• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Im in prison HMP HI eveyone

Hey mate, sorry to hear about your situation. There's some nice people here. Hopefully your keeping the head down in there doing your wack quiet and you've not much more time. I know what its like. Welcome.
I'm out of prison now this is my new account
Yeah It looks like the least prison-like prison!
Open type with daily jobs, education and sports like activities
Well that to me sound better than closed type mental institutions....but It is always
IN the eye of the beholder I guess so? Do tell...how long?, for what? How is it?
If you can't talk about those things while in there or as I saw this looks like the one where you can buy a phone ;-)
It took 8years to get to open prison for aggravated burglary it's shit and depression without PG I would let of got through it pal.and phones can be bought in any prison if you have the money
It took 8years to get to open prison for aggravated burglary it's shit and depression without PG I would let of got through it pal.and phones can be bought in any prison if you have the money
8 stretch. Fuckin hell man. That nearly equivalent to wack I've done on a few heavy snares in different countries. Don't go back man. Easy for me to say, but ya can't teach an old dog new tricks pal, myself included. I'm sure you understand what I'm implying? 8year is a lot of time to think about woulda/coulda/shouda ye get me
8 stretch. Fuckin hell man. That nearly equivalent to wack I've done on a few heavy snares in different countries. Don't go back man. Easy for me to say, but ya can't teach an old dog new tricks pal, myself included. I'm sure you understand what I'm implying? 8year is a lot of time to think about woulda/coulda/shouda ye get me
Yeah no more hard drugs for me , only bothered about PG don't even do MJ no more.

Trying to be as healthy as I can be but still with the odd little treat