Staff Feedback im very discouraged from posting here based on this...


Apr 13, 2005

someone please in the world explain to me why simply_live closes every thread i ever make ? i admit... most of my past ones were probably offensive and i didnt argue about it but this one ??? this is the most informative and harmless thread of all i have ever posted in my life. why was it closed ??? i need help dealing with people like simply_live who has been on my case for months. please help !!!!!!! 8(
True man, a post about tea, in the healthy living section is fully appropriate in my opinion. I even read the article you linked to, I found it quite interesting. I don't see why it is closed, then again I'm not a mod, so I full don't know the do's and don'ts. I hope you get your problem resolved.

Hi asecin,

Thanks for your feedback. We're trying to encourage members to feel comfortable using the Support Forum to raise these questions/feedback, particularly if they don't feel capable of contacting the moderator directly, or if they disagree with the response they've had so far.

Naturally, feedback threads sometimes involve an element of constructive criticism that have the potential to feel personal, so we'd ask that anyone participating in a thread like this keeps their contributions polite and respectful.

I've asked Simply_Live to pop in and respond.

Regarding your specific issues... some forums request that if you link to an article, you provide something more than a link: either a snippet of the article, or some attempt to synthesise it's arguments with a personal perspective to promote in-thread discussion.

asecin said:
the one about tea, why was it closed ? was it controversial to state both good and bad on things in life or is it only ok to say the positive ??
i believe of all the times i had my threads closed, this is the most unfair case. and i wish to talk to others about it too. 8)

You didn't "talk" to anyone about anything. You posted an article and placed an emoticon at the end of the post.

Here's why your threads keep getting closed (I'll place them in a list form, for easy reference):

1. You do not contribute positively to any already-existing threads. Of all the posts I've seen, they've been new threads. If you want to be a respected forum contributor, make posts in other threads and use the search engine to see if what you want to post doesn't already exist. We have *multiple* threads on tea, you could have very easily posted in one of those.

2. You do not create any new discussion. Most of the threads you start have a link and either an emoticon or one line accompanying the said thread. I'm telling you, man, those will get closed. You tell us something at the end of that article link. Here are some things you can include in your thoughts on the link you've posted:
a. How does this conflict with what you believe about said issue?
b. Do you believe it, yourself?
c. Is this changing the way you live? If so, how?
d. Tell us some other things you've heard about said topic!

If you follow my advice and follow that guideline, which generate new discussion, trust me, your threads will no longer be closed.
i was looking for the rule of starting threads and i could not find anything related to "write your opinion, encourage responses etc" type of thing for each thread and i didnt see any "it will be closed unless you comply" rule as well. im not sure, is this a personal rule you have created since you became a mod on the forum or is this some obscure old rule that i have no ability to locate easy ? maybe it was in one of those really small acceptance registering rules that one should be extremely careful not to miss when they hit agree button.
It's pretty site-wide. Even Drugs In The Media, which is full of external links, needs more than a URL and a smiley to make it a good post.
i was looking for the rule of starting threads and i could not find anything related to "write your opinion, encourage responses etc" type of thing for each thread and i didnt see any "it will be closed unless you comply" rule as well. im not sure, is this a personal rule you have created since you became a mod on the forum or is this some obscure old rule that i have no ability to locate easy ? maybe it was in one of those really small acceptance registering rules that one should be extremely careful not to miss when they hit agree button.
I feel confident that you will understand that discussion threads are a two-way process.

Had you started this thread with a link to the closed thread and a :\ face, you probably wouldn't have got an intelligent of interested response.

Because you took the time to elaborate on your opinion, you got a discussion.

The same applies to most threads, including those about hot beverages.

Regarding the fact that something isn't in the rules... I will volunteer that HL's posting guidance isn't detailed, but most people manage to understand the basic requirement of thread creation.