I'm new will someone talk to me


Dec 19, 1999
I signed up the other day and I've been trying to get some insight to some pills I have as you might have noticed. I've done E over 20 times and I can't figure these pills out, nothing that I've ever seen before. My friend saz that the are the SHIT, but I'm still apprehensive. No one I know has tried them yet. I'm saving them for New Years, I want to figure them out before so I can get some good pills before the millenium if they turn out to be bunk.
I am grateful to anyone who replies. Much Love and Respect to all of those who are oppressed!
The Mind Conjures Miracles Out of Time!
They look like 3-d circles or cylinders and pink. No name, no logo, nothin. Very small too, almost like Benadryl.
i wish i could help you with your pills but i cant, but if you go to the pill forum for you might find someone who has tried them or knows what they are. just helpin ya out
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
Try http://www.harmreduction.net/dancesafe/eresults.html , I haven't looked in a while, but it might be there. Best of luck

Meaker, if you know what they look like or what area they come from, try the "Search" link at the top right of the screen and just type in some keywords... Might be somebody in your area has had exactly the same pills and posted a report in the Pill reports section!
Good lukc!
[email protected]
"Can't say I'm lucky enough to know what love is" -- e_rep
Hey there I'm new too and wish people would reply also i just signed up the other day. I have never heard of thoses ones, can't help you out just thought i'd talk to ya.
Where are you at? We have had similar pills here in Jax Fla for 3 weeks now, small, kindof dark pink almost red, no score no stamp, hard pills.....well if it sounds the same, there very very good,,,,they take a while to come on, but they are very lovey, and very euphoric..the best I've had in a while. They are called red rockets here I think...you will definetly like them..let us know
Thanx to all who replied, much appreciated! Enerbunny, I think that they might be the same ones. My man travels to your area a lot and he might have picked them up there. I hope they are the same. thanx for the info.
See you on the flipside...
the mind conjures miracles out of time