Mental Health I'm not happy with my life? What else can NHS doctor do?


Jan 18, 2013
Hi all, on and off I've had to deal with mental health issues through out my adult life, I've been diagnosed with mild skitsophrenia, depression, anxiety, Asperger's syndrome, I've not been in work for a few years, all I've done is charity and volunteer work. Never had a real job that lasted more than a week. Feels like I've tried everything with NHS doctors, like anti depression pills, other psyche meds, mental health nurses, support workers,personal fitness instructors to help me feel better, recently last year I tried wellbeing group but it was nothing new apart from common psychology that didn't really help. What else is there a doctor can offer me, what about psychetherapy? I'm overweight and love food and comfort eat. I watch too much porn because I'm bored, never been on a date for 20years, obsessions with sex as I've never done it yet at my bloody age of 38, got no job, feels I've got no future in the uk. I listen to nationalist politics on redice radio and can agree with some of it and they make out western society is falling apart and white peoples are being swamped with immigrants. It feels I've been forgotten about in society. It feels in a liberal country I have to make my own decisions and make my own life and seems individualistic. I sometimes think in a fascist society I'd be better off as I would be told what to do and have instructions on what to do in life, that's probably my Aspergers way of thinking. Is society in uk/Europe really broken or it's just me?
You have been told/programmed what to do..and your doing so afraid/confused u want or need to give away your decision making because u have no clue what to do..I've been there too
it's not just society in UK/Europe that's broken all of humankind is doomed due to the greed, selfishness and self destructive nature of human beings.

S'all good though :)
It sounds like maybe psychotherapy could help you. Cognitive behavioral therapy is supposed to be good with compulsive habits and obsessions like you mentioned having problems with (I haven't had any luck with CBT but apparently I'm a rare exception), and psychotherapists can certainly tell you what to do. Make sure you tell them all the things you told us. If they know you need them to give you a good push with where to start, most will be able to think of a place for you to start in making your life better and achieving your goals.

I wouldn't take in too many messages from nationalistic stuff, though... I know that sometimes the messages really appeal to people who feel left behind in the world, but nationlists are the ones that will kick you to the curb the moment you can't keep up with them. That's what real individualism is; just leaving everyone to figure out how to succeed on their own and not really helping them because there's an expectation that they should be able to do it themselves, or that others shouldn't have to waste their time or resources to helping them. I kind of envy you for living in a less individualistic country than me. There's not always a lot of help in the US for people who can't make their life how they want or even need it to be. If it weren't for the more collectivist thinking that goes on in my family, I'd be on the streets.
I'm sorry to say but the NHS is a complete mess which doesn't bode well for those of us with mental health issues. I remember a few weeks back hearing the Prime Minister give a speech about how they were going to focus on improving the mental health services. At the moment they're in disarray. I go to a mental health unit but always end up seeing someone different because they don't have the staff so a relationship can't be developed and you end up going round in circles.

You could always see someone privately, that's what i'm thinking of doing but being unemployed like yourself i'm not sure that will happen. Try if you can to avoid overeating unhealthy food. Again, i've done that too and i just ended up putting on weight and feeling worse about myself. I've tried CBT but i just couldn't get it to work for me so someone else suggested psychotherapy. What works for someone might not work for another. Best of luck mate.
The Prime Minister. Theresa May was talking about how important it is to improve the mental health services within the NHS....

.... a week later funding is cut for mental health issues in NHS.

and people wonder why i am such a pessimist.