetite for possibly 12 or more hours.
Does anyone have the overwhelming urge to binge eat? Just like not feeling full? The day after lsd.
I personally do not fast before trips, I don't think it's the best idea, you want your body to be comfortably fueled, but I do make sure I haven't just eaten so the food won't interfere. Actually if I eat something very light, like a piece of toast or something, right before I eat, if I haven't eaten in a while (like if I'm taking something in the morning), I absorb it better than I do with no food, it's like a small bit of food will get your metabolism going. And anyway, LSD doesn't ever get to your stomach.

Are you smoking a lot of weed the day after LSD? Whenever I get really high from weed, there is a good chance I will want to eat constantly until I pass out.

Honestly, even just fasting before a trip means you'll be more hungry after the trip. I'd suggest keeping yourself well fed. I love eating on LSD but it doesn't specifically make me want to binge eat. However if I have some beers and smoke some weed on the tail end and get toasty, I might just want to binge eat...
I try to eat before the trip, then during is pretty much no food, maybe a banana. And as soon as I start returning back to reality, for the next 24 hours I am super tired and ravenous.

The only real solution to your problem is to eat more during the trip. If you don't eat for 8-12 hours... you'll be hungry, and there's no way around that. If you feel like you can't eat during the trip, try lowering your dose.
Eating whilst tripping for me is not pleasant at all, very weird in fact. You probably want to binge eat after a trip because LSD suppresses the appetite (when I say suppress I mean eating is the bottom of the list of the other things going on in your mind during a trip). Due to the duration of a moderate - high acid trip (and say you don't eat anything during the trip) you're technically fasting for 6-8 hours so you're naturally going to be very hungry.

i once ate cereal when tripping and the sensation and visuals were horrible so never tried again.
Back in the day I used to find eating weird on psychedelics, but now I love eating on them, especially on LSD, everything is so good and interesting.
eating while triping on a long one is the best option

post peak i can eat
I love eating on lsd, it's not that I am hungry, eveything is just delicious. And I can keep eating and eating.
Genuinely curious, why do you fast before your trip? how long?

I can never tell if fasting before a trip is just kind of, heady superstition or if there is any actual hard reasons to back it up? It just seems like depriving your body of the nutrients it needs is totally opposite of what you should do before undergoing a trip that artificially suppresses your appetite for possibly 12 or more hours.
Sorry for the extremely late response. Fasting is something that was just drilled into my head in my earlier years of using psyches, kind of how people swear you should leave a tab on your tongue for 30-45 minutes; it's all preference and in the end it doesn't make too much of a difference. Granted I've had a few trips where I dropped after a decent sized meal. It's just become preference to me as there have been many times where dropping after a meal resulted in vomiting or stomach discomfort.